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  • Feedback 18.4

    Dosarphic - - Feedback EN


    People says NO to 18.4 for a simple reason - they spent alot of time/money/both to power up their characters with excellent dragon alchemy that now gonna be just something like "ok", but difference between legendary and the new one will be huge and we all know how ends up removing actual alchemy Don't know if someone had same idea like I do, but I would like to share it. Take for example player with 6 excellent dragon stones (full circle) and think how he can perform better. First thing he got p…

  • Bugs that stopping us from tests.

    Dosarphic - - Bugs


    Also there is no item for re-roll the pets or I didn't see it.

  • Bugs that stopping us from tests.

    Dosarphic - - Bugs


    For example we can't purchase items from NPC that costs 0 yang

  • Ninja's new stat and skill balancing

    Dosarphic - - Archive


    Quote from Strijelac: “I really do not understand why you hold so much to your pve, an archer it's pvp and pve just for the xp, if you want to make bosses and instances any other race is better, do this with a archer is stupid. ” Because in every game (mostly) if you play some character that you want it to everything on it. Of course that Archers are good for PvP way of playing, but why can't person who choose archer go and slay some bosses or even you have to exp if you plan make your lvls, dro…

  • Ninja's new stat and skill balancing

    Dosarphic - - Archive


    I don't rly get the INT calculation and "choice" between VIT, where to VIT is in winning possition, because who rly on wars wanna run without these 2-5k more (depend of pet, alchemy % of pż). All other changes are cool, but the INT calculation is useless still in my opinion.

  • Ninja's new stat and skill balancing

    Dosarphic - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Regarding the different stats, this is a choice for the users. You can choose to go Vit for HP or INT for more damage. ” 99% of Archers would choice Vitality points, because who wana run nowadays with low amount of HP where to people hitting sometimes hard, and the benefit of dmg that Intelligence is giving is just worthless for these calculations.

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    Dosarphic - - Archive


    ^ well said, nothing more to add. It is about every class in Metin2. You can't blame classes just the eq set and other needing stuff like alchemy etc.

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    Dosarphic - - Archive


    Quote from reveina: “Dosarphic, you're still talking about PvE. Why not are talking about PvP? Talk reality. Also lycans can do same thing. Even more. ” Quote from reveina: “meh, That's true. Weaponary sura is the worst (by far) PvP class ” Worst? It's specific and to play Weaponary Sura in the PvP way you have to adore this class. Of course you can't deal TONS OF DMG, but you are tanky enought, you got the most hated skill that is Dispel and with the same eq vs enemy you just gettin' off the bu…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    Dosarphic - - Archive


    Howcome you can say that Weaponary Sura is bad xD Saying that is just example you don't finish your chracter yet or literally don't know how to play it. Weaponary Sura is PERFECT to setup in wars or battles, because of his tanky setup (next to Black Magic Suras) and the Diespel skill that can change the battles in his team lead. Since Metin2 was made, that SuraWP was and in my opinion still is the strongest character in PvE and if someone likes that playstyle also is a beast in PvP. I can agree …

  • General Feedback from me

    Dosarphic - - Archive


    Quote from zoNE: “- Blessing & Dragon's Strength: Doesn't work with and without PT - fixed ” This both are fixed, but it's kinda weird idea to make the buff possibility only in party. Most of the players have their low lvls for drop/events and like 95+ buffs, so now you just pushing players in to make new ones to waste time for real, because why you need another buff if you have one. The Reflect skill. Is this "other kind of buff"? Because you can give Reflect to all people around, with and with…

  • Beran anonimate

    Dosarphic - - Archive


    Ignoring the hate in the internet is also part of MMO games. You should not waste time to even read or care about bad things from anonymous people from internet/game, because 99% of them would probably never tell you this in real life because of age or scare.

  • General Feedback from me

    Dosarphic - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “You need to be in the same Party to buff, heal, etc. ” As you can see I tested the buffs in normal, then paused the recording, joined party and the only skill that works is Reflect from both kind of shamans. Quote from unforgiven: “Regarding the animations, some were changed or cut, summon lightning was one of them. ” If the change contains the weird bahaviour of looking different point then back to the target is strange I have nothing against cut the skill animations, bu…

  • General Feedback from me

    Dosarphic - - Archive


    Added something about healers this time, also with youtube links.

  • General Feedback from me

    Dosarphic - - Archive


    Quote from Law G: “After that they said it's cancelled But I think did not cancel its too bad for all classes specially Body Warrior. What do think? ” I think the cancel this calculation is in progress, since with normal hits you can't hit for now. In other thread was written we need wait for changes from Korea, so just be patient and soon maybe it will change.

  • Sorts archers bug

    Dosarphic - - Archive


    I know I know, I play as archer for like 7 years for now :p It's is just change we need accept to with the "bombs" in PvP as reward.

  • Sorts archers bug

    Dosarphic - - Archive


    I understand your point, but same was with spark back in the days you been able to cast it with daggers while PvE (of course the dmg was funny low). The not possibility of casting Feather Walk is because the arrow/bow requi and the game code is so old to add something like use for exp etc. Don't know how is on your server tho, but on mine 200 speed potions is for like 6kk that support your movement speed. Just to clear the fact I understand your point, I don't hate it, but also understand the ch…

  • Sorts archers bug

    Dosarphic - - Archive


    Quote from Strijelac: “And I find that the fact that having a bow and arrows for a feather strike is an bad idea It seems so logical to me ” Exactly, in times of the quiver isn't bad you can't cast spells as archer. Looking in old Feather Walk is maybe harder to imagine now we need bow and arrows but well it's the cost of the extra thing this skill gives. So yea, summary it's logical to me too.

  • General Feedback from me

    Dosarphic - - Archive


    Daily update with some text + another youtube material to show what exactly it means.

  • You can't be mad bro about someone who put his money on the low lvl character equipment and alchemy. He can wear (almost - not double in weapon) the same amount of strong agains half-humans, he also can put perfect alchemy on his character that gives simply ALOT while it's mega expensive, costumes and things like half moon ring, lollipop and stuff. Don't be mad because you got not finished character yet and people killing you... When you finish your character at all, you gonna treat such low pro…

  • General Feedback from me

    Dosarphic - - Archive


    Updated with another lines of text. I would like to have some sign from the Team that you guys read it, so I will know I don't waste time for nothing. Thanks