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  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

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    revelina please... How much 100+ chars fight on the video and no1 has sword def? Are you serious?

  • Dont ruin lykan

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    You can try it but you can make bigger damage when you hit a much lower lvl player with 0 eq and bio and so on. Thats why they choose one lvl1 char from another kingdom in some natural area for "sitting duck" to make damage records And also you'll make a P berserk for a lvl 18 "duck" just for the higher damage record? In one live server? I dont think so. But if you make it ,the damage will be much bigger ofc.

  • Dont ruin lykan

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    Aha so your information comes only from one wikipedia. Nice. Than i can tell you again... (Maybe you have some problems to understand the english language...) -I play this game in Gameforge server (Metin2 UK) almost from the beginning (9 years) -I have a body warrior lvl 95 with P berserk -I use my char in every day. -I have tested/reported this issue many times and i can show u how increase the berserk the received skill damages. Because if you turn it on ,it will icrease! (And if its just a bu…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

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    In witch video? What i linked? In the videos show only weaponry suras ,not warriors but if you can link a video from official server with a warrior who can cape g2 without armour please show me. Im intrested!

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

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    Not realy... The "chance to restore HP" is works different way than the weaponry suras blade. The blades life steal works with every single hit and can be multipled the effect with the "chance to absorb HP" bonus. So the max is 37% HP absorb with trained pet / every single hit! That is the Sura. The chance to restore HP works like X percent chance to restore 10% of your BASE HP. So the 2k HP bonus items doesnt counted into the base HP... So if you got 10k base HP the restore will give you 1k HP …

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

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    Wow its amazing! Less than 1 month the first players reached the lvl 90+ ofc they have a full +9 gears and trained pets and legendary alchemys, P skills etc... So the game is ended now and the suras need more pvp power... They allready know how much pvp power in they char because they maxed all and finished the game less than 1 month... Bravo! Well done! The others are not important whos maybe dont boght all the exp things from the itemshop and maybe stopped a littlebit at lower lvl to make skil…

  • Dont ruin lykan

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    What you sad is a bug what will be fixed. What i sad is a fact. The berserk affect the skill damages too ,make a body warrior with P berserk and test yourself. Or if you want i can represent the thing on a video... Because i have a body warrior with P berserk and i know what i see when i use my skill....

  • Dont ruin lykan

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    Well if its not affect the skill damages ,how can i survive the Lemur Prince or Rakasha without berserk and why im dead almost instantly when i turn it on? Same as in pvp. My wife is a BM. She need 4 skill to kill me without berserk but when i turn it on she can kill me with 3 skills easy. Tested multiple times.

  • Dont ruin lykan

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    LoL "Stronger negative effects (for example 10-20% more damage from every mob even boss skills.) Well the berserk got +11% at M1 ,+22% at G1 and +33% at P. You want higher attack value than the aos and less /same negative effect what the berserks got at m1 or G? If you want higher AV then rise the negative effect too... (The berserks negative effect is affect all kind of damage. Skill damages ,close or raged damages and self damages too like poison and bleeding and flame. Both pvp and pvm side.)…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

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    Just show me one ... ONE warrior or lycan or any char who able to do this things; And before you say its fake ,its not a P server. The videos maded in metin2 UK. The weaponry suras want more pvp power? Ok. The Warriors and BM suras want more pvm power. Lets make us able to do this what the weaponry suras can do in g2 or everywhere! Thanks! Anyways reveina.. You can say easy "Take our PvM power give us PvP power."(!) because you are done. What about the l…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

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    When you started the char ,you knew its a full pvm char and the best pvm... Untill the lvl 95 map wich is not in the original development plan. This new maps builded to make the classes equal. Nobody can stand in the center of the map and use capes with full HP like in g2... And ok. If the skills will be removed/changed to pvp then? Fine for you and highlvls but what about the others? Without fear and ench armour how can they lvlup to 120? This char made to pvm beast from the beginning and can b…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

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    And please tell me wich pve class able to cape 3-4 big rooms with red setaous in g2 with full HP?

  • Dont ruin lykan

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    The awoid arrow ok ,at this moment we dont have any map with archers exept the gnolls. The suras has almost 50% or more reflect from ench. armour... If one sura hit example 2k on a mob and the mob hit 1k on the sura and reflected 500 damge back... It means the sura have 2.5k damage. Not so useless thing. Bleeding in pvm is useless? Why? Usefull like poison or better because the bleeding can kill the mob. My favorite weapon was one SSB with 8 bleeding with my mental. Combined with 8 poison on hel…

  • Dont ruin lykan

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    Quote from jeroenado: “ Why should a character (body warrior), which requires no thinking but just holding spacebar and activation of aura of the sword, have more damage than a weapon sura/lycan who is doing an int buff up in pvm (on mount)? I really want some strong arguments for this. Yeah lycan has better skill damage than a body warrior, but lycans also have a really crap design. ” Here is your answer.; The body warriors just have only the attack. (Attack and moving speed too but in this cas…

  • Dont ruin lykan

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    Someone asked the body warriors famage with 166 STR. Well i dont have an STR set yet but easy to calculate. Every STR boost the aura with 1.25 damage. So if i calculate with my own body who has 608 attack on P aura at lvl 95 with 102 STR it looks like this; 12x1.25=15 -This is what we got from one EE+9 608-15=593 -This is what we got from 90 STR 76x1.25=95 -This is the whole attack what we can get from bonus STR 593+95=688 -This is the max what i can get at this lvl now. Ofc the aura got +1 atta…

  • Lycan the weakest

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    LoL guys ,you compare the crimson wolf soul with the aura... What do you think ,one body warrior if dies how much time need to wait to use the aura again? (95 sec loading time) With a good casting speed the lycans can use their skill in every half minute ,one body warrior needs 160 casting speed to use the aura in every 1 minute. With full casting speed the max what we can reach is 48 sec. The lycans with full casting can reach the 28 sec loading time. And if the output damage is same overall wi…

  • Lycan does not die

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    Oh poor lycan... I know it is not good for you because your char was on the top and now you have to play this game like everyone else... Every char can reach the max attack speed on horse/mount because of the attack speed cap... Fast combo? I see this in many topics... Have you ever played with a highlvl body warrior? You know how much +damage taken from the berserk at P? If i'll be a developer of this game ,i would change the 2 skills just for a week.. The berserk for the indigo wolf soul... Ev…

  • Feedback On Lykan Nerf

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    The wep sura if builded with full VIT ,INT ,STR will deal more damage than body warriors. The warriors only deal more damage because basicly the wep suras dont "waste" points on STR. If the wep sura put STR then will get the attack value what warriors got + the INT rise the damage of the ench.blade more than the STR of the aura. My wifes farmer weaponry sura (lvl 75) deal more damage with one Lion+9 avg 43 than my farmer body with Poison+9 avg 40. Both char has P skills. The big difference betwe…

  • Feedback On Lykan Nerf

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    Quote from Theplayer: “remember body warriors have an average damage bonus due to aura sword and suras have hp absorption on enchanted blade, so even 850 would be nice for lycans with a reduction of piercing hits to 35-40%. ” Realy? The aura has average damage? On witch server? I have a lvl 95 body with full P and i just got average damage on my posin sword and my sash... Like everyone else. The aura doesnt have any effect ,just give only attack value nothing else. (much lower than the suras bla…

  • My General Feedback

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    Hey all! I saw in many topics ,the lycan owners ask the damage improvement for crimson wolf soul to 800 with full int. Ok ,they lost so much (maybe too much) but how is this work now? I dont see the logic in this things. 2 classes who have just only benefits (alot of benefit) from their skills must be stronger than a class who have a big disadvantage? In this case then rise up the aura of swords damage around 1k+ because the weaponry suras dont have any negative side effect on the skills and got…