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  • Shaman balancing

    Rapier - - Archive


    On this I totally agree with you, I am in the same situation as I said somewhere else. My Heavens Tear bracelety has just lost it's value, my shoes the same and so on

  • Shaman balancing

    Rapier - - Archive


    Yes, but if you already have full HH on all items, that extra crit chance will give you an extra 10% damage over anyone else that doesn't have it. Yes it is a very small amount but it'll be and you already have the crit bonuses on the gear (otherwise I won't see a reason for complain)

  • Biggest lie of the new update

    Rapier - - Archive


    I would say only this...critical chance was considered an important bonus in both PvP and one of the best PvP bracelets for general fights is the Heavens Tear. I have one with 2000 HP, 10 half human, 15% magic rezistance, 3% piercing chance and 3% damage absorbed by HP. That is a very expensive item, or at least it was. Now, as critical doesn't mean so much, a White Gold Bracelet with 10 halfhuman, 15% magic rezistance and 10 piercing for ex is much more valuable. See how just by changin…

  • Some last thoughts

    Rapier - - Archive


    Sparrow, the effect of AMR stones was half from what was written on them for suras. So a stone had 25% AMR but for sura the effect was 12.5%. Now they have undone that change and AMR stones have same value for sura as for other chars ...25% (50% if you have 2 of them)

  • Some last thoughts

    Rapier - - Archive


    Quote from angelyna24: “Quote from LionKing: “The ideea with the buffs other characters if you are not in a party was a great thing .Many people will argue me but to many Kyds level 35+farmers in red forest with they buff come there to kill metins if i was in the place of Webzen i put restriction level on each map after they are 35 level and kill metins 80+ they have nerve to insult you,swear you .Many tricky players who say on Global Chat "Drop thief gloves in red forest only for 20kk PM ME FAS…

  • Shaman balancing

    Rapier - - Archive


    I was joking. It's a game c'mon, the differences you are talking about will still exist. Just that the game devs wanted to focus the PvP on the strategy and group play more than individual combat. This is how they see it and you may or may not agree but in the end this is how it'll be implemented. We have to adapt to the new changes that's all. The ones in the "big league" will still be in that league and will still deal signifficant damage compared with the other players. Nobody said that if yo…

  • Shaman balancing

    Rapier - - Archive


    Just that the game is called Metin2 not Mortal Webzen decided that's not the way they see the fights. Just sayin...

  • Shaman balancing

    Rapier - - Archive


    Quote from Ponze: “...But you can go far away if you want and destroy the healers if they come ^^. ” That's a theoretical strategy and so anyone could also say "lure the enemies away from their kingdom so they're not protected by the safe zone"....but in a real world situation this does not happen. Why? because they will simply won't follow or won't come out from the safe zone. They will just sit there (and their mates close to them in the proximity to benefit from cure) and won't fight. So the …

  • Shaman balancing

    Rapier - - Archive


    The part with cure from a healer in the safe zone could be a tricky one indeed. Especially now when the trend is to deal less damage than before (globally speaking). As we were told, one of the points of this ballancing was to give more importance to group play and strategy and stopping the "one-hit-kill-all" strategy adopted by some OP classes like Mental Warriors or Lycans (especially when used in conjunction with the so called "power mount bug"). That means that, after update, as we also expe…

  • Shaman balancing

    Rapier - - Archive


    @Ponze, as I see the beta is closed so we can't test anymore at all, regardless of the country.

  • Shaman balancing

    Rapier - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “And you will deal x2 against monsters.... ” Quote from Apollykan: “A thing that i dont yet understand, will the critical hits/skill will be double damage like before on pve? ” Based on what unforgiven said above...yes you will have criticals like 2x normal damage in PvM. Only in PvP crit damage was decreased

  • Shaman balancing

    Rapier - - Archive


    The only reason for which some would mind about that critical in PvP would be that you WILL STILL deal some extra damage with a crit compared to a non crit hit/skill. That is, when fighting, especially now when the global damage has been reduced so we won't see records of 300k+ damages or damages during a fight of 40k+ and things like that, now as I said it might be that some players will try to squeeze as much damage as possible from their curent gear even if that extra is just 2k...that will m…

  • Shaman balancing

    Rapier - - Archive


    nUnles the 100% is not the TOTAL chance of crit/piercing, but is an ADDED chance instead. Like you have the "base chance" say n% and on that the items, buffs, whatever gives you additional nn% chance reported to that "base chance". That is, if we have a 20% "base chance" for ex, having extra 100% means we have extra 100% from 20% so we'll end up with a total 40% crit/piercing chance for the char. But that was calculated considering a 20% base chance that could be totally wrong and the real chanc…

  • Shaman balancing

    Rapier - - Archive


    It is unclear what 100% piercing or crit chance means BUT it should be like this..100% means you should have a 100% chance to land a critical/piercing hit on all targets les than or equal to your character lvl. 1 from 20 means 5% chance not 100% (if you made the test on a lower level target)

  • [Feedback]Bug fixing EN

    Rapier - - Archive


    Maybe my English is not so good so I couldn't explain well. There is a bug that INCREASE your damage if you put away your Khan/Porkie and take it out again. Say you are using marble and have your Khan ok? And deal 10k damage per hit....then you just put away your Khan and then take it out again. You should have the same damage right? Because nothing is changed, same items, you're still using marble and so on...ok you have bigger damage this time, like 17k instead of 10k. This is the bug. You sho…

  • [Archer] Long skill animation

    Rapier - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Just FYI, we will let Archers use Spark AND feather walk with Daggers, Swords or Bows. ” WOW...well that is...unexpected but highly appreciated by all archers. Kudos to you @unforgiven for taking our words to the right people...and thank you Webzen and GF for understanding our needs. Our pledge was not in vain after all

  • [Feedback]Bug fixing EN

    Rapier - - Archive


    Quote from GamePriv: “Quote from ketchup: “3.likans can still deal more damage using crimson on polimorph marble after switching on/off khan or porkie seal, when suras and warriors cant do it . ” Hahahaha Mental can use a strong body in marble. Sura can use fear and armor in the mammoth. This is not a mistake. Crimson is a natural buff. ” I think you did not understood...the BUG was not that is dealing more damage while using Crimson Soul Buff is dealing more damage AFTER switching on/off …

  • Can't play with Avast

    Rapier - - Archive


    I can confirm this, I am Bitdefender Gold Partner and I was raising this issue to Bitdefender several months ago. There was a new module called Advanced Threat Defence introduced along with Bitdefender 2018 suite that was giving the issue. Till that was solved, only option was to deactivate the module before launching Metin2. Another option is to exclude the game from the AV but that's a tricky thing to do...for ex in Bitdefender this is not possible . Why? Because the main game file is not an e…

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    Rapier - - Archive


    Quote from angelyna24: “Quote from Rapier: “Quote from angelyna24: “...This game is about solo not party and most of players play alone... ” No. This is your choice to play solo. Maybe what Webzen wanted with these updates was to increase the role of party play, strategy and so on. There is currently too much individualism in this game and most of the activities here requires group effort and coordination. This is the trend I see in every new implementation...Meley's Lair, the Enchanted Forest a…

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    Rapier - - Archive


    Quote from angelyna24: “...This game is about solo not party and most of players play alone... ” No. This is your choice to play solo. Maybe what Webzen wanted with these updates was to increase the role of party play, strategy and so on. There is currently too much individualism in this game and most of the activities here requires group effort and coordination. This is the trend I see in every new implementation...Meley's Lair, the Enchanted Forest and the ways you could lvl up there in a part…