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  • Fear skill

    3vilmind - - Archive


    Tested on live server and you are right, so I must apologize for my misinformation. Missed a changelog or forgot about now is just an ambiguous description for the skill.

  • Fear skill

    3vilmind - - Archive


    Quote from Spark: “Fear gives percentage physical protection and arrow avoidance in percents also. ” So the miss chance at physical hits that the skill had for 10 years was a ...bug ? It's clear you're trying to balance PvP by modifying piercing hits formula, and Fear is getting in the way of that? Another case of "slow" bug at metin stones :wink: :wink: Good job! You are amazing either way: for modifying a skill just to meet your agenda or for discovering a clear to see "bug" after only ten yea…

  • Sura Weaponary​ : Rune Sword +9

    3vilmind - - Archive


    And probably won't get any different if only 5-10 people here post about it and the rest are sleeping and will just argue about it when it goes live. Talk to your friends on live servers, tell them what may become of their favorite weapon if they just sit on their ar*e and not take 1 hour to take a look and post their opinion.

  • PvE Balance

    3vilmind - - Archive


    The characters you mentioned are half as good in PvP when dispelled. In PvP each has a role and a tactic (group/guild PvP not 1vs1), if they keep the same line like Nemere's Tower ( needed Ninja and Shamans to finish ) for future dungeons then maybe somewhere, sometime each character class will have their role in PvE too. The games was good as it was some time ago, when there wasn't so much damage multipliers and some classes were good with skills and some better with hits. Balancing everything,…

  • New armours and weapons

    3vilmind - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “No one said skill or normal hits, I said "damage". The full output. Let us keep this at the same level. Regarding needing more damage, in DPS, most of the other classes are still lower than Warrior and Weaponry Sura. There is still a need to be able to balance them. PvP is a more complex matter since almost anything we would do in PvE would touch PvP. Let's wait for the next build and see how it goes. ” When balancing that DPS please keep in mind that each character type …

  • Why Shaman class has TWO weapons?

    3vilmind - - Archive


    Maybe I'm wrong and my decision to use Rune Sword when I've played weapon sura was a mistake, but honestly I think that 90% of weapon sura use Rune Sword and not Dragon Tooth Blade. You are forcing players to give up their current weapons to make new ones from a lvl 65 weapon.... Same value for "old" items ... not sure if Rune Sword will be able to keep it when it's practically the only weapon that isn't getting a buff. As was already said, two handed blades aren't the choice when pvp 1vs1. So b…

  • BUG Armour not transfered

    3vilmind - - Archive


    Just out of curiosity, did you place the items on that character briefly before the character was copied ? If that's the case, it's possible you got an "earlier" version of your character , not the one on live server.

  • Mission Bonuses Error

    3vilmind - - Archive


    Since Lycans were introduces after a lot of the old characters already finished Biologist Quests 85 & 90, for those characters the bonuses are 0. The fix is a simple visit to Baek-Go (map1) and chose the dialogue to recalculate the formula.