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  • I guess you're an absolute idi*t. I wish you actually pay attention and use a weebit bird brain of yours.

  • when release 18.4

    KrazeeDuck - - Feedback EN


    Whenever it's ready. *facepalm*

  • can't conect to the beta

    KrazeeDuck - - Bugs


    9 and 3 where transfer characters took place. This one right now probably an actual maintenance.

  • can't conect to the beta

    KrazeeDuck - - Bugs


    Beta server still under maintenance.

  • OK so ?

    KrazeeDuck - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from FacSiDreg: “So what players are suposed to do now ? Dont equip alchimy ? ” Just farm as much alchemy while it last,at least we've foreseen what's coming.. If it's true about the postponed update, no alchemy update possibly no resistances nerf. Then, we're good.

  • Devil's Catacomb Discussion

    KrazeeDuck - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from BlueShade: “Don't get me wrong... I don't wanna be rude but this is ridicolous. You all are arguing over a 2-5kk difference. Be it 8kk/1h or 14kk/h, things won't change. Players still exploit this chance of yang farming WAY TOO MUCH and we all know how they use them. Please don't act innocent. ” What's wrong with farming yang too much ? How about those who actually farming yang to improve themselves in-game ? You're just salty because someone earn more with less effort than you. The o…

  • Quote from danielc25: “Quote from “PLEASE NERF SURA WEAPONS, THEY HAVE BEEN SOO UNBALENCED SINCE THE BEGINING ” I agree 100%. Weapon suras are way too overpowered. ” Yeah sure....about time to nerf AoS too. *facepalm*

  • Store Bug

    KrazeeDuck - - Bugs


    Stop spamming and you posted in the wrong sections too. Please browse for new updates before starting a new thread ffs. Current Problems with Shops.

  • Storage Problem

    KrazeeDuck - - Bugs


    Work just fine for me.