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  • Quote from prolycan999: “Thats bug and they are working on it. It is not intended and it is not going to be on live serwer ” Hello , where did you read this?

  • Anyway, here's my test. ============================= Quote from BlueShade: “- Lv. 101 Ninja - Physical Defense ranging from 670-700 (let's ignore the slight difference of about 30def, here) -Matt DSS (except for flawless onyx) Mob: En-Tai Soldier (lv.102) 95% res wind, no buffs: Range of damage suffered by my character: 1-3 Piercing hit: 513 = 85% res wind, no buffs: Range of dmg: 2-13 Piercing hit: 693 = 80% res. wind, no buffs: Range of damaged suffered by my character: 91-223. Piercing hit: …

  • Quote from mickelandro: “If I open my basic account and buf and store two accounts and my account in the city, what should I do? ” The multi-account block would only apply to dungeons, so you could still play as long as you stay in the common maps... Anyway don't be scared, my reasoning is just theoretical. It'd much better if they allowed us to use off-line shops, but it probably won't happen very soon - many things would have to change in order to prevent multi-account in a way everyone agrees…

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    BlueShade - - General Feedback


    Quote from YoTeDoPo: “It can be a good event only if you put the Mysterios Shards (Rätselsplitter) droppable on metin and bosses ” I agree. I believe that a small percentage of finding shards from Metin/Bosses should be kept, in order to allow players to have a slight possibility of winning a good prize.

  • Quote from HZZA3: “There may be some crazy people doing this but not everyone. ” Believe me, the 99% of Jotun/Bagja/Nemere/Razador chest who are sold (at least in my server) come from solo players... There's people leaving PCs turned on in order to keep their characters in the Enchanted Forest... This may be crazy, but you all have to understand that when something in this game is allowed/possible, they will always be exploiting this chance. The only way to prevent exploitations is preventing th…

  • Quote from HZZA3: “But if we imagine together, you can not pull the boss En-Tai Sovereign out of his place , the result will be: ” I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't work. There's already lots of players who do Jotun solo... by moving their 5 characters to the Sovereign. Even if it's really annoying, they still do it, because they farm lots of yang and chests (that do not have to share with anyone). You won't stop this just by making Sovereign impossible to move. The only way is to preve…

  • Quote from LeeChen: “2 players finish the dungeon for 16 people.(Meley - is it normal?) You can be from 1 lvl to 120 lvl 1 month. (is it normal?) ” Yeah, but you cannot make the game impossible to normal players for the sake of making it A LITTLE BIT more difficult to over-achievers. If you really want to prevent solo dungeons and players doing everything by themselves, you should rather suggest to forbid multi-account (at least in dungeons). Also, you could suggest to make bosses more resistant…

  • Pet System - Feedback

    BlueShade - - Feedback: 18.4


    For instance: - Panacea's effects could last longer. I mean, if it is supposed to have a 480sec cooldown, the protection from poison and other major status conditions should last for about 2-4 minutes. The problem is that the healing is instantaneous, while its protection should last a little bit longer, like if it was an anti-snake venom serum.

  • Pet System - Feedback

    BlueShade - - Feedback: 18.4


    I'd like to point out the fact that active pet skills are actually fairly useless as they are now. Restoration is probably the "best" one among those skills, but it still does not convince me. I mean, I know that this book is not supposed to replace Healer Shamans but come on, getting a CHANCE (not a certainty!) to heal every 480 seconds (that would be 8, I mean, EIGHT minutes!) is way too much. Every final boss require WAY less than 8 minutes to be completed. What's the point into having those …

  • Feedback Elementardeffs

    BlueShade - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from gantarianer: “Das beim Jotun.. nunja wenn du quasi in dem Bereich vor/zwischen seinen Beinen stehst, bekommst du keinen Dmg. Irgendwie so ist das. Bitte da um Nachsicht, ich lege es nicht darauf an, dies zu "erzwingen". Wenn er bei mir mal so ist, schön. Wenn nicht, dann nicht ” Hallo, Jotun verursacht doppelte Schäden (manchmal kann man sehen, dass der TP nach einer einzelnen Fertigkeit zweimal abnimmt). Ist das beabsichtigt?

  • I Know how you feel @DaParaRir, but things won't move on if we do not provide them with these feedbacks. One week has passed and we didn't get any news, they're probably waiting for some more tests in order to let Webzen know what's wrong. Don't forget that it'd be much easier for Webzen to just go ahead and implement 18.4

  • Quote from Kelius: “Why asking about block in "raw" tests like this? The damage withstood is the same! ” Yeah, block is not supposed to act on the damage "quantity", but just on the chance of completely missing the hit. Besides, block will just offer a chance to avoid the damage from physical mobs, such as EnTai Warriors, but won't be useful to defend from En-Tai Druids and Magicians. At least, that's how it's supposed to work. - Anyway I'll try to test Nemere's damage on the beta. I generally p…

  • You should have several different feedbacks from the various classes, @Anayra. Please let us know if Webzen is going to answer to these feedbacks. It has been a while since we received official informations. What kind of other test do you need to be performed?

  • Unobtainable Sashes

    BlueShade - - General Feedback


    I've always though of something similar, too. I agree with his suggestion!

  • @Anayra @Salsie Greetings, in case you didn't notice, here's my ninja feedback with En-Tais and WIND resistance: A priori feedback

  • Devil's Catacomb Discussion

    BlueShade - - Feedback: 18.4


    Anyway, there's a sad truth. Webzen/GF are obviously against an excessive yang influx (otherwise they wouldn't have made the thongs of time, or the costume projection so expensive) and more importantly they'd have associated a greater quantity of yang to high level dungeons. So I still think that the key lies in reducing the excessive amount of yang drop in DC - or limiting it to a higher floor, which: 1) would require the usage of shruken heads; 2) would have a limited time, as the dungeon woul…

  • Devil's Catacomb Discussion

    BlueShade - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from BlueRay: “I can tell you that by selling items that you drop you can't make yang because there are almost no players to buy from or sell to, business is non existent. ” Well, this is sadly true and I cannot argue with you on that. My server isn't really populous but there still are players who buy some expensive item every now and then. Still, it's not right to me that a first floor of a free dungeon may offer this chance. And what about the shrunken head? Nobody is buying it - wouldn…

  • Lycan buged

    BlueShade - - Bugs


    Quote from GamePriv: “Sorry... now i have 11% ... In officjal server have 13% ” As they already said, it increases with INT and it's pretty much high considering that exceeding piercing hits should actually give you extra damage (it was explained in the last year beta). Lycans are the only characters who can afford to exceed consistently 100% piercing hits without having to rely on weapon skins. So... As for the stun percentage on Wolf's Breath, I guess it's pretty similar to Summon Lightnings f…

  • Lycan buged

    BlueShade - - Bugs


    Quote from GamePriv: “In my opinion, it should be at a level of about 20% chance of a penetrating impact. ” Not true. I don't know what are you talking about, but on live server you get about 15-18% chance of piercing hit when casting P-level Crimson Soul with full int.