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  • Some Annoying Stuff in PvP

    unforgiven - - General Feedback


    I will just answer a bit regarding resistances: - They don't need a cap because the way they are calculated, the effectiveness is heavily reduced at higher levels (above 70% if I am not mistaken)

  • It has been changed and the update is currently in the Beta server. We need feedback again. Thanks!

  • @RabbitRun, It is better to have all bonuses than missing something out. The effectiveness of resistances work differently from elemental vs weapons/classes/etc. Even between Mob vs. PC, PC vs Mob, PC vs PC has different ways to calculate elemental resistances. @SpeckHund Thanks for the info, I did some theoretical calculation and there are some small mismatches. We will try to reproduce it on our end.

  • We need the full bonuses that players are using to test. Regarding 5% effective bonuses, this is not really true since the effectiveness depends on how much resistances you have and it is not linear.

  • OK so ?

    unforgiven - - Feedback: 18.4


    @Cedry2k, It's not really about that, there is a need to have progression in the game and not just every time stay static.

  • Unbalance

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Hello, Ok, now I understood what you mean. Thanks!

  • Increased damage from bosses

    unforgiven - - Archive


    We are trying to check it and reproduce it properly. The amount of information we get contradicting many times...

  • Unbalance

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Quote from TcatalunyaT: “Now there are som stats that jst inreases some skills, and doesn't increase what the stat description says, so why no make hp per lvl and leave vit as def and a stt to power up other skills like body strong ? ” Could you please explain what I underlined better?

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Quote from Amasyali: “Quote from reveina: “Quote from unforgiven: “Ok, I will interfere here. Stop the trash talk. This is not the place for this. ” Why trash talk is very important for you? Care about game balance! There is still no change for weaponary sura and body warrior. We said 100 times. They are very weak in PvP!Garbage balancing like the last 7 years of this game! LYCAN, SHAMAN, ARCHERY NINJA! WHERE ARE CHANGES TO ANOTHER CHARACTERS? ” they don't take us don't even answer…

  • Some last thoughts

    unforgiven - - Archive


    This was just the first pack of the balancing update. This is something that cannot be done in 1 single update.

  • sura weapons and warrior body

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Have you tried using talismans with: - Different types of Elemental Damage - With Anti-sword Did you try to use this to see what happens with your damage in PvP?

  • Halloween??

    unforgiven - - Archive


    The halloween event has strategy behind it. It is one of the most famous strategy games in Korea. Obviously it also involves a bit of luck. Regarding the drop rate, the harder the monster you are slaying, the higher the drop rate chance.

  • Some last thoughts

    unforgiven - - Archive


    First of all be polite. Second of all, explain the facts: - Which character you have, your stats (level, etc) - Which character was your opponent (their stats, etc) Then I can try to understand what you are saying.

  • Increased damage from bosses

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Hello, We are checking this. I think that with today's update that should return to normal.

  • An idea for the upcoming updates.

    unforgiven - - Archive


    I understand but at the moment this is not really possible. We will see where we are going in the future.

  • Mental warrior dex vs vit on skills

    unforgiven - - Archive


    I have heard. We are checking it out. Thanks for pointing it out.

  • An idea for the upcoming updates.

    unforgiven - - Archive


    The Poison Cloud is a magic skill, but no one dagger have magical attack power, I think it's enough "nerf" to this skill. > Even though it is a magic skill, its damage is not scaled by "magical attack power".

  • Shaman balancing

    unforgiven - - Archive


    It usually lies around 10% more damage, it depends a bit on your gear.

  • Shaman balancing

    unforgiven - - Archive


    The damage cannot be lower than the base damage hence critical hit damage cannot be lower than the hit...

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    unforgiven - - Archive


    No, not for now. These will be held in November after the update.