unforgiven Gameforge
- Member since Jun 16th 2017
- Last Activity
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Rapier -
@unforgiven, since the beta is closed as well the beta forum, I would kindly ask you this...
Please ask the responible persons for FORUM to allow reading access to all threads. There are alot of usefull questions and answers here and many of us come back to refresh our memory or to search for certain things. Currently we can only access a direct thread if we see it's name in recent activity but we cannot "browse" the forum. All sections show no threads even if they still exists. Please ask to give us read permissions so we could still access the information here.
If you're not dirrectly in charge with this, please let me know to whom I should address this or kindly forward it to whom it may concern.
Thank you
roenny51 -
me puedes ayudar? Tengo un problema de conexión, cuando estoy ingresando al sistema me dice "nombre de cuenta y contraseñas incorrectos y ya sondé mi Internet y no es eso. ¿Qué puedo hacer?