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  • Quote from jeroenado: “I think something weird happened there for you ” Yeah you are right. I totally forgot that I had made P boost on the first days of beta (before the nerfs) changed items and alchemy and so on. Now for the tests I used same items and alchemy as in live but forgot about the wards and boosts.

  • So I finally tested my lycan in beta too. The damage nerf isn't that bad. I expected worse: lv95 lycan, 92/94 bios not done, matt alchemy, 2 pets, 46avg lv70+9 claw, 20% vs monster battle boar, P crimson, lv100 metins On beta slightly better sash (8-10av, 2%avg difference) and more attack from leadership (P on beta, g8 on live, 12av difference) Live server: with 145int (+929) 11.7-12.2k crits; with 90int (+585) 9.6-10.5k crits Beta server: with 145int (+567) 9.8-10.6k crits; with 90int (+360) 8.…

  • My General Feedback

    Testreg - - Archive


    I agree to almost everything. Dragon shamans: Your plan of getting rid of "doll shamans" might be a good idea in crowded servers where there are many shaman mains. In my server (quite dead server) its hard to even make a group of warriors/suras/lycans for the tougher bosses (meley run for example - never been done cuz not enough strong players) but finding a shaman main is impossible. There used to be 2 dragon shaman mains lv90+ but both have quit the game by now. Lycans: Crimson damage should b…

  • Sorts archers bug

    Testreg - - Archive


    The long lasting poison would be a nice thing for ninjas and about bleed for lycans - if they leave them as they are now in beta then they would deserve that too but if they change the lycan back as it was then it would be too OP for sure.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Testreg - - Archive


    Lycans do have stupid skills Have you ever tried hitting a moving target with wolf pounce? And even if you do hit something the damage is low. I'd gladly trade pounce for feather walk, stealth, reflect or attack up any day.

  • Suras and warriors

    Testreg - - Archive


    How it is now when it comes to damage: sura < warr < lycan How it should be: sura < lycan < warr Warriros have no extras so they should get the best dmg As Yemon already said suras are tanks so its ok to have a bit less dmg Lycans have crits in skills and pierce (a bit less now but still) but they aren't tanky at all so they should be somewhere in the middle

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Testreg - - Archive


    Quote from Apollykan: “Put your shittti itens and your weak alchemy in a lykan and try te things that some of us lykan do, dont blame the characther blame itens and alchemy that u dont have.. Lykan are no op, i have a lykan but i have a weapon sura and a body warrior and they do the same thing without the piercing shot, if piecing shots its the problem reduce it, and reduce the bump that int gives to crimson and put it equal to the sura, Solved. ” giphy.gif This is what I'm saying too - nerf the…

  • Characters personalization in PvP

    Testreg - - Archive


    Sounds interesting. Tank: if metin now is all about oneshooting then this would be the way to defend yourself from that. Attacker: kill before u get killed Probably would be the most popular one so the -% skill res should be higher than the +% skill damage it gives so that people really have to consider if to take this or no (berserk skill was the 1st thing that came to my mind) Sweeper: I think this would be the least picked one not the tank (as we can see in other posts - nobody wants to loose…

  • Suras and warriors

    Testreg - - Archive


    Quote from Signo: “Suras have higher damage than bodys ” Suras have more attack value from e blade but not higher damage. Aos gives less but but body will still hit more than sura. Not as much as lycan but still more than a sura. I agree that berserk skill should be changed somehow though That part really isn't fair. Quote from Signo: “Who was the first who killed Jotun Trimm? 2 lycans with buff. Are you think 2 body warriors or 2 weaponry suras can do this? I dont think so... ” Well in my serve…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Testreg - - Archive


    They should just reduce the way crimsons attack value scales with INT. That's what makes lycans so powerful. Comparison between aos e.blade and crimson: lv100 wp sura: enchanted blade with 90int gives 587.5 lv88 body warrior: aos with 90str gives 567 lv95 lycan: crimson with 90int gives 585 If the body warr was a bit higher lvl then the values would be even closer to each other... If they only changed the way INT adds attack to crimson to something lower instead of decreasing the damage in gener…

  • Critical hit changes??

    Testreg - - Archive


    After reading the new changes: GG Gameforge or Webzen or whoever does stuff like this You did a great job giphy.gif So critical hits in PvE are pretty much gone now... Killing bosses alone now will be just a good memory in the past for most players Lycan getting a damage and pierce nerf is ok and not that bad and wouldn't "kill the lycan 4ever" but reducing duration and increasing cooldown so that it can't go on continuously? Now that's what will kill it. Seems like it's finally time to quit thi…

  • Skill Changes

    Testreg - - Archive


    Quote from YoTeDoPo: “…ras/97847670817121739.jpg Congratulations with the change in the abilities of Dragon Shaman, you have lost a player ” Where did you even get this from? What server is that? I just checked both beta and the normal server I play in and the values are the same and haven't changed a single bit...

  • Minor improvements

    Testreg - - Archive


    There is a similar thing with making potions/dews/waters... sooo much clicking -_- And the "produece all potions" button doesn't work most of the time.

  • Costume never expired

    Testreg - - Archive


    Could make the "lock item" to be available at NPC for really high amount of yang - so you buy costume once and spend yang to get the bonuses you want and then you have a choise - either buy the lock item and transfer them to the next costume or spend yang again on the new costume to get the bonuses you want again from 0. This way there is no extra profit for gameforge but we still have to buy costumes and still got to spend yang so the only thing that changes is that we can now save the bonuses …

  • Feedback on all classes

    Testreg - - Archive


    Maybe they should just make it so that the sura wep and rune sword both turn into same new weapon. Would solve this problem and everyone is happy...

  • Quote from WuZZ: “That's how the bonus "chance to restore HP" works. "Damage will be absorbed by HP" works even if there aren't enemies killed. ” That makes sense

  • I've heard that hp absorb works only when you kill something but never tested that

  • Piercing Hits

    Testreg - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “I have contacted WebZen about this and it is intended that above 100% piercing damage, it also increases damage. We are currently in talks about this. ” My main is a lycan so it would be nice for me, but seriously?? For all the other classes its not that easy to get over 100% pierce but for lycan it's not that hard so they want to make the class that already hits more than anyone hit even more? Keep that up It will definitely work out just perfect xD gg

  • Piercing Hits

    Testreg - - Archive


    Just had a sudden realisation: if pierce works wrongly when it's over 100% then why not just cap it at 100%? Similar as moving speed is capped at 200. That should fix some of this overly high dmg problem, shouldn't it?

  • Lykan Nerf

    Testreg - - Archive


    Lycans already have pierce from crimson in the normal servers too so that's nothing new. The only new thing is that now you can see how much exactly it adds and also the pierce now in beta kinda isn't working correctly. I agree lycans are too OP now but I don't think you should remove crit/pierce/bleed. The way to nerf them should be just lowering the base skill damage as Rapier said. Or maybe reduce the crimson boost from INT a little bit so that its similar attack value to aos or eblade - then…