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  • Quote from unforgiven: “This skill can have huge impact on melee classes (it basically would multiply their damage even further). With this in hand, currently there are no further planned changes to it. Shaman Healers themselves already had a pretty nice boost which would let them have better performance in PvE and still strong in PvP. It does not need more Magic Damage. ” You can choose to play Lycan, Body War or Sura Weapons and have much more AV. Attack Up is still the most useless skill in t…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    OmulCuier - - Archive


    I have a level 75 Sura Weapons and I only use him for farming and events, so I don't really have any experience with him in PvP but I've seen lots of videos of him in PvP in official servers from my country and he doesn't seem to be weak. He's not powerful but nor is he weak, to me he's in the middle when it comes to PvP and is still the best in PvM.

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    OmulCuier - - Archive


    Quote from baklawa: “Quote from OmulCuier: “reveina, a level 61 could beat you if they had strong enough equipment, and that's not because of Sura being weak, you can do PvP at any level, but you don't understand this I guess. If you want PvP power then guess what? I want PvM power for my healer and BM! Why make all the classes the same? Some are better in PvM and others in PvP, You made level 120 with the easiest class to do so and now you want PvP power, WOW! ” Something is missing for your ch…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    OmulCuier - - Archive


    reveina, a level 61 could beat you if they had strong enough equipment, and that's not because of Sura being weak, you can do PvP at any level, but you don't understand this I guess. If you want PvP power then guess what? I want PvM power for my healer and BM! Why make all the classes the same? Some are better in PvM and others in PvP, You made level 120 with the easiest class to do so and now you want PvP power, WOW!

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    OmulCuier - - Archive


    Quote from reveina: “Quote from YoTeDoPo: “Quote from reveina: “As last weaponary sura players, probably we will leave this game after beta balancing update. You still think PvE is important. No PvE isn't important. PvE is unnecessary for maximum level players (after 105). But PvP is valuable for every level. Lv 15, 30, 55, 75, 90, 105, 120. It doesn't matter. You can profit by every level. Weaponary sura players don't want PvE power. Give PvP power or delete this character. Let us get rid of. P…

  • The real problem of the game !

    OmulCuier - - Archive


    Quote from AthozOrion: “Quote from OmulCuier: “No, it has 33% damage reduction and 100% SP absorbtion + 100 def. If it had 100% damage reduction that would mean Sura BM can't be damaged by anything. ” It have 100% reduction ,the damage ar reduced and transformed in SP .Test it then talk ” You clearly don't know what you're talking about, do you even play Metin2? Protection of darkness reduces 33% of the damage taken. How about you test it then talk?

  • The real problem of the game !

    OmulCuier - - Archive


    No, it has 33% damage reduction and 100% SP absorbtion + 100 def. If it had 100% damage reduction that would mean Sura BM can't be damaged by anything.

  • The real problem of the game !

    OmulCuier - - Archive


    Sura BM has a 33% damage reduction from the protection of darkness doesn't he? You say to reduce it from 100 to 50, what?

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    OmulCuier - - Archive


    Sura Weapons beats body war and lycan 100% if the dispel works, so how can you say he's the weakest class in PvP? He's not useless, he's really good. Before the anti magic stones, BM and the shamans were the weakest because you could have more than 100 magic resistance. I seen lots of 105+ level Sura Weapons and that's because of the dispel. If they didn't have dispel(best PvP skill in the game) then they would've been underpowered for sure.

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    OmulCuier - - Archive


    Quote from HectorElizondo: “Gameforge, please help Weaponary Sura, he dont have a unic weapon, is weak in pvp. We need more power. Im play a Sura and i like but the game in lvl superior is focus on PvP battles ande the sura need more power to against other character a new weapon special only for weaponary sura. Please modificate the weaponary sura, it has not been modified for a long long year, motivate a new player to play this Class Please Gameforge Help Weaponary sura ” Sura Weapons is the mo…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    OmulCuier - - Archive


    Quote from reveina: “I agree. Weaponary Sura is very weak in PvP. Enchanted Armor and Fear skills are fail. They need to be fixed. Also finger skill needs more damage. He was already weak. Also after dispel skill nerf weaponry sura will be weaker. I don't want PvE character. We don't want PvE character Everyone is 120 (maximum) lv right now. I want PvP character I want PvP power. We want PvP power. Also every character can use multiple weapon except our character weaponary sura. We only can use …

  • Dont ruin lykan

    OmulCuier - - Archive


    Why? It has MAV so it should work.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    OmulCuier - - Archive


    Quote from Apollykan: “True.. And sura has only two atack skills dispell damage is really weak warrior body has 4, lycan has 4 to, but lykan hits are really strange and slow and the skills fail a lot, so its already balanced ” Dispel does more damage than the other 2 skill if you have the 2 anti-magic stones and because it de-buffs any buffs in the game I'd say it's the best offensive skill in the game.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    OmulCuier - - Archive


    I used to play as Lycan a few months ago but I dropped it because the hit animation of the Lycan is just broken. I couldn't hit my enemies in PvM/PvP at all, it was really weird. I have to say that on mounts in PvM against metin stones or bosses the Lycan is more powerful than Sura Weapons and Body War, I don't know about the PvP part tho. Regarding PvM the Lycan needs a nerf in damage and piercing but this seems to be a little too much.

  • Shaman dolls? Dragon's Aid?

    OmulCuier - - Archive


    I agree with you, but why is everyone saying cure is the main skill of the healer? I am a healer and I never use this skill since it makes me vulnerable to get hit. In 1v1 I don't really see the point of it, but I use it when there's more people involved in a fight and use horses which aren't allowed in 1v1. Sorry for the off-topic but to me cure just isn't that great to call it the main skill of the healer.

  • Healer's ''attack up'' ideas

    OmulCuier - - Archive


    Quote from WasuLove: “Total nonsense, HeilSchamanen don´t need attack + boost, because that then affects the whole gameplay. You can give strong on against monsters 15% but dont more also. Healing shamans are too stark, strong of skills and a low cool down in the PVP just. Most of the complaining here are PvP players and voted accordingly not their shaman on PVM. The English community was always weaker than the Germans and is therefore not able to judge. Hier wird nur gemeckert auf hohen Niveau.…

  • Healer's ''attack up'' ideas

    OmulCuier - - Archive


    Quote from WasuLove: “This is stupid, you simply bring more dmg into the game. Give the 15% of the healschamanin strongly against monster in attack + and then the thing is done. Beyond that, you should consider that the heilschamanin is a support character and should not have a high impact. The english community should not have a say, because the simply far behind the German community is. By bad players with want to say the game is broken ” Everyone can say anything, you're part of the german co…

  • Does magic penetration still work ?

    OmulCuier - - Archive


    I think it's 25% AMR so from 25% MR it should still remain 19% MR

  • New armours and weapons

    OmulCuier - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Quote from WasuLove: “Should not change the weapons, then surely many body warriors and weaponery sura will stop playing The Game. Ninja and shaman weapons are much too strong, especially the ninja weapons ” Warriors and Weapon Sura's Damage at somewhat higher than most of the other classes. They don't really need even more damage, I would say. For some reason those two classes are basically the most played in M2.Europe. This doesn't mean that they will never have newer w…

  • Healer's ''attack up'' ideas

    OmulCuier - - Archive


    Quote from Hovercraft: “That is not true. shamans are doing more dmg on the beta compared to the offical server because of the new calculation class resistance The anti magic stones is not touched yet Buffing cure or attack up would make them more overpowered in highlvl pvp ” This is a beta, it's for testing. I'd love to test a reworked attack up, because it's not fair for healers to have only 5 skills (I don't consider attack up a skill, it's just a bad joke).