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  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    Th3Original - - General Feedback


    Quote from YoTeDoPo: “During some hours of testing, I can share some od the drops i have checked: -Costumes: past events Halloween costumes and some new ones based on Wolfs (similar to lykans) -Mounts: various terrorific mounts like Equus-Purphyreus, Lava/Ice Cave Lizard... and a new mount in two colours, Cerberus (Silver and Gold) -Pets: Opened 3 chest, obtained Wayne, Jade Phoenix and a new pet, Astrabell (a little witch). -Zodiac: opened 1 and received 50 Red Zodiac Case... Too expensive -Alc…

  • [list=1][*] [/list]Quote from aha15: “Quote from BlueShade: “The only way to prevent solo playing is preventing multiaccount ” Plus it will prevent exploitation of auto-hunt (If applied for auto-hunt) Quote from HZZA3: “I had an idea why we should not integrate your solution with my solution at the top So cancel the pulling of monsters & bosses & prevent the access of 5 characters from the same computer. That will make it difficult for them and they will really have to look for help from other p…

  • Now you need more resistence to do what you did before... Now it's balanced. Well done

  • Some Annoying Stuff in PvP

    Th3Original - - General Feedback


    But this problem is only on Physical Chars, magical ones have their Magic Penetration and even with 0 magical penetration and an enemy with 100% + magic defense, they still do damage... I talked about this in other topic, but i think a lot more ppl need talk about to see if gameforge open the eyes. Let's make Sword/claws penetration stone, wee also need this now.

  • I can acept this New Damage in Forest and Ochao Temple... I need test boss's and other mobs... First tests is Ok, let's see what other players say.

  • Pet System - Feedback

    Th3Original - - Feedback: 18.4


    One pet can have 3 slots... We have 6 PvM books to select... Vampirism (7%), Restore HP (5%), Berserker, Bulwark, Drill, Monster We need to choice, but with 2 books in specific, we do not need do a choice bc it is clearly... Damage absorved by HP is best than Chance to Restore HP... So here this new book is totally useless... If we get a % like 10-12%, but no... just 5% it's not enought. I think this new book need a new % or just changed to another book...

  • what about pvp?

    Th3Original - - Feedback EN


    The problem is... They fixed a problem and created a new one... Anti-Magic Stones is a big problem here, and not only lycan are weak now, all phisic characters are... If you can have 92% Claws defense, you also can have 92% sword, two handed etc etc... Magic chars are overpowered right now, but nobody talks about it.

  • what about pvp?

    Th3Original - - Feedback EN


    I just made some tests with my Dragon Shaman (lv 100) and Lycan (lv 117)... With a 105 weapon +3 with no double hh and a total of 35 hh and no biologit missions, my dragon Shaman can easily beat my lycan (let's say my lycan have 33k hp and my shaman just 17k)... My lycan has all missions, lv 90 weap +9 and a total of 60hh... I equipped 103 magic resistence + shield With shaman i eqipped 92% Claw Defense + Shield My lycan is doing about 150-300 skill damage My Shaman about 2100-2500 So here we ca…

  • Tests Live and Beta Server same time: Test 1 Map: Temple of Ochao Resistence: 64% Wind on Both Servers Items: Same itens and DSS Off Character: Lycan lv 117 Mobs: Ochao Soldier on Live Server: 0 Damage Ochao Soldier on Beta Server: 970-1200 Damage Test 2 Map: Guatama Cliff Resistence: 64% Wind on Both Servers Items: Same items and DSS Off Character: Lycan Lv 117 Mobs: Lemures General on Live Server: 0 Damage Lemures General on Beta Server: 150-325 Damage Test 3 Map: Guatama Cliff Resistence: 15%…

  • Lycan buged

    Th3Original - - Bugs


    Perfect Master

  • Lycan buged

    Th3Original - - Bugs


    I tested in live server and stun still works... Very bad, but works... It stuns like a 0.5 second... They can change it to at least 3 seconds.

  • Lycan buged

    Th3Original - - Bugs


    Quote from “Guys theres 0 % to stun, i already did this test 3x times on the beta, try it if you dont believe me wolfs breath will never neverr stun ” First try at beta server, my shaman stunned... Try with no Blackout Defense Shield

  • Lycan buged

    Th3Original - - Bugs


    Can you print it? Both servers, same int and the window showing piercing... Do it with 0 itens, just weapon and int items.

  • Lycan buged

    Th3Original - - Bugs


    They changed it in the last update, now Wolf Breath have a chance to stun of 20%... It's intended to work like that.

  • Lycan buged

    Th3Original - - Bugs


    It increases with Int... Check your int value in both servers

  • Lycan buged

    Th3Original - - Bugs


    With full int lycan has have 18% piercing attack... At beta too, so it's not bug. Answering to the question of Lycan attack value do not increase with streght... I think you should stop play privates and learn about how lycan works on official server... Attack value of a lycan is increased first by Dex and second by Vit... Strenght works for skills and poly only. I can subscribe the slow hits on the ground, but i think they will not change this... Nother thing they can do is make Wolf Claw worki…

  • They need not only increase Daily amount of draconis to at least 15/20, but also they need give a map to the people 115+ farm Dragon Shards with a good % of drop, like lv 75 at DC. Actually i'm 117 and i need a 30 min +- to do 30 Shards on map 95... Metins level 110 115 maybe is a good choice. The alchemy update i do not aprove at all, they need do it in another way or just do not do it...


    Th3Original - - General Feedback


    They nerfed lycan again?

  • Bugs that stopping us from tests.

    Th3Original - - Bugs


    Ya, and i cant found the Pet book chest to see the new skills.

  • I tested both maps... Enchanted Forest and Devils Catacombs... In Devils Catacombs, it's fine to me... 25% resist dark, my sura can stay alive easy. Now about Enchanted Forest... There we need changes. I tested both Servers at same time with same equipment and same char... Results: Live servers Avg damage with 45% Resist Wind: 200 Beta Server Avg damage with 45% Resist Wind: 600 I Sugest a review at the Enchanted Forest Damage, actually now is so much harder than before.