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  • @Spark , is there any news about this matter? Has it been reported? It is an important topic for most of us

  • Kopyalama işlemi hala beklemedeyim.

    moses - - Archive


    burası ingiliz serverı. ingilizce yazman lazim.. guys he is asking about copying character..he is waiting since 20th of july.

  • So you believe us certainly I hope you report this problem and they will fix it asap. You should see me when I do razador 10 times reviving and 9 of them 1hit skill continuously

  • They both had 17 19 20k and 19k i think.. cant see they are all mixed up. So what do you mean? Isn't there a bug? warrior had same dmg in this video but in game people kill razador with warriors easily. In total they had around 80k dmg with 1 hit. You don't die in the video maybe u had 165461656516510 hp right? But we have around 28 30k mostly. (If you have excellent ds it is much more)

  • That's we are talking about. I play sura so I know just about it, not other characters. You got hit 25-33k from lemur prince, try this one with RAZADOR and you will see :). It will hit 30k or more without going to "berserk" mode. I mean you say if the bosses have less than %25 hp, it goes to berserk mode. But they even hit 1hit skill when they full hp. I hope they will fix this poblem and we will play like warriors. I don't want to change my character just for razador. I like playing sura

  • Yea, you say you believe in us but still oppose us. So many players say the same thing so there could be a problem right? Because of this 1 hit bug thing I don't do RAZADOR without power ring anymore. Because IT hits 1 hit skill everytime and I can kill razador with just ring. and You say it is the first time you hear about it. This game has many bugs and problems. Once fear had that bug which was about decreasing enemy damage. They fixed it after like 2-3 years maybe? Though people complained a…

  • When I do razador, I can take video from real server. But for the warrior I can't promise it. I mean I have to ask someone to take video.

  • I agree with you guys.. In normal server me and my friend killed Razador (I am 106 weaponry sura, he is 100 lvl body warrior), I had titan shield +9 and clear diamond with skill resistance. I died with this 1 hit bug so many times and couldn't hold razador on me. However my friend who hasn't titan shield just clear diamond, he held Razador on him. Finally we killed it. To sum up, body warrior didn't get extra or 1 hit bug damage but I did. He is 100 lvl warrior with 9 skill resistance. I am 106 …

  • empty account problem

    moses - - Archive


    Quote from Comkra: “Your character will transfer with the next MT. ” I copied my acc yesterday at 1pm with turkish time. But it didnt still work. 3pm MT and today 9am Mt passed.. when will it be copied?

  • Problems with the copy of my character

    moses - - Archive


    Same happens for me. I copied my acc yesterday at 1pm.. Game opened at 5pm with Turkish time, it didn't show up. It says at 9am - 3pm characters will be copied .. but it doesn't work


    moses - - Archive


    omg what a kid .. @Web i will translate to him. Dostum. Her gün sabah ve öglen bakımlar var ondan sonra çarın kopyalanır. Sabah 9 onlara göre ama bize göre 11 yada 12.