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  • Dont ruin lykan

    TianyLu - - Archive


    Quote: “I'm NOT saying that this is a 'top' argument but; Skills that are hard to hit are an argument. Because sometimes using a skill against a certain opponent can risk you to be put in a risky situation, so this leaves opportunities to kill or attack opponents sometimes. A lycan can't really use autos in pvp that well which means that if you get caught by a warrior (or ninja/sura) pressing his spacebar, you'll be stuck at that place untill you die or kill, and the only thing you can do is spa…

  • Critical hit changes??

    TianyLu - - Archive


    Quote from Observer: “Quote from TianyLu: “Quote from Observer: “There is only a sensible way to fix the problem with critics. Just split the critics in two types, pvm and pvp. Pvm would be the same of now, pvp the new system. BUT hey! there are so many people here willing to spend euros on bio quests, so why not? ” Sorry but thats barely an Argument. You dont HAVE to spent € on Biologic Quest's. You CAN, to ensure that you'll get it faster, that's how F2P Games work actually.So if you feel the …

  • Dont ruin lykan

    TianyLu - - Archive


    To actually get a good Balancing. If you think something like that can be achieved without removing any Damage from the Game, you're wrong. Wake up. Almost everybody of us wants a Balancing but you're not willing to sacrifice some of your Damage in exchange for a good Balancing, that's just not gonna work your Way. If it's to hard for you to hit your Skills, go ahead train more, thats completly up to you, that's not Argument. Sorry, but Warrior and Suras are not even capeable of reaching the sam…

  • Critical hit changes??

    TianyLu - - Archive


    Quote from Observer: “There is only a sensible way to fix the problem with critics. Just split the critics in two types, pvm and pvp. Pvm would be the same of now, pvp the new system. BUT hey! there are so many people here willing to spend euros on bio quests, so why not? ” Sorry but thats barely an Argument. You dont HAVE to spent € on Biologic Quest's. You CAN, to ensure that you'll get it faster, that's how F2P Games work actually. So if you feel the need to help yourself with the Itemshop, t…

  • Critical hit changes??

    TianyLu - - Archive


    You could Add another passive Skill, which can be upgraded through Skill Books. For example: M1, 5% Critical Resistance G1, 10% Critical Resistance P, 15-20% Critical Resistance You could add the same Idea for HP, so that you'll get about 2-3k HP with said Skill on P. It would help with the Problem, that you got to low HP since the Dark Draconis Update, a lot. M1, 700 HP G1, 1500 HP P, 2000-3000 HP Furthermore, yes. The Addition of a Biologic Quest up to Level 120 would be a great Idea. I still …

  • Critical hit changes??

    TianyLu - - Archive


    As Yemon said, changing Critical Damage Strikes/Calculation won't solve the "we got to much Damage in the Game" Problem. There are still to many things that influence the Damage Calculation. - Alchemy, 360 AV/18 Average DMG, 18% Strong against X - Pet's, 12% Berserk - Dragon God Push - Dragon Bone Push - Shoulder Sash System - Level 100 Helmet's You defenitely NEED to work and/or change those Points. Wether you do it over reducing the Bonuses or the Damage Calculation, doesn't matter. But you ha…

  • Critical hit changes??

    TianyLu - - Archive


    Quote: “only 14 in the Bracelet, as Weapon-Sura I use the 54 earrings ” No, in PvE you don't. PvP, maybe. Ah, i forgot about the Stew and Moonlight Push. So yes, 40% more. Which adds up to 162. So you'll be able to reach 28,5% Critical Chance in PvE.

  • Critical hit changes??

    TianyLu - - Archive


    Quote from Erandur: “to reduce critical Hits is not that bad, sure no one want to lose DMG but we have too much DMG in this game, it is possible to have more than 100% crit, with this high base-attack it's to powerfull in my opinion. maybe the "new" crit is to low... let's test it ;D ” That's only partially true. Yes, we want to lose DMG so we can have a better Balancing. But Critical Hits are not the Problem here. The Problem is Stuff like the Alchemy, Pets with Berserk, Lvl 100 Helmets with AV…

  • Critical hit changes??

    TianyLu - - Archive


    If you want to make PvE Content more Group based you can do it. But only if you still provide the Possibility, for Players who are not willing to group up with other People, to kill their Bosses Solo. Meaning, you could add another Instance of the Boss Monster/Run iG. which is way more powerfull. While fighting in that certain area you could role out your changes regarding Critical Hits, so that it makes the Boss even harder for Groups. But keep in Mind that you HAVE to raise the Reward for thos…

  • Critical hit changes??

    TianyLu - - Archive


    Quote from BlueShade: “1) If you want to make bosses more difficult - and I sincerely hope you don't want to do that - please consider raising specific resistance of bosses to PG weapons (one or two handed swords, bells, daggers, bow, claws and whatever). In that case, you should also make rewards better. 2) If you want to make critical hits less effective in PvP and GvG, please consider introducing the resistance to critical hits / piercing hits as a new passive bonus available in the character…

  • Critical hit changes??

    TianyLu - - Archive


    First off all.. let's all calm down. This is a Beta Server, they're trying new Stuff here so we can give them our Opinions on what is wrong and what is right. Furthermore we all know that a Balancing is needed. Everybody has been crying for one over the last Years, what do you expect? No changes in Damage? No Nerfs to any Race/Class? Come on, wake up. Everybody wants a Balancing which doesn't devalue Players Equipment, but as soon as they're trying to nerf some Stuff regarding Damage Output/Inco…

  • Lykan Nerf

    TianyLu - - Archive


    @jeroenado You can't handle "could be" or "if" as a matter of Fact. You don't always see a Sura with dispel around a Lycan, so you gota calculate the Damage while his Buffs are active. Also you can't take the "Skills are easy to miss" Argument into Account, because that's simply a Thing of "not knowing how to play his Race well" You could very well nerf the Damage / AV Value Buff from his Soul and it would still be a good Character to play, but not AS good as it used to be. But if we wanna have …

  • Feedback on all classes

    TianyLu - - Archive


    The new 1 Handed Weapon+0 got the same AV as a Rune Sword+9. So i think it could be a "hybrid" Weapon which could be used by both - the BM & Weaponary Sura.. but actually i dont like this Idea, as i think it'll be way too strong..

  • BUG ( 3x DMG ) !!!

    TianyLu - - Archive


    I knew that x2 DMG is possible, x3 is new to me tbh.. Anyway, it still needs to be fixed, as it's not intended to hit twice or 3 times. Spark is another Story, as it's intended to work that Way.

  • The Video is strange.. it almost looks like the Warrior is getting hit for 20k 2x-3x? While the Sura is gettin hit for 20k & 18k?! 1 Test doesn't proof anything.. nobody disagreed that both Races are able to get hit for the same Amount, we were arguing about the Frequency both Races are getting hit for High Damage Numbers. I've shared about 10 Threads from the German Forum (which i was able to find, because it got reworked a short time ago) in which the "Bug" "Problem" has been discussed over an…

  • It's okay iMo that the Boss is able to land a "critical Strike" while under 25% HP - but since its Release, it's been dealing this "Critical Strikes" even when at full HP. Please go ahead an Test this with Razador and if you want, with General Lobster, Gnoll Lord & Lemures Bodyguard aswell. The Razador Thing is just absurd..

  • Piercing Hits

    TianyLu - - Archive


    That's called "good decisionmaking" *sarcasm on* As mentioned before, i like the Idea of Piercing Hits dealing with too much Defence etc. etc. but atm the Balancing is just fundamentally screwed, so Webzen decided it would be a great Idea to put even more Damage in the Game. Work on the Defensive Methods before, it's about Time you do, and afterwards think about which Counter Measures you could work on.

  • Piercing Hits

    TianyLu - - Archive


    Quote from Rapier: “What I do hope is that more and more people state their opinion as I see only a couple of us replying and making tests and so on...there are thousands of players and ALL should be concerned about the new implementations/ballancing.. Come on people, wake your ideas sugestions tests...whatever. Or we'll end up with what others think is best for us ” That's a thing which bothers me aswell, so i totally agree with you on that Point. For Years and Years People have been …

  • Piercing Hits

    TianyLu - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “For you to be able to balance these things you need to start from the foundation, which means how things are calculated. Let's not start building the house with the roof. ” You could do that, if there wouldn't be a fked up Balancing on Live Servers atm - ye. But there is, so you gota make the best out of the current Situation. Adding further Damage to Game is not a good Idea if you think about where we at now.

  • Piercing Hits

    TianyLu - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Quote from TianyLu: “As mentioned before, i still don't get why you HAD to change it. It's just 1 Spot more you'll have to work on while trying to Balance. Why implement a new "Feature" which could cause more "imbalance" instead of just leaving it the Way it was. ” Because this will be important in future. Obviously the defense from users will increase with time, it will reach a point where it will break. It is better to try to solve it now than later. ” With all due resp…