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  • Alchemy cor draconis

    Michu - - Feedback: 18.4


    Nvm... Bots can easily do the antique alchemy. Delete this feedback.

  • Alchemy cor draconis

    Michu - - Feedback: 18.4


    If you remove the possibility of trading Dragon Stone Shards just abandon the daily limit on the proccesing cor draconis or change to 30+ cor per day.

  • Shaman balancing

    Michu - - Archive


    Ok i try and i see this: 1 post Including in uptade bufs at 20/30% you will have 30/40% less players on servers... Great! You will Kill this game ! smile.png Players will go on Private servers 2 post This and more you can read on Polish Web site…rze-dyskusja/?pageNo=1006 3 post On polish server we had Uptade with "balanced buffs" long cooldown and nerfs bufs - polish society told that if this stay 30/40% players will end game. You can read that on Polish board just…

  • Shaman balancing

    Michu - - Archive


    Quote from NieznanyAs: “Do you think players dont end game if buffs will be reduced to 20% ? Soon this game will be dead. Including in uptade bufs at 20/30% you will have 30/40% less players on servers... Great! You will Kill this game ! Players will go on Private servers ;P ” Stop crying and blackmailing. Just write something constructive.

  • Quote from unforgiven: “This skill can have huge impact on melee classes (it basically would multiply their damage even further). With this in hand, currently there are no further planned changes to it. Shaman Healers themselves already had a pretty nice boost which would let them have better performance in PvE and still strong in PvP. It does not need more Magic Damage. ” But change the scaling to dex and int because 90str shaman have in ~115lvl.

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    Michu - - Archive


    I think they should remove this 20% boost for bell and fan and increase base skill damage for 20%.

  • I think this skill should give phisical attack for group and extra bonus magic attack only for healer shaman. Or phisical attack and magic attack for group and extra bonus phisical and magic attack for only healer shaman. This skill should be intreased by dex and int no by int and str, because 90str healer shaman have in ~115lvl.