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  • Demon Tower

    danielc25 - - General Feedback


    Although this update has nothing to do with this idea, I like the idea

  • resistances

    danielc25 - - Feedback: 18.4


    I play with both a ninja and a healer, with my ninja I cant survive in enchanted forest with 55 wind resistance. Please don't nerf the resistances, because then I will not be able to level at all.

  • Crits in PvP

    danielc25 - - General Feedback


    I agree, critical s should be at 2x your base damage like before, or at least 1.5x,

  • Yes, the nerf to the resistances is ridiculous. No one will be able to level.....

  • Devil's Catacomb Discussion

    danielc25 - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from BlueShade: “Funny fact, people exploiting Beran Setaou and Devil Catacombs still keeps selling yang and are still there. ” I feel that the most unfair situation is when a player kills the dragon alone, then goes back and keeps on killing it over and over again, without give other people a chance to go. I believe that a player should have a cool down period lets say for example 8 hours before they can go kill the dragon again. I also feel that the dragon needs to get buffed with more h…


    danielc25 - - General Feedback


    I feel like they need to leave the bonuses alone, and just buff up the higher level bosses with more hp and more defense.

  • Alchemy cor draconis

    danielc25 - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Michu: “If you remove the possibility of trading Dragon Stone Shards just abandon the daily limit on the proccesing cor draconis or change to 30+ cor per day. ” I agree that the daily limit of 3 a day is not enough, but 30 is way too much. I feel that 6 cors a day would be a fair number.

  • Quote from Guest: “Even killing at normal mobs is almost impossible with this update ” I agree that bosses need to get buffed, but regular mobs are hitting really hard now to the point that its not fair. In enchanted forest with 55 wind resistance I die ( Dagger Ninja). I could only imagine how a shaman healer would feel. Does no damage to monsters and cant stay alive. I fee like nerfing the resistance this much is a horrible idea. But I agree that bosses should have more hp and more defense.


    danielc25 - - General Feedback


    Quote from al8u: “HELLO! WHAT IS LADDEN DAMAGE AT LYCAN? 15.5K DAMAGE IN DRAGON ON OFFICIAL AND BETA 12,5K .... (-3K ME WAS EXPERIENCED) ” Just to be clear, you are hitting 12,5k on the dragon and you are crying????? What sense does that make. The dragon is a boss, he is supposed to be strong. The game is broken when 1 player alone can kill the dragon boss. The dragon should get buffed a lot so it takes more than 1 person to kill him. All bosses need to get buffed a lot. In my server, I see 75's…

  • Quote from “the new alchemy tier is good in my opinion, just dont like the untradable part ” I agree, the new alchemy is a good update, but it needs to be tradeable so people can make money and keep the economy going. I would also be in support to changing the max amount of cors one can get a day from 3 to 5, that way it will be more reasonable for us to get the new alchemy

  • Characters should be able to get more than 3 cors a day!

  • Dmg from mobs is to big

    danielc25 - - Feedback: 18.4


    Monsters to way too much damage, its almost impossible to play. Please lower the monster damage!!