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  • Quote from SkyRiM: “There's a lot of solutions but gameforge wants to increase it's income . My opinion is to use two excellent alchemy into a new one with a random outcome as the normal evolution. ” it's the same thing i said in other post, and for me gf doing in this way, can increase it's income better than doing the mythic alchemy how the legendary alchemy,because the player must invest first in the excellent leggendary stone and then in the mytic... Sorry for my bad english

  • another possibile option is, you can get the mytich alchemy only with legendary excellent stones, and maybe this is the best solution...

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    robgor95 - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Didi: “Quote from GamePriv: “Hi Didi. I am sorry but I can not agree with you completely. The fact that the game should give pleasure. However, you can not spoil something that was done, because people under the current immune status began to prepare their equipment. Many changes went into the preparation of current resistances. Resistance should not be changed. In the same way with alchemy, many people have spent a lot of time, yangs, many bosses minted to earn alchemy. Change of res…