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  • Feedback 18.4

    MoiseRomania - - Feedback EN


    Quote from Olthir: “Quote from DontMakeUsAngry: “Game has got a lot of bugs and firstly you should fix them. For now update is unnecessary and this update only makes things harder and players will give up the game( also gameforge lose money sad but true ) ” Tell me: what are the major bugs you are talking about? ” blue potions on auto hunting slots are used for nothing even the procent is 10% set, lykans who continue polimorph with red wolf soul, bugs with instances where is posible go in with a…

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    MoiseRomania - - Feedback: 18.4


    Enkida, I agree with you, a rezistance keep us alive when we are sorounded by multiple mobs. So the rezistance must remain the same. In fact a shaman or other "bad in PvE" class should rezist alone wherever he go. As you said, at a metin stone in forest you got some troubles and this is not fair.i'm a shaman as well,but i don't like to beg for help or mercy from other "dmg classes"

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    MoiseRomania - - Feedback: 18.4


    i dont agree with you. Now i'm a dragon shaman like you and i don't stay like you or others. In one spot to press bless and other buff and let dmg classes to do rest of runs. Go learn how to play. Learn mechanics learn gameplay and start playing not just talking and press buffs. After this you will see something, everyone will see you like a true player not a simple buffer or support account. No hate, i know you from youtube, good account , big investment but a low elo player on it. One more thi…

  • Feedback 18.4

    MoiseRomania - - Feedback EN


    I don't agree with this version. I belive that a rezistance must remain the same, cause in my case it's the only way to pvm with a dragon shaman . And other caracters will have same troubles in this part of game. Except weaponary suras or warriors other caracters can't even farm in forest or grotto without rezistance. In dungeons we are allready a bit useless cause we dont have so much dmg like a phisical caracters, if we die after every single meley/hydra/jotun thrym atacks it is a nonsense. Wi…