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  • New set for alchemy

    pamfil - - Feedback EN


    If the new type of alchemy is still being implemented, why not make a new alchemy set? the third set ... This would be good for everyone. Everyone could play with the old alchemy while developing their new type of alchemy alchemy at the same time ...

  • what about pvp?

    pamfil - - Feedback EN


    Hello, I know I'm off topic, but I would like to express my concern about pvp in this game. At the moment Sura BM dominates in front of all the characters. It does not matter what items you have, you can have full resistance to magic, it's not enough to beat a BM. The two anti-Magic Stone stones is a joke, one for the weapon + 4 (Decreases the Magic Resistance of the opponent +25), and one for the armor +4 (Decreases the Magic Resistance of the opponent +25 !!) Seriously ... how did you thought …

  • sura weapons and warrior body

    pamfil - - Archive


    Quote from AthozOrion: “Quote from reveina: “Say these unforgiven! He doesn't know this game. He up this game so hard. We said 100 times. Weponary sura and Body Warrior need PvP power! Game admins should resign. ” u played only lvl 15 .HOW TO say body warrior need more pvp power? ” do u play body warrior?? or u play this game at lvl 40? Sura wepons and warrior body are the weakest characters at this time! just do a carcacter of 120(body war) and try to beat someone!

  • Body Warrior

    pamfil - - Archive


    Hello people I want you to go straight to the subject, so in this patch all talk about certain classes like Shaman, likan, sura, ninja(less), my disapproval is like all these classes are already strong in pvp content compared to body warrior. Show me how a body warrior at lvl 120 can beat these classes... of course we are talking when everything is fully equipped. in my opinion a body warrior at lvl 120 is the weakest character, because: - The Sword Aura skill: is nothing compared to Enchanted B…