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  • Devil's Catacomb Discussion

    BlueRay - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from BlueShade: “Quote from KrazeeDuck: “You're just salty because someone earn more with less effort than you. ” Again, I don't mean to be rude (or at least, I'm trying not to :D) but this is the classical argumentation of yang sellers. And it's "thanks" to this opportunistic way of playing (and reasoning) that things won't change. By the way, I'm not salty at all - you actually can earn much more (and way faster!) by playing actively and you don't even need to pay for auto-hunt nor for k…

  • Devil's Catacomb Discussion

    BlueRay - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from aha15: “Quote from DosPee: “You don't even know the true Yang numbers so stop lying. ” Unfortunately, you are saying empty words onlyYou can login to my server and I will prove to you So do not try to change the subject that seems to be sensitive to you. ” Sorry man, unless our servers are differente, yesterday I tested and in 8 hours with 80% yang drop + cash shop double coin item I made exactly 37kk with a level 79 character, I'm still missing the yang from the pet but I don't think…

  • Devil's Catacomb Discussion

    BlueRay - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from danielc25: “Quote from BlueShade: “Funny fact, people exploiting Beran Setaou and Devil Catacombs still keeps selling yang and are still there. ” I feel that the most unfair situation is when a player kills the dragon alone, then goes back and keeps on killing it over and over again, without give other people a chance to go. I believe that a player should have a cool down period lets say for example 8 hours before they can go kill the dragon again. I also feel that the dragon needs to…

  • Devil's Catacomb Discussion

    BlueRay - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from BlueShade: “On our servers is illegal the mere fact of selling yang for euros. Every 30mins an in-game message appears, remembering players that selling yang for euros might cause ban. Funny fact, people exploiting Beran Setaou and Devil Catacombs still keeps selling yang and are still there. ” Everybody knows that, yet they still do it. The only reason why those type of off game deals thrive, is because the game is simply not as appealling as it used to be. Nothing we players can do …

  • Devil's Catacomb Discussion

    BlueRay - - Feedback: 18.4


    I don't get all the fuss about catacombs and yang, why is it so bad? I mean, if you really want, make a character, buy a voucher or a pay safe card and start farming. It’s not restricted to a few players, everybody can use the system if they really want to. Let me go ahead and spoil you, they won't remove the yang drop. Want to know why? Players would stop buying auto hunt, third hand, lucky coin and the ring to prevent XP gain. Just like that, hundreds of people stop buying that amount of coins…

  • Protection of Darkness

    BlueRay - - Archive


    Quote from BestPvP60moinsFrMec: “No change not this skillit is not abused ” Clearly not a BM sura speaking... 33% damage ridiculously powerful, that with only 1 point is mockingly broken, and yet magic characters still get anti magic stones no wonder pvp is basically only lycan/magic characters lately.

  • Bulwark

    BlueRay - - Archive


    Hi, why is it so hard to get a bulwark book? I opened about 200 book chests before I got 1, no wonder those books cost 3kkk in my server, don't you think the chance to get it is too small? Meanwhile I got a TON of spiritualism books which are utterly useless, just why?

  • New armours and weapons

    BlueRay - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “No one said skill or normal hits, I said "damage". The full output. Let us keep this at the same level. Regarding needing more damage, in DPS, most of the other classes are still lower than Warrior and Weaponry Sura. There is still a need to be able to balance them. PvP is a more complex matter since almost anything we would do in PvE would touch PvP. Let's wait for the next build and see how it goes. ” Unfs, don't forget that currently it is very easy to go above 50% phy…

  • Healer's ''attack up'' ideas

    BlueRay - - Archive


    To make it more useful they could increase it’s base attack value to 200, to self, and 100 to other players at perfect master with 90 points in intelligence. Also, they should increase its scaling to give about 250-300 to self and half of that to other characters while having a full intelligence set. Also, while in group, it could work like lycan’s attack speed buff and be able to be cast on the whole group at the same time.

  • Quote from Rapier: “In which way is this more restrictive than to have to stand still in order to mount? It's the same but for un-mounting. And this of course valid only for mounts not for the regular horse...the bug is not easly replicable with a horse anyways. Please think about the real situations in the game and let me know if you find just one for which you need to un-mount while riding...just one. I couldn't find it, that's why I proposed it. And "feeling" restricted, with all due respect …

  • I completely agree with this, this is one of the bugs that should have been fixed ages ago. However, I do not think restricting players to unmount while moving is a good idea, its simply to restrictive and it would feel off/awkward. And about horse slash not affecting the players movement, I that's one of its intended features and a fun mechanic, also not a very good idea in my opinion. Despite this I do understand how annoying this can be and how there is no counter play to it. Also, I think th…

  • Fire resistance

    BlueRay - - Archive


    Pretty sure it's not flat 103% there must be some specific way to calculate the damage % reduction but I'm not sure.

  • First Day - The Alchemy Day

    BlueRay - - Archive


    Totally agree, this should have already been implemented from the start.

  • Sash's with weapon 105lv +9

    BlueRay - - Archive


    Quote from Albus: “No, of course old sashes will still be valuable, and there is already an item to delete the bonuses so it is possible to improve sashes if needed. ” Yeah, do you know how hard it is to make a phoenix bow +9? No one in their right mind would just delete the bonuses... A friend of mine tried to create a 25% sash from 19%. Took him 50 sashes to be able to put it ate a 25% absorption. Either give us the chance to get the item destroyed back, even by IS, or just reduce this ridicul…

  • Bad idea for testing

    BlueRay - - Archive


    Just copy another character from your server and test it on that character.

  • Skill Changes

    BlueRay - - Archive


    Honestly, I think international feedback threads like these should be done way more often. There are so many untouched issues with all the classes, some just annoying some game breaking and some of the skills definitely need an improvement. At least this time we have a platform to express our views and give adequate feedback, I just hope that that feedback is read and taken into account before any final changes. We always seem to give our feedback, but we rarely hear from those who have the actu…

  • Skill Changes

    BlueRay - - Archive


    My thoughts regarding all this: MR & AMR This was long overdue, I only expect they don't screw it up again, it's kinda stupid having 45% magic resist and still get two shots by shamans and suras as a level -61... Even at high levels you have to have a 15% MR suit to be able to compete with the AMR stones, its ridiculous. Class resistances and Introduction of the new bonus Half human Resistance I'm not quite sure what they mean by this, I'll have to test it but it seems like they intend to change…