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  • [Feedback]Bug fixing EN

    Ririko - - Archive


    When female shaman is wearing black or dragon clothing, you can see that her panties are going through the clothing. I don't know if it's on every language version as I play on polish.

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    Ririko - - Archive


    I think all everyone is trying to say that this bonus to bells for dragons and fans for healers is a wrong idea as well as reducion of buffs, its that simple. All the other changes for skills are great.

  • Shaman balancing

    Ririko - - Archive


    I just wanted to say that it is so ignorant to make people spend lots of money on new weapons and ditch their current ones. I mean how many people have pvp bells? Probably not a lot. I don't like this change as I've recently bought fan for 90lv and I spent plenty of money on it and now I hear that the damage from it is going to be weaker than from a bell.. It is better to leave things as they are now or give a boost to bells and fans.