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  • Here i am, was in the beta before coming here... I would like to summarize everything in 8 words: "Very powerful mythical alchemy but it isn't viable" Me and some friends would like to have solutions and improvements, as you have proposed in the pet system and to add new emotions to the characters. We do not want more problems as it is to replace a complete alchemy panel because if you do not occupy the 6 mythical the additional bonus is not met (+90 attack +60 defense, +900 hp, + 450 hp, + 5%+5…

  • [Feedback]Bug fixing EN

    warrior - - Archive


    Sorry for the lycan had no idea, had not read that post where it was explained. About "new skill critical" no need to worry, they never accepted any of my suggestions in many years, such as red potions with the ability to heal more hp for example 2.5k - 3k Neither the suggestion that add 15% - 20% magic resistance in mental strong body to really be "a tank" in pvp and pvm as it should be Nor the suggestion thatadd a clock on the game screen that indicates the generic time of the server. Neither …

  • [Feedback]Bug fixing EN

    warrior - - Archive


    Hi all I discovered two new observations and considerations in the game, I use to pass the complaints before the beta forum closes. Description: 1) A problem that has generated imbalance and affects all breeds except lycan, these brought many problems including this. It has to do with the antiquity of the characters. -Something that involves the majority of players creating disadvantages old characters -> before nov / 2014 (disadvantaged) old warrior lvl 120 old shaman lv 106 Class bonus: Str. A…

  • You're right and that's why I apologized in the same post. The subject here talks about a bug DMG and inequality between all classes and warriors (seemingly unaffected) if I'm not mistaken. If you look this post in general conditions you can see 2 general options: 1) Add this bug to the warrior. 2) Remove this bug for all classes. What I've said and justified previously it's refer one of the classes that has had the least improvements over time, on the contrary benefit the others leaving warrior…

  • Poor warriors

    warrior - - Archive


    Metin2 in the last 2 years it has improved significantly the performance of the ninja archers improving their range and that they do not lose damage as the distance increases in their skills. <Good for they> Has improved with the magic breaks to the toxic cloud of leaf ninjas easily exceed 12k 15k dmg against full magic resistance player.<Good for they> Has improved all shamans, suras black magic obviously all skills.<Good for they> Sura mirror has dissipate a skill that is not easily reducible …

  • PVP Tournament of Sunday

    warrior - - Archive


    Event really had start at 3:30 PM (German time), it was announced in Beta forum 1:00 PM (German Time). Maybe that was one of the problem's but the truth is that most of players don't like to contribute in beta, that is was i see. -Because they were focused to play only in the official server. -Maybe they not have interest on PvP and test balancing. -Because they lost interest when they removed the items from the shop, items like bone dragon Lollipop marks dragon or Blacksmith Handbook to upgrade…

  • PVP Tournament of Sunday

    warrior - - Archive


    Hi all I did not want to reveal my true identity, but was today and I won the PvP tournament. I wasn't the best pvp in the Universe, have win simply because most people did not enter the tournament (especially magics players) and i was the only warrior full pvp equipment there . Without "old critics" my class does not serve much.. It means would have easily lost on equal terms but this is another topic. The point of this is that you should add more rounds in the duels, example to win and move to…

  • If GF team want PvP longers were in 2013 - 2014 or before best years of the game definitely, then criticals were double damage as it always was, they are good and give meaning to PvP. As the game is now, the PvP will still be short for more that "reduce skill critics" to 0% if you like critic to -50% or miss Dmg does not matter because is not the problem here due in wars nobody takes 15% defense against everything, accessories against everything... it not possible and pvp will be short and pvp w…

  • There is no bug here, New critical skill sucks! And more disadvantaged will be warriors (more players are warrior actually) The game will not be the same... I assure it Lots of people stop playing, If implemented No more to say, a pity Just look this image: this is not a viable solution, reduce the "break magic"…tdamage-pvp-20170930-png/

  • Onehitbug auch für Krieger

    warrior - - Archive


    Reduzieren die anti-magi nur. Dass kritische Treffer beeinflussen alle betroffenen einschließlich Krieger Dass in der Gleichheit der Ausrüstung PvP immer die zu verlieren krieger Low Chance zu gewinnen zu anderen, Wir werden ihn am Sonntagsturnier sehen PVP Tournament on Sunday Grüße

  • 9- Mento sehr schlecht Behindert, da es keine Pausen Magie wie andere Rassen besitzt Sie sollten einen "Schwertbrecher" erfinden, denn wenn ein Feind 90% deff Entkommt, werden die geistigen Fähigkeiten nicht mehr als 2k-3k dmg ... Schaden, den ein Aura-Krieger einen grundlegenden Schlag gibt 2k- 2.5k full deff...macht keinen Sinn. Ich habe es schon probiert. Oder einfach die angreifen magischen des Schamanen und der Sura reduzieren. Wenn Sie sich wirklich für ein ausgewogenes Spiel pvp interessi…