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  • Voting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    enzo993 - - Feedback: 18.4


    NO 18.4

  • NO UPDATE 18.4

    enzo993 - - Feedback: 18.4


    HelloI write my feedback, on behalf of the whole Italian community, we say NO.For years we built our characters, everything would be rendered useless by this update.Leave the alchemy as it is.NO UPDATE 18.4

  • Problem with istant potions

    enzo993 - - Archive



  • Problem with istant potions

    enzo993 - - Archive


    Hello Instant potions are creating an imbalance between those who have more and less. What do you think about increasing the time between a potion and the other? For example, you could use a snapshot every 10 or 20 seconds The continuous use of these potions does not make the game fair.

  • In order to make the body warrior more balanced than in the other classes I thought of making the sword's aura reactivated immediately after death just like magic or purple knife. For fighting ecstasy I thought it would be best to give an incentive to bring it to the perfect master level because it is currently left to G1. You could put a small percentage of transponders / critics / or simply reduce the malus of vulnerability to the damage. what do you think?

  • Costume never expired

    enzo993 - - Archive


    Hello How many times have we lost skin and habits due to lack of insertion at Item Shop? I had thought to help players make the costume system expired like those of alchemy, which is no longer wearable if the remaining time is over. And that these could be renewed (in days) only if new costumes are taken. So when you transfer the bonuses you can use your own costume again. what do you think?


    enzo993 - - Archive


    without we can't have all difences -.-' The solution is put again the old bonus or remove for all player the skin with old bonus because this create displacement.

  • Monthly basis costume and skin

    enzo993 - - Archive


    In the item shop. One could do for example: every day "5" of the month will be put on the costumes. They are supportive objects but without them you can not have all the defenses and in this way there will be no more risk of losing the costume because in the item shop there will be the other. Without costumes we can't fight.

  • Monthly basis costume and skin

    enzo993 - - Archive


    HelloTo make the game more balanced, I was thinking of putting on a monthly basis costume / skin weapon and helmet.In this way you will no longer have the risk of losing your costume and keeping it as a real piece of equipment.


    enzo993 - - Archive


    it's only way to have all difence -.-


    enzo993 - - Archive


    Hi Speaking of bilancing, the only way to resist to attack of all classes is reintroduced the weapon skin with defence. Now it is not fait that some have it and others do not. what do you think?