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  • Letzte meinung zu dieser Beta

    Erandur - - Archive


    Quote from badidol: “Wer erwartet, dass Balancing bedeutet, dass jeder dasselbe kann und jeder gleich toll ist, der erwartet halt auch leider schlicht und ergreifend etwas völlig Absurdes. ” ist das nicht eigentlich genau das was ein "Balancing" machen soll? oder möglichst nahe hingkommen soll? :3 Metin ist eigentlich nicht so unglaublich kaputt als dass man riesige Änderungen bräuchte, kleine Anpassungen in alle Richtungen würden die gröbsten Probleme schon richten, man könnte da anfangen, eben…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    Erandur - - Archive


    i didn't write in the shaman threads because there are many players wo defend the rights of shamans here is the sura thread and a sura is in sd2 imba (/imbalanced = needs a balance :O), but above 95 it become more weaker with every update the dragon tooth blade is maybe better for dispel, the other 2 skills are better with rune sword, as well as normal hits. dispel is no player-killer Ô.o a ninja is worser in pvm than Weapon sura? mhh sure it have a lower deff, sura has 2 skills only for pvm def…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    Erandur - - Archive


    you say the warrior is better, i want an improvement, too but what does that have to do with the declaration if the weapon sura should be a tank or not?

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    Erandur - - Archive


    the only class with 2 devensife skills... lower attack from weapons like all other classes... can stand like no one else between mass of mobs... who else is a tank? mental warrior? many people call suras tank. and i see, masu has the highest pvp dev., wasu the highest in groups. if you want to call him damage dealer, okay Ô.o even a ninja can do a higher damage on ground. My highest char is a weapon sura, if all the others lay on the ground, i was still standing (not much longer, but still longe…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    Erandur - - Archive


    and i say, pvp balance goes in two directions devensife and damage to give a tank more dmg... would make the chars more equal, and this is boring <.< so i want enchanted armour for pvp/skill damage reduciton o.o

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    Erandur - - Archive


    fear is good, if this needed an update, blessing needs it to, but after that both will have a imba pvp AND pvm skill sorry we have to be a litte fair, that would be too strong, why don't take the "worst" skill and give it the necessary strengh to make it more balanced? one sayes we want less damage, the other one wants the tank to deal more damge... in pvp is the weapon sura very weak against 6 chars, he can kill body warriors and lycans (remember, even with dispel they have one skill more, so t…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    Erandur - - Archive


    no ideas here mhh page 2, no one ist interested in this: Quote: “it is said the sura is a tank Char... in PvP he dies as fast as all the others. Okay he is a PvM Char, but wich tank dies faster than damagedealer-warriors at bosses? what if we make weapon suras more to the tank he should be? Enchanted armour is a kind of useless defensive skill: -we delete reflect (=> a little lower dmg) -give him ~10-15% damage reduction (pvp and pvm, normal hits and skills) -reduce his own dmg about 10% (like t…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    Erandur - - Archive


    it is said the sura is a tank Char... in PvP he dies as fast as all the others. Okay he is a PvM Char, but wich tank dies faster than damagedealer-warriors at bosses? what if we make weapon suras more to the tank he should be? Enchanted armour is a kind of useless defensive skill: -we delete reflect (=> a little lower dmg) -give him ~10-15% damage reduction (pvp and pvm, normal hits and skills) -reduce his own dmg about 10% (like the negative skills in beserk and indigo wolf soul) with that skil…

  • lass das bitte nicht in persönliches ausarten <.< meine größte Befürchtung mit dem ganzen ist einfach, dass sämtliche Chars immer weiter vereinheitlicht werden, für eine Balance ist das ja gut, aber es ist die große Kunst unterschiedliche Grundbedingungen zu einem passenden Gesamtbild zu vereinen, deshalb warum man welchen Char spielt: Krieger= allrounder, KK schlägt schnell, wenn man sich daran gewöhnt hat will man nicht mehr weg, Mento steht Pvm anfangs gut, und später hat man einen Starken Pv…

  • von diesen 800 geht aber einiges weg um den niedrigeren Aw auszugleichen den man durch Waffen bekommt, gegenüber Kriegern mit dem neuen Schwert ~350, was einen Bonus von 450 bringt... Der Sura hat einen geringeren Waffen Aw, und braucht dadurch mehr eigen push, das selbe wird aktuell beim Lykaner erzählt, niedrigerer Waffen-grundaw dafür muss Purpur einen vernünftigen Wert geben, der Sura hat bisher theoretisch eine bessere Waffe gehabt, profitiert davon aber weniger als andere. Wasus sind nicht…

  • ich war eigentlich auch recht überrascht wie stark mein Wasu doch eigentlich war, obwohl ich nie besonderen Wert auf Pvp gelegt hab, rein vom aufgedruckten Angriffswert ist Fingerschlag eigentlich auch nicht zu verachten, aber mit nur 2,5 Dmg Skills ist man auf Schlagschaden angewiesen, gegen schlag-chars wie Kk braucht man ohne Za nicht antreten, bei gleichen Voraussetzungen. Ich hatte auch schon Mentos die mich mit unglaublich schlechterem Eq in den Boden Stampfen konnten ich versteh aber auch…

  • Quote from DerMagi: “Mal davon abgesehen. Wenn ich 100% kritchance hab, auch wenn es chance heißt, 100%sind nun mal 100%, dann will ich auch jeden schlag treffen. Sollte man das jetzt wirklich reduzieren wollen, ist das namentlich mehr als verarsche. ” das hab ich jetzt auch schon ein paar mal gelesen... Als es im deutschen Forum um den nicht komplett angerechneten HM wert für Waffensura ging nannten das manche auch Betrug, man bekommt keine 10% obwohl 10% draufsteht da hat man laut geschrien es…

  • More damage with fan? Give us more fans.

    Erandur - - Archive


    i think it is an interesting idea, the blade ninja has a similar calculation with swords and daggers skills in pvm will be more effectely for a dragon shaman, the heal shaman... hm... maybe will never be the big pvm player. As it really will be, we have to test a fan on horse is no good idea, so the healer needs a pvm bell, i think this is not what the developers want with this change the biggest problem on this modification are the existing fans and bells, a fan change item into bells and the o…

  • Buffs changes

    Erandur - - Archive


    mhh Shaman is nice to handle, i hope it wil be this in future too Blessing last longer than Dragion's Aid, i want to use it at the same time, the cooldown should be similar i fear about the function to buff someone who isn't in your group, it sounds like it will work as the same as indigo wolf soul...

  • Critical hit changes??

    Erandur - - Archive


    The proposed value seems very low, and if it will be like this, it is to low, less than 50% of the value today i can't accept too but we didn't see it ingame there are many ways to bring this into order, the bosses coud be weaker... (i know, the chance for that ist realy low ) Reducing the ammount of Dmg a Critical hit gives you is nearly the same to reduce the chance of crit... the monsters could work with "Resistance against critical hits" maybe this would easyer to accept but the result is th…

  • Critical hit changes??

    Erandur - - Archive


    only 14 in the Bracelet, as Weapon-Sura I use the 54 earrings, so i am at 70% in the Equimtent, my Buff gives me 47% (if someone plays a Dragon Shaman he had to use other things, but he needs every Dmg he can get <.<) with "Critical Strike" and a good Red Dew we can get 40% extra, these Items are a kind of useless at some point Anyways, thats no problem things like Alchemy and all the others gives double DMG because of Crit... Equiment-Objects aren't possible to remove at this point on the game,…

  • Critical hit changes??

    Erandur - - Archive


    to reduce critical Hits is not that bad, sure no one want to lose DMG but we have too much DMG in this game, it is possible to have more than 100% crit, with this high base-attack it's to powerfull in my opinion. maybe the "new" crit is to low... let's test it ;D