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  • Some last thoughts

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    Quote from GreekTerminator: “hahahahahh @GaarasamaGreekServer everything I m saying for the last few months and no one gives a shit. I agree in most of your points and FINALLY there is someone that talks about the armor reduce from Berserk. Literraly i hope you was incharge of the changes because everything you said in the last posts you made are 100% REASONABLE not like the NONSENSE RANDOM BUFFS-NERFS the company makes about the game. If i could add something is that all this piercing hit - cri…

  • If it was intended to not devalue items then the 10% crit chance from the items would be a SOLID 10%. They could (as they did) lower the Dragon's Aid. Thus instead of 51,3% (with 140 int) it will give around 27-28%. That is something that does not devalue items. Which means that 10% Crit will become much more valuable since it will be more difficult to reach that 100% crit chance because half of it was with the help of Dragon's Aid. I would recommend that Webzen gives this a really serious thoug…

  • I speak only for myself, i never had a problem of dying in a pvp with 1-2-3 skills (at 98% of the times). Crit chance in PVP is not overpowered for the skills. Good solution would be to nerf crit chance for hits (PVP) (<- done) BUT leave the crit chance from the items as it is (better solution -> prevents devaluation) and leave everything else untouched (PVE). Also check my edit. Quote: “ As a ninja for my level up to 120 i did not have a Lycan to exp me, i did it myself. And that was because fr…

  • Not it is not hard to prevent the devaluation of the items. Make the % of the items to count as it is. Look at it the other way. Let's say you devalued Halfhuman. That means that the players that used Halfhuman to pvp have their items devalued. But if there were players that did not priotirize Halfhuman to pvp BUT critical chance, piercing chance stun chance and other way to make one's dmg more efficient without relying on Halfhuman then they would not be nerfed. That means that you cannot have …

  • Some last thoughts

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    If a sura HAD (before the update) 50% AMR it would be reduced to 50% of the AMR he HAD. That means 50% -> 25%. So if the opponent HAD 50% Magic Resistance then it would be reduced by 25% meaning to 37,5%. After the update it will be the same as it is for ninjas and shamans. 50% -> 50% instead of 25% (for suras).

  • So it was <<SAID>> that our items will not lose their value and what is better than something else will stay better. Please tell us dear Webzen/GF members how our items with 10% Critical chance will be better than the items without Critical Chance. I do have Quilin Shoes +8 with 2k HP, 10% Crit, 5% Stun, 15% Arrow, 10% Sword. Obviously i use them for PVE. Tell me how this 10% (that converts to about 1-1,5% max Crit) Crit Chance is better than a shoe without 10% Crit. Because i may have used thou…

  • Quote from GamePriv: “Dear friend. Let's start with the costumes are not always available to buy, so a lot of things fall off. ” Yes dear friend, 10% HP absorb in costume. Nothing else .

  • Lycan can be a TANK too like WP. Have 50+ block AND Chance to Restore HP:…ry_Dragon_Jade_Soul_Stone or Actually any player can be a TANK with all the above. I have a ninja and i have 63% block, 95% magic res, 18 wind resistance and 22% HP absorb (and 0 chance to restore) and…

  • Some last thoughts

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “We try to keep our players happy with the amount of resources we have. Of course i understand that, but imo other matters might have/had more importance than some other matters. Regarding the INT with ninjas, it is a possibility = glass cannon OR having better resilience. It is up to the user to choose. I don't think that anyone wants to be a glass cannon. I think that only weak characters that are K.Oed with 1-2 skills from any and every characters no matter who they are…

  • Some last thoughts

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    this Lagging issues / Clientlaggs Quote from unforgiven: “Hello GaarasamaGreekServer, I will just point out that many things that players request are just not possible or too complicated to happen. We do not live with infinite resources, hence there we have to have priorities and establish the real possibilities. You are also forgetting that the vision for the game is shared between players and the company which makes the game, it is not only from player NOR from the company. Of course the recou…


    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    I understand what you say @GamePriv. Check out this post Some last thoughts that i wrote about all the players, because balance should be equal to all the players and not only the lycan. Your main point is the lycans and the shamans. Give your thoughts to my post if you like. I totally agree up to some points from your post. Especially here Quote: “ I will write shortly, but I hope the administration will draw conclusions. If something has already been done once, it should not change for the wor…

  • Some last thoughts

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    Since you said that the beta is in it's last steps then give this post a look. What you should give a change are the below. For a body warrior you should fix it's berserker. Reduce the P dmg from 33% to 10-15% (actually on P the damage should be canceld because he has a complete mastery of the skill so he should be able to avoid the dmg but oh well). Also negate the cap of attack speed for the warrior, because he is a frigging warrior. For a mental warrior you should fix the dmg he gets with Str…

  • What i would like more is for the tradeable Bravery Capes to become stackable like the non-tradeable Bravery Capes.

  • Some thoughts.

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    Quote from rodrigorbg: “The lvl 105 Weapon with AVG not being a direct upgrade from Poison +9 is absolutely AMAZING ” It is a double edge sword. On one hand it is good because it will not be that easy to get and they will take time to develop. On the other hand, there are many many many players that have used way too many hundeds of euros to make the poison swords they have (~50+ avg). That is because there have been many many many times that we the players have proposed to make new avg weapons …

  • It is known that from earrings we do not get the third bonus since it is not written in the bonuses we get from the three emerald slots. (neither in the game nor in the wiki)

  • Stats mount/horse BUG

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    I have literally told you the same thing... I even explained it. <<Edit: In other words from you character stats you have like 16 vit and you go to 37 (from equip and alchemy), so from 16 -> 36 with mount, you go from 37 (unmounted with equipment and alchemy) to 57 (mounted with equipment and alchemy).>>

  • Stats mount/horse BUG

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    You also get vit from alchemy. Maybe you are forgetting something ? Try it without any equipment.

  • Stats mount/horse BUG

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    Here you can see that the stats change when you mount because if you have horse 21 lvl then you get vit 36 int 18 str 53 dex 71, so that means if you have a stat less than what is written in this sentence then it increases to what i gave written if you mount on your horse/or any mount that you use. And i think that you already have some vit from your equipment so the 36 vit goes to 57. You can check it without any equipment or alchemy and see if i am right (i think i am). Edit: In other words fr…

  • Perfect Balance

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    @unforgiven can you look at my idea and give your thought ? I am talking about this post Perfect Balance Also i agree with @unforgiven that because another company decides to do something, that doesn't mean it has to apply to GF/Webzen even if it would be to our favor, we cannot demand it. If you want it then you are playing the wrong game...

  • Quote from RabbitRun: “Yea 180 int, Blessing gives then above 60%. Nice. Just give 2 stats half the points and problem solved ” If that is your problem (because that is not a valid negative opinion, based ONLY on one skill) then they can lower a bit the blessing to keep it in the same percent and problem solved like you said :). With these two ideas many problems will be solved. Look at the bigger picture and not only on blessing.