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  • Quote from Salsie: “Quote from HaeTae: “hello, I tested the resistances in the magic forest (lvl 95), normally i would destroy an lvl 120 metin without running (about 65 wind) but now, I need to run almost every time when mobs spawn, I m an corporal warrior by the way. In my opinion you should rethink this resistances... ” Hey, did you check this after the last update? When no please try it again and give us an update pls ” hello again ! I tested it again yesterday and now it's ok for me, I stil…

  • Elementary Resistances Discussion

    HaeTae - - Feedback: 18.4


    hello, I tested the resistances in the magic forest (lvl 95), normally i would destroy an lvl 120 metin without running (about 65 wind) but now, I need to run almost every time when mobs spawn, I m an corporal warrior by the way. In my opinion you should rethink this resistances...