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  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    Quote from RabbitRun: “Quote from YoTeDoPo: “Thanks for ignoring us, you are going to implement an impossible event @Anayra @Rocket @Salsie @Comkra @badidol ” Don't worry, they already found a solution for that: Itemshop” Still is not a solution, if you need basically a golden yut nori trophy if you want a Mysterious Shard, and the chances of getting it are really low (I ignore the chance of getting them from silver trophys, opened more than 20 on beta and got 0 shards), just imagine the ammount…

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    Thanks for ignoring us, you are going to implement an impossible event @Anayra @Rocket @Salsie @Comkra @badidol

  • Regarding gear checking

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    The same here, I have not seen any difference.

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    Opened about 15-20 Silver Trophies and 0 Mysterios Shards. Only got 1 from Gold Trophy, which it is almost impossible with that game. You should adjust the complexity of the game and the rewards, and increase the drop chance of Mysterious Shards from Silver Trophies (50-100%). Also, as I said before, Mysterious Shards should be dropped from Metins and Bosses in a lower % (maybe the same chance as Mounts and secondary events like Red Ebony Box, Metin Compass, ...) @Anayra

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    During some hours of testing, I can share some od the drops i have checked: -Costumes: past events Halloween costumes and some new ones based on Wolfs (similar to lykans) -Mounts: various terrorific mounts like Equus-Purphyreus, Lava/Ice Cave Lizard... and a new mount in two colours, Cerberus (Silver and Gold) -Pets: Opened 3 chest, obtained Wayne, Jade Phoenix and a new pet, Astrabell (a little witch). -Zodiac: opened 1 and received 50 Red Zodiac Case... Too expensive -Alchemy: not tested but l…

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    Quote from Anayra: “Ok, drop is not working....let's try again ” Thanks, you should keep the drop of Mysterious Shards from metins and bosses

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    Yesterday I farmed about 15 Yut Nori Tables on the BETA and the result was: -3 Silver Trophys -3 games that I won but I received Bronze Box -9 games PC won me -0 Rätselsplitter How many games I have to play to be able to get enough Rätselsplitter to get a decent box ???? 500 ??? 1000 ??? The best option is trying to find an alternative option to get these Rätselsplitter. Maybe getting 1 always after playing a game, or making this event independent to the Yut Nori one (best option). Most people d…

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    Quote from LeeChen: “Quote from Anayra: “Fragments will start dropping today 13h30 (German time) The drop rate is special and just for Beta, to allow you to try the Yutnori game ” 20 Metin Stones (120lvl) and 0 drop ” The same, I defeated a lot of metins and bosses and 0 fragments. @Anayra, can you confirm the drop has been activated?

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    Quote from Anayra: “Yutnori: drop of Fragments ” What is the drop? 0,1%?

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    Quote from Anayra: “Fragments will start dropping today 13h30 (German time) The drop rate is special and just for Beta, to allow you to try the Yutnori game ” Thanks

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    Quote from RabbitRun: “All oldschool events are the best imo instead of these minigames. ” Yes, I miss Magic Wands, Christmas event and the first okey event. Catch the king event is funny but the prizes are trash, fishing jigsaw is the best minigame and Yut Nori is the worst event they have never made in this game (difficult game and terrible rewards)

  • Quote from Anayra: “- Book of leader can't be stackable - Medal of Dragon is stackable (but of them are not and needs to stay like this) - Shrunken Heads are stackable (you can contact your Support to fix this) - Black Horse Seal can't be stackable - Glimmerstones are stackable There was an issue with some items in IS depot when they were delivered to server, they were not stackable. All items that was/are in IS before that fix are still non stackable but if you try to take something now from de…

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    Quote from Daroan: “Quote from YoTeDoPo: “Confirmed: ” Wait you don´t believe me?^^ I think i need a rank in this board (google me xd) In my opinion Rätselsplitter could be added to droptables of the other chests, like nemere or something else ” Drop from metins and bosses. I have opened some silver chests and i have received 0, only 1 from a gold chest. The game of this event is too difficult and the ammount needed for a decent chest is too high.

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback



  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    Quote from Daroan: “There will be a change while winning Yutnori! You now can win the "Silver Yut Nori Trophy" at the Yutnori game and then you have a chance to get a "Rätselsplitter" when you open it AND you always get the "Silver Yut Nori Bundle" And you can win the "Golden Yut Nori Trophy" , from this you always get a "Rätselsplitter" when you open it AND you always get the "Golden Yut Nori Bundle" Hope i could help you =) ” OK, thanks for your answer. So getting the ammount of "Rätselsplitte…

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    Quote from Anayra: “Well...I was checking that and I can tell you that, currently, it's working as intended. Maybe description is not 100% correct yet but you can get that item in silver and gold boxes. I will see if we can put the item to drop somewhere And come is not that's just stressful ” That means that the initial slver/gold box you obtain is always going to drop another gold/silver box but you have an extra chance of drop that item only on the first box??

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    Afther the update, is still impossible to test the event because we can't get the item called "Rätselsplitter" ,and when i open Yut Nori boxes (that are supposed to drop that item) I get another box that doens't drop it. Please fix it, we want to test that event before its release.

  • Impossible to enter the BETA

    YoTeDoPo - - Bugs


    Quote from LionKing: “If you recently changed the client languege is a bug i saw that because first time when i used german version it worked after i changed the laguege from client in romanian i try 10 time to log in but impossible so what i did i opened again autopatcher i clicked on setings and after i chosed english and gues what it worked @Salsie i think you shoul report this to the Developers and please report the legendar cor dragonis is still 0 yang i must spend hours to make excelents o…

  • Impossible to enter the BETA

    YoTeDoPo - - Bugs


    When I log in and the game is charged, the window instantly closes.

  • Pet System - Feedback

    YoTeDoPo - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Anayra: “Did you try it? We want to hear your thoughts on this” I tested specially the rolling of pet stats, days and slots. I think is a good option, getting a flawless pet is not easy (is like hatching eggs), so it has some difficulty but is still a good option if you have rare pets like Nessie or Blue Dragons or pets with a lot of days. About the skills, I have not tested them, I've only seen the bonus of them. Strong Against monsters is a good skill and is better in Red Dragon and…