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  • Voting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    uknowwhoiam - - Feedback: 18.4


    18.4 = RIP Metin2 and good bye to the 90% of players who waste money on this game. So I said NO to 18.4

  • Feedback 18.4

    uknowwhoiam - - Feedback EN


    Quote from hugoW: “It would be more easy just to add the elementary damage bonus to the actual legendary stones, than to redesign the interface of the system ” Amen.

  • Alexa this is so sad, dont play anything. I cant understand why the beta is still open... If GF know what is good for they, they would have closed the beta 2 or 3 days ago and cancelled 18.4, BUT NO, they still want to put the 18.4 online. I really hope that this version came online the top players stop playing, and the ussers that continue playing just dont buy DR. We (the players) have the real control about the game, if we dont like something just stop playing and stop buying DR, if hundreds …

  • Quote from badidol: “Quote from NoToUpdate184: “my couisin play on my account almost non stop ” You know that this is against the rules and while we usually don't ban for it you forfeit any account-related support by doing so, right? ” are yo kiddin? hundreds of coments about the 18.4 and you reply this s**t? IM OUT of this fricking shet we all are wasting our time in this forum, keep doing. GL

  • GF will do whatever they want as always. In the antimagic stones beta hundreds and hundreds of post explaining why not to put these stones on the officials and explaining too how to resolv the problem with the balance and they do what they wanted without matter how much we explained it how to resolve it without a new stone in the game. If 18.4 cause more depopulation in metins like italian, french or spanish comunitys GF will fusion all this servers, they dont matter really if 500 players stop p…

  • I forgive GF the new Lycan character, I forgive GF the new antimagic stones, I forgive GF all the bugs, I forgive GF much innecesay stuff and the pay to win, but if this 18.4 come online on the official servers GF can forget about me, and I'm a player who waste 200€ per month in this awesome but not well managed game.

  • @badidol So if any person of Webzen and GF can play the game because of the time, why dont they listen to the players? For example, I make a suggestion about the new emotions almost 6-7 years ago. And I suggested pets like the pet system almost 5 years ago. The changing of channel without log is suggested about 10 years ago. New skins suggested almost 5 years ago and new hairstyle are suggested since the day 1 of this game, and still nothing. Don't you believe that hundreds of thousands players …

  • GF has to remove the new alchemy or they will kill the game, I have been years and wasted so many € to make my EQ perfect and definitely and they will drop all my efford and the efford of the other players. If they dont know how to play Metin2, better ask the players before they make things like this. The only thing we asked for is that we can fussion excellent with excellent to make another excellent with a new probability of bonusses, NOTHIN ELSE.

  • Stop killing the game.

    uknowwhoiam - - Feedback: 18.4


    We don't need the change in the alchemy, if GF wants to put elementary dmg then put it on the normal alchemy. There are hundred of things to improve and other hundreds of things to fundraising but this is not the way. The only thing you will get with 18.4 is to anger the players more than we are yet. And GF knows too well what means anger players. We want less things but well done and tested, things that we need. We DON'T want too much things bad done, bad tested, bugs, raise money or things we …

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    uknowwhoiam - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “If you prefer to use fans, you can continue using fans. ” You just never passed from lv 70, am i right? You have no fricking idea about the game, sorry but its the truth.

  • Hi everyone, I have been playing Metin2 for nine and a half years. I started in and then I played for a little in and In this almost 10 years I had the oportunity to play with all clases and up them all to lv 100+ (PVP and PVE, but more PVP) so I know a little what I'm talking about. __________________________ 1.- The first problem came 10 years back since today. All these years the players have been doing suggestions about de shaman dmg and all these suggestions h…