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  • BUG Meley

    LHQentin - - Bugs


    If you enter in Meley dungeon on mount you will not get down automatically when you are teleported in. So you can fight on the mount in that dungeon. I tried this twice, so it was not an isolated bug

  • Could anyone please explain to me how can we do this meley dungeon, when on full resistance i don t resist at one skill? I mean more than that what can I put on me to deal that damage? Watch the test!

  • Shaman on Dragon Force is bugged!

    LHQentin - - Bugs


    Hi guys! I'd like to talk with you about this bug that I discovered it accidentally. So, what is all about? I put a bell +0 and a fan+0 on my character to test the difference between these two weapons. Because I am a shaman on Dragon Force, on my ability is specified that I get a bonus damage when I use a bell, but the reality is different. I'm doing 200 more damage with a fan than a bell. So i decided to open a ticket about that, and the answer that i get it is this: they don't really think is …

  • As I told you i tested the resistance and I noticed that. Now you don t need the wind resistance or fire or ice or others, you just need more defence and some average damage resistance. Check on the video to see how you can easy farm with less then 30% wind resistance.

  • I dont saw all that new players that they spoke about, i never hear about someone who start to play as a new player on any server, all the community is stabie by old players who take a long period of rest and then they decided to play again this game, because is in some moments funny, nobody start as a beginner, in this game i think that all new player are around 5% on all communities, so they should hear our opinion about all those changes, because is not about improvement, is about changes. Th…

  • Something goes wrong with the new alchemy, i think that is because of elemental resistance. Look at that test.

  • Hi guys! I have managed to test most of the new improvements that will be made. And I want to mention that I am very disappointed with all the changes brought. First of all, the new evolution of alchemy is far too strong to legendary alchemy, a mythic matt ruby is much stronger than a perfect legendary ruby, and the SPD bonus is excessively high. I expect to be 1-2% more damage and 20 more attack than legendary, but no. This evolution does not please anyone, all the players have spent a lot of m…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    LHQentin - - Archive


    Quote from AthozOrion: “LPvP tournament is general test for Lycans. I hope my opinion about nerf is wrong and Lycan will be good char like now. Quote from DLK: “But I still want see answer from Metin2 Team why Crimson's DMG is nerfed. Any arguments can You present? ” Lol,they argue that lot of time.The lykan damage it waz too hight comparative the other caracters,and beside this,he hase much more advantages,than any other caracter have.It looks normal for u to a lykan caracter to give more dmg o…

  • Don't ruin Dragon Shamans

    LHQentin - - Archive


    I can not redo the test because when the new beta stage started and the items were copied again, I had the items moved to another account and now it seems that the recordings are closed so I can not copy them. And also i can not copied my healing shaman to do that test But in order to see the difference between characters, the test should be done without alchemy, and with exactly the same items. Because you may not have the same alchemy on both accounts.

  • Damage varies on the same skill, so you can not have exactly the same damage when giving the ability twice in a row, you had to test the damage 3-4 times with the talisman and without to seeing that clearly.

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    LHQentin - - Archive


    Another fact with that i don't agree is, when I try to buff an account who is not im my group, I gave the buff to my self. That is not fair. I can invite just 8 members in a group. If we are in a general fight how can I give buff to those who are not in my group. Or, at major events, I personally charm in sd3, with sura WP lv 55 and 114 shaman, how can I give a buff if I can not invite that 55 account in the group, because I need 30 levels difference to be part of an group.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    LHQentin - - Archive


    For those who consider that lycans must be changed, on what criteria do you rely on when you say this? Look to the video above, explain a lot. All positive reviews about this reduction in lycan damage come from those who do not allow items with claws defense. I'm not going to comment on what's going on in the IBarbaR test because it's pretty clear and explicit what he did.

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    LHQentin - - Archive


    How is that fair? Look at this video on official server Metin2 Ro sv Orion. It can see clearly from minute 9:51. On 75 sword and maybe full resistence on warrior mental warrior can get just 800 damage on body warrior, and he is a good player, with a good alchemy and full hh. Sura or shamans can get 6k on that resistence... how can i win in a duel against sura or shaman when i can get 800 damage on skills and 1300 per hit and my opponent can get on me more then 6k on skills. Now i don't want to s…

  • Quote from unforgiven: “It makes no sense compare values cold-turkey. Skills and damage is not calculated the same way on each class. ” If you said so, then how do you know the damage of the lycans must be decreased? How do you get of that point if you don't compare it with other classes? Let's say maybe I do not allow a set with INT full to activate crimson, or maybe I can not use such a set, that means I have to thank with the 360 attack , while others can reach much higher values for allowing…

  • So, i did some researches according to the possibilities I have on the official. Sounds like that: - Enchanted Blade - 567.5 (normal) / 748.3 (full int) / damage increased with 180.8 - Crimson Wolf Soul - 585 (normal) / 898 (full int) / damage increased with 313 - Aura of the Sword - 687 (normal) / 745 (full str) / damage increased with 59 On lycan i use shield with 12 INT, Necklace of level 38 +9, Claw with 12 INT and Earrings on lv 54 +8 On sura i use shield with 12 INT, Necklace of level 38 +…

  • Quote from Th3Original: “I made my tests about new lycan Damage, and im surprised, i was thinking my lycan after the chages will do about 2k less damage in comparison to my sura... But it's not the case. To do this comprison i asked a @unforgiven help to have all gear in equal level. Here is my Sura Damage: Here is my Lycan Damage: I can accpet this change in PvM side... PvP i can't say anything... ” This test is not valid, because on sura you don`t put …

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    LHQentin - - Archive

    Post Howdy! I noticed that the shaman healer has twice as much damage as the dragon shaman and i want to know why? I do not even mention that on 108 magic resistence and 77 resistance to shaman get 12k normal damage. What do you think abaout that? Is that normal? Obviously, I have other complaints about the abilities of these characters, like when i try to use skills for buff on a member of group, if he moves the buff skills fails, and i have to wait another 250 minute…

  • Lycan Characters Shoots Very Low

    LHQentin - - Archive


    Personally, I did not expect this to happen after all this time. Because mayne I repeat this too much, but Lycan is just as good as a body warrior on the official server right now without these changes. I support this with evidence .

  • Lycan Characters Shoots Very Low

    LHQentin - - Archive


    This is a good news, but the attack value is still too low.

  • Lycan Characters Shoots Very Low

    LHQentin - - Archive


    Hi there! I am a lycan player too, and I tested a lot in pvm the lycan on the beta server, with the new cooldown I'm not able to break a metin from head to tail without activating twice the Crimson Wolf Soul. I also made a topic about it, but I'm not really successful with it. The idea is that neither in pvp nor in pvm lycan is of any use. Why? If you take a look at the topic I mentioned above you will find the answer, on the official server lycan has exactly the same damage as the body warrior.…