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  • Increased damage from bosses

    Kr8g (Tortuga PL) - - Archive


    Unforgiven please comment it.

  • Increased damage from bosses

    Kr8g (Tortuga PL) - - Archive


    I asked my friend (lycan) how much razador are beating him. Turned out, that he has 28 skill resistance and i have 30% + dark protection. We pluck the same from razador. It's very interesting.

  • Increased damage from bosses

    Kr8g (Tortuga PL) - - Archive


    I checked damage out on razador and nothing changed. Second thing on forum of my country everybody talk about more powerfull monsters.

  • Increased damage from bosses

    Kr8g (Tortuga PL) - - Archive


    Quote from voyteksl: “I think they only increased the damage for warrior bodys and sura weaponries. They balanced Pvm by making thoes classes much weaker ” I play sura BM and i was asking some warriors and they didn't notice, that something has change.

  • Increased damage from bosses

    Kr8g (Tortuga PL) - - Archive


    Thank You for remove 4x dmg from bosses, but why are You increased basic damage. For examle from 3-5k - 5k dmg to 5k - 6.5k on razador?

  • Quote from unforgiven: “The 4x hits have been removed for ALL characters. The high damage that bosses sometimes can do are a normal process of the game. Warriors also get this. ” If it works, i and all of characters (without warriors :d) are thankful.

  • Unforgiven please comment it.

  • Quote from Iushin: “ - While on this subject, I wouldn't say that magic dmg should be increased so magic chars can one shot kill but there is point that magic chars do no excel in pvm. I do not see that some magic char can take a boss solo or full rooms of monsters so it would be logical that these chars dominate pvp and damages in it. Since this is not gonna happen it would be nice to see that magic chars have some area in pvm where actually magic dmg is advantage. For example Nemere could have…

  • Quote from unforgiven: “Sometimes the boss dealing 40k Is normal. Regarding dealing 4x high damage this is not and has been solved. ” Come on, we go back to the beginning... So, tell me why warriors don't get that damage?

  • Quote from unforgiven: “If the damage from Magic Classes would be increase much further they would be able to one shot anything in PvP even though they wouldn't be the best in PvE. This is not balancing and everything is connected. ” If You want real balansing, do skill increase atack value and skill increase deffense all of characters...

  • No, normal dmg 10-15k in one skill and sometimes 4x more in same hit. I had about 50% skill resistance with dark protection that's why so small normal damage from razador. It concerns all of bosses from new maps 90+. I give You a few examples: 2:17 0:23 0:49, 1:37, 3:09, 4:14, 5:42, 6:47 0:26, 3:31

  • Why so quiet in this thread? It's very important thing. I say one more time, that because of this i sometimes don't kill the razador. It hit me 10-15k on less than 25% hp and suddenly 40k. I was fallen over and in this time poison left. Situations like that spoil comfort of a game.

  • Of course 1:1 is too much, but certainly it won't be the same damage with my solution.

  • Okey, i approve that change, but still not enougt. In my opinion although 40% of dragon help be good for another players and old value to yourself. One thing is unacceptable, using skills only in party. I can't imagine this in the future.

  • So?

  • 16% help and 41% blessing with 140 int it's not funny. Why are You doing something with this? That concers all of classes. I skip what you've done with critical hit, but it's very important part of game. Shaman needs boost from yourself buffs, but it must be proportional. And finally players must using buff without party, which is only 8 characters. Many people have 55 level character to V3 or DT and buff 100+. Buffs are necessary in this situation. Another example when we are fighting with some…

  • Please answer me why?

    Kr8g (Tortuga PL) - - Archive


    I agree, that purpure is too weak now, but "Now likan can not beat the boss" is only cry. Other people can kill bosses another classes than body, lycan, weapon.

  • Converter damage is not fair for magic classes. For examle in ruby we have 20 times more attack value than magic value from diamond, but on skills of physical classes work both stones. It's much more things like this: blue dew, value from party, value from healing shaman etc. I don't suprised, that records of magic classes are 2 times weaker. Second thing is costume of weapon and bonuses. WHY IN WEAPON ARE BONUSES WITH RESISTANCE? That's not fair to physical classes. As the name suggests it's WE…