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  • Alchemy

    Noname12 - - Feedback: 18.4


    18.4 No

  • Voting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Noname12 - - Feedback: 18.4



  • Add to my words There is a bird with a resistance skill of 10% I forgot his name, which means 99% skills. Edit Salsie: lowered font size and moved to the right direction

  • What is the purpose of the Shoes, Armors,helmets, earrings, necklaces with the new update !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's count together to see my opinion and you can see it by yourself. 115 +9 Armor %5Resistant skills,Ocean shoes+9 12% Resistant skills. earrings+8 8%Resistant skill, helmets 10% Resistant skill, Titan Shield+9 10%Resistant skills, Dragon Bone Bracelet 15% Resistant skills. Last one is the new Alchemy 29 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Resistant skill??????????????????!?!?!?!?!?!!?!!?!?! 5%+ 12% +8% +…

  • Dragon Stone Alchemy

    Noname12 - - Feedback: 18.4


    Hello everyone, what do you think about this update on ALCHEMY. I have been working since four years and I almost done.. then they change the legendary raw to another ? If they did this update I will leave the game and many people will do that.