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  • Change personal training

    layla73 - - General Feedback


    We are in the beta server Do you keep this until you add them? I do not know when is this justice? Why does coaching change exist if? I want to solve my work so I can play like my colleagues and thank you

  • Change personal training

    layla73 - - General Feedback


    may God give you happiness I want to solve my personal problem by experimenting My first entry was a tool to change the training and there were spiritual stones and I wanted to change the skills of the resistance and training and other but I could not find the books until I complete my skills Now play there in M1 skills I sent over to GM but they did not help me Thank you for your understanding

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    layla73 - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “@ angelyna24 ، layla73، وجود أجراس خيار، لا أحد يجبر هذا السلاح على أي شخص. إذا كنت تريد أن يكون 10٪ المزيد من الضرر مهارة يمكنك استخدام جرس. لا يزال بإمكانك استخدام مروحة، وهذا لا يزال ممكنا. ” Also I can use Fan for Level 1 Is this fair? The bell has no reward on the contrary - it is a -10% bonus bell compared to the fan Do you think I'm paying $ 200 a month on my account so I have a second-rate Shaman after recovery? Not a solution I paid so much money I get to resist …

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    layla73 - - Archive


    If the bonus continues to Shaman Dragon for the Bells will be forced to leave the game definitively Will never again pay in cash for things that have already been exceeded There are other things that deserve to pay my money I will not change my personality from a dragon to a healing There will be only a solution to leaving the game

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    layla73 - - Archive


    Shaman Dragon does not need to be balanced but is strong in the injustice of using the bell If the bell is canceled in the premium, it is better for everyone, even if the attack mode is improved by using the bell. What do you think? A bell is made from the beginning and a lot of money is paid. I only have Shaman a dragon fighter and if there is a bell there is no going to continue playing As for the people who have more than one account will leave the dragon only for the BF and not for wars, and…

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    layla73 - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “The damage difference between healer and dragon shaman has already been sent to WebZen. We are waiting for a reply. @LionKing, I sent this to our tester team but these things are usually are really low priority. ” Hello I have two accounts in the server, one is healing and the other is a dragon There is a significant difference in the value of their skill over 2000 skill value I even tested them by taking down the gear, pinching, shaving and his collar Healing is much hig…

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    layla73 - - Archive


    I have invested a lot of money in the development and charm of weapons. After all this comes an update that tells me sorry what I did now is not appropriate. You had to pay attention in the other weapon, which was less efficient The development of weapons goes through many stages until you reach the level 105 is not easy and it is very expensive real money and even magic does not come in vain Please change the bell thought because if it continues there will be left to play or change the training…

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    layla73 - - Archive


    Quote from LHQentin: “ Howdy! I noticed that the shaman healer has twice as much damage as the dragon shaman and i want to know why? I do not even mention that on 108 magic resistence and 77 resistance to shaman get 12k normal damage. What do you think abaout that? Is that normal? Obviously, I have other complaints about the abilities of these characters, like when i try to use skills for buff on a member of group, if he moves the buff skills fails, and i have to w…