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  • Demon Tower

    BioTrue23 - - General Feedback


    I have seen a couple of posts on STOMT that have people asking to make upgrades to the demon tower. This is a fantastic idea. On certain private servers they have the blue death boss after the reaper. I would be in favor of having more floors inside the demon tower and have a new boss or even bring the blue death as the boss there. There could even be a second blacksmith farther up before the other boss. I feel that many players would appreciate the demon tower more and it would create more pvp …


    BioTrue23 - - General Feedback


    Beran Setou has been super nerfed for a long time, As the person mentioned on his server 75's are soloing the dragon. This is not what the game is supposed to be about. The whole point of a high level boss is that we need teamwork and a team to kill him. I agree that they should buff beran setou and I would also be in favor of having a cooldown time for the person that killed him. For example if i kill the dragon, then I cant go back to the dragons lair for 24 hours. This will help the players g…