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  • Quote from LeeChen: “The moment that a game turns to individuality, it comes in pursuit of commercial purposes(yang-won-char trading) because a player who can do anything alone doesn't have to explane for anyone.The game should appeal to groups as it used to be. Therefore, everything in the game must be a little difficult. BlueShade exactly! in this way, many boss revenue on each server, belongs to several players.(meley-razador-beran setaou-nemere-jotun) The first version of the 18.4 update was…

  • Emotions - Feedback - - Feedback: 18.4


    lmao selfies and pay2win emotes in 2018 LUL

  • Alchemy - - Feedback: 18.4


    Detalhes i Would like to have more mounts in the game

  • "feedback"

  • Any news ? - - Feedback: 18.4


    we want some freakin information, lots of people are leaving the game already, will the update go on or no?

  • what about pvp? - - Feedback EN


    just remove the magic penetration stone or add a physical penetration stone already

  • what about pvp? - - Feedback EN


    Detalhes for some reason people hated lycans thats why he had abif nerf and is weak now

  • what about pvp? - - Feedback EN


    its better to just nerf the lycan than nerfing sura bm and weapons, the most broken characters of the game since the begining lol

  • Quote from Anayra: “Darling, you only have 2 options here: 1 - help and give feedback 2 - don't help, don't give feedback and don't spam the thread I will start removing posts if they are just spam and not related to the topic. Thank you for your attention. ” i only said that because your speaking of other things that makes no sense instead of helping the game

  • Quote from Anayra: “Quote from RabbitRun: “So it comes down you need to know the difference between beta and live servers? I'll make some tests later this weekend and post it here. ” When something is not right we need to see the differences and test all the classes in different situations Asking help is not a sign of weakness I'll be waiting for your feedback Quote from IRobot: “Quote from Anayra: “Can you tell me the damage value you get on live server when you do the same with the bravery cap…

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi - - Feedback: 18.4


    why is the alchemy not tradable? why not make every tier tradable, what is the purpose of making it untradable? please someone from gameforge answer this question, what is your objective for making the alchemy not tradable anymore what do you want to acomplish with this? is it truly just for the money?

  • Lycan buged - - Bugs


    Quote from Th3Original: “I tested in live server and stun still works... Very bad, but works... It stuns like a 0.5 second... They can change it to at least 3 seconds. ” wait it works? tell me something what level is ur wolfs breath? mine at level 1 never stuns

  • Voting !!!!!!!!!!!!!! - - Feedback: 18.4


    i want the update

  • Lycan buged - - Bugs


    wait but on oficial server it never stuns

  • Lycan buged - - Bugs


    Guys theres 0 % to stun, i already did this test 3x times on the beta, try it if you dont believe me wolfs breath will never neverr stun

  • Lycan buged - - Bugs


    What do you guys mean??? it doesnt have 20% like they said, it has 0 % to stun its bugged!

  • Lycan buged - - Bugs


    oh i didnt knew it increases with int sorry, but what about the wolfs breath? its freakin buged men it never stunes never

  • Lycan buged - - Bugs


    just one more thing, when i increase the strenght stat the total attack of the lycan doesnt increase, why? another bug?

  • Lycan buged - - Bugs


    Hi, i think that theres some buggs with the lycan class, first wolf's breath was nerfed last year and now only has 20% to stun someone, but i promisse you it has 0 % it doenst matter how many times i try, it wont never stun a mob or a player, oh and Crimson Wolf Soul its suposed to give you a small chance to ignore defense, but it in reality it has 0, whats going on? can some devs help me please

  • We all have to quit metin for at least 1 month, GF and webzen need to understand that we are the ones who are playng the fkn game, and without us theres nothing NOTHINGG