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  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Quote from reveina: “I don't care your biased comments. ” You're making lists about which characters are strongest in pvp? That is not biased or what? Quote from Yudo: “6. body warior ( 2 hands / 1 hands) ” A body warrior can't switch between weapons during a fight (aura of the sword), I'd personnaly rank weapon sura above body warriors for pvp but that's just my opinion. Quote from Yudo: “1. Lycan (the famous claw bonus --> that nobody has without buying/switch a complete stuff) ” I don't under…

  • Quote from unforgiven: “Having more than 2 players doing a boss is a necessity because of this. ” Yet a body warrior can do it? Need some explanation about this.

  • Lycan Characters Shoots Very Low

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Saying that it's not that bad as expected does not imply that it's a good change or a even a bad change. Although everyone meant it's still bad (which was more than obvious)

  • Scarlet Soul, duration in ruin

    jeroenado - - Archive


    since my last post was removed, gonna tell this to you again without the swearing words like 'poop' and the f words in it and without the gameforge parts. 90 seconds is still terrible for a skill that you HAVE TO use int equipment with, to actually notice an AVERAGE change on your damage. These new changes are still not better, they are worse! Especially for shamans. THE SKILLS OF THE CHARACTERS HAVE NEVER BEEN A BIG GAME BREAKING PROBLEM, WHAT YOU ARE DOING NOW IS DESTROYING YOUR FREE TO PLAY A…

  • Shaman balancing

    jeroenado - - Archive


    You can't even stay on-topic yourselves, but hey I still tested it you want balance but a korean who has no idea what's going on in our servers has to fix the things, and you communicate once in a week? removing my posts won't help, just ban me on forums if you want, but I could stay on topic at least (which is 'balancing').

  • Shaman balancing

    jeroenado - - Archive


    wahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahha I knew you would stalk me again, 1/ that character is not lv 84 2/ I play at home with my brother and at my own place, you **** 3/ I never play with my own characters on that adress but at my own place, so goodluck stalking me

  • Shaman balancing

    jeroenado - - Archive


    I did test it..

  • Shaman balancing

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Ye that extra damage on the skills while using bells is really making much of a difference, and these nerfs to the buffs are barely noticable. (sarcasm)

  • Quote from Calm: “@jeroenado is it better like this ? ” not that bad as expected*

  • I didn't see anyone saying that it is 'not bad at all' apart from trolls etc. They said that it's not that bad as they expected it would be, so YOU can't conclude anything at all now. If they put crimson to +100 attack and you'll only see a difference like 20-30% in your TOTAL damage, then still you'll have damage, but also it's not gonna be a big deal on total. The only thing you can conclude out of this is that the skills of the characters in pvm aren't that much of a game breaking problem(in …

  • The damage nerf may not seem 'that bad' to some (still doesn't seem good at all to me), but you are only comparing your 'original damage with crimson' versus your 'new damage with crimson' ! You also got to ask yourselves, is it still that "worth" to have this skill? And this is what bothers me the most I think that crimson should be a bit the 'main' skill of this character. Quote from Testreg: “Breath: beta 19.9-21.2k / live 19.5-20.2k ” I think something weird happened there for you

  • Quote from pelosona666: “Regarding the damage, I think the nerf is fair. 15-20% may seem a lot, but it's not really a big deal. Lycan has still a faster PvE clearspeed than most of the other classes. The real big deal about Lycan, that brought to the nerf we have here, is that it was an outright broken character, especially in PvP, even if you had full specific defense against it (and that's also "our" fault, us guys who in the Lycan's beta whined about Lycan's pitiful damage, they listened to u…

  • Quote from meh: “when I was still playing. ” Yet you're not giving any good arguments for a lycan nerf (a lack of claw defs on SOME bosses is not due to the character but to your system) Too high attack value? you know how much a lycan hit on horse without pets/alch/other crap & not too much int on lv 75 (35 avg weapons and P skills)? maybe 4k with a crit, a warrior with same shit deals 3.5k with a crit! Such imbalance I've never seen before in my life! :O you are crying for a lycan change witho…

  • Quote from meh: “We’re talking about Character/Skill Design. Stop making it about the Itemshop again. It doesn’t matter if we were to remove Itemshop Stuff as long as the Character Design itself is broken/in bad Shape. ” This character is in NOT broken or in a bad shape, the only thing that is in a bad shape is how it looks in game and the auto attack animation xD. It's not because something is more than another that it's broken. Mental's ssw deals more than any other skills? Is it broken? No. I…

  • So you'd rather nerf a free to play aspect than a pay to play aspect (just an example: removing khans/porkys/.. from the game or just make it like you can't use whelps in boss runs)? it's only fking to players like me who are on an almost dead server.

  • Quote from meh: “Let's be real. Many Players started with the Lycan because they realized what enormous Amount of Damage it deals. Over Years the Lycan had Advantage over Advantage. Missing Clawdefense on Boses etc. you name it. Now it got a Change. In my Eyes it’s a needed Change, and People just have to learn to play with it, you will still be able to Solo Bosses, not as easy as you used to be, but that shouldn’t be the case in the first Place. ” Hi again I respect your opinion, yet I cannot a…

  • I've said this in another post. Even with the equipment problem, on the new servers warriors and suras are still more popular than lycans.

  • Quote from meh: “We could go on and on about Damage Comparisons, but my Point is. The Lycan is no where near "dead" "ruined" "unplayable" "nerfed to death" or whatever People have been telling me since the last 7 Days. It got a nerf, like it was supposed to be and it's not like we're about to ruin the Lycan. ” Ok some of the reactions were more than exaggerated, but note that this character even with its high damage on horse, is still a rather unpopular character. Nerfing it like this is too muc…

  • Quote from Yemon: “I also would like to know how the nerf effects the low level. Has some one a low level Lycan who can do the same test like my first one ? ” I can't upload videos that fast but I have a lv 35 lycan copied (for you) to the beta server now: on horse (no mount), no pets, 28avg+9 lv30 claws, no alch, only 97int, so just basic equipment ; on a lv35 metin: without crimson: 363 damage with crimson live: 847 damage (crimson G6 gives +495) with crimson beta: 673 damage (crimson G6 gives…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Quote from CantBuffU: “Hey, i don't mean to be harsh but weapon sura its best on pvm ” Yes I was just saying that they are not always THE best in terms of damage