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  • Dann spielt doch keiner mehr DE xD Und die GF verdient nichts.

  • No Piercing Hits by Arrows?

    Drakador - - Archive


    I just did some Tests and I did not manage to deal piercing Hits with Arrows, only crits. Has anyone the same results? With Skills I only saw crits, can remember a piercing skill....

  • Änderungen die euch aufgefallen sind

    Drakador - - Archive


    Was ich dann nicht verstehe, wie genau das dann wirkt? Ich habe DB mit der Faust bei 450 Aw an nem Mento mit 950 AW (+falki) getestet, und da haben DB treffer nur 375 DMG gemacht, und dazu haben sie nie gekrittet, zumindest nie ersichtbaren DMG den man erwartet hätte. Der krit db war dann wohl ein 900 DMG Angriff, der auf Grund 950 Deff nicht durchkommt. Dann habe ich auch dieses Damage muster von x, 2x und 3x festgestellt. Also zB 4K, 8K und 12K Damage. Demzufolge teile ich dem Metin 8K Damage …

  • Feedback Tag 1

    Drakador - - Archive


    Ich kenn die neuen Waffen nicht, also kenne ihren AW nicht, lese hier ja nur vom DHM, bzw fehlendem DHM im 2Händer. Die Frage die mir beim Lesen durch den Kopf geht: Wie verhält sich denn das Balancing unter den Rassen mit der jeweiligen Waffe? Brauchen die Krieger die DHM in den neuen Waffen um mithalten zu können?

  • Fire resistance

    Drakador - - Archive


    You Forget Magic defense: The flame ghosts give you also magical damage. 50% fir, 50% Magic.

  • Sash's with weapon 105lv +9

    Drakador - - Archive


    In the interview, they said, an item which is more valuable than another item will stay more valuable. That is still true. A sash with a phoenixbow is still worth, there will only come an Item with is still more worth. Thats no big Problem I think, it is a Logical Process. The only Thing I care about is, that such new sashes will destroy the low-level area completely

  • Piercing Hits

    Drakador - - Archive


    No, I think piercing hits cant crit, cause I would say, critical hits can pierce. I never doubled the damage of a piercing Hit. Which means at first, a hit is critical, and then this critical Hit can pierce.

  • Piercing Hits

    Drakador - - Archive


    My notification is, that now piercing hits work as it is logical: If a Hit pierces,the calculationcalculates the damage without Defence: I hit a mental warrior with strong Body P, so 950 Deff with my fist, 450 Attack Value. The piercing hits on the beta Server were only about 375. On the original Server I always did 1000+ hits when they pierced. I also notifcated, that there was no "flashing up" when you pierce. Only when you have a critical hit. Also, piercing hits did not krit. Maybe someone c…

  • Archery improvements!

    Drakador - - Archive


    Quote from Dosarphic: “Quote from Drakador: “Repetetitve Shot ” I like your idea, but the only thing I would mention is change the base dmg. For now you can for example hit once your enemy 10k and it would be so OP making even without crit/piercing 9x 10k dmg. ” Read again the first sentence: I said the damage should be split into 9. Maybe bad english xD

  • Cure

    Drakador - - Archive


    I think Cure should restore much more HP as it does currently. The Value is out of Date, if when there is higher magical attack value in the new Wepons, it is in no relation wth the current max HP you can get. And especially in the Low-Level-Are until Level 80 it restores way to few HP. I think ist Value should be at least doubled, even tripled? I think the idea of Cure is to restore up to 75-80 Percent of someones HP, which was true at the beginning of Metin2, but now, it is out of Date. The on…

  • Healer's ''attack up'' ideas

    Drakador - - Archive


    What about giving it up do 30% of piercing hits?

  • Archery improvements!

    Drakador - - Archive


    Here is my propose: Spark: As many People said, it should be usable without any weapon and with daggers. Secondly, if it gets a resistance, it should be Magic Resistance. Feather Walk Feather Walk should get some more buffs as Chances to avoid hits and arrows, AND it should get a new Bonus, which will decrease the execution time for skills. At P it should be 50%. So the Problem with the Execution Speed of Repetitive Shot is solved. Repetetitve Shot The Skill, who shoots up to 9 arrows, should al…