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    Kouen TR - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Thank you for your post but unfortunately I do not speak Turkish. Can anyone give me the gist of this post? Thank you in advance. ” Mostly bullshit. He wants his black magic sura to be the best. He's talking like anti-magic stones aren't enough, black magic suras don't deal any physical damage, their protection skill is useless due to dispel skill and blaa blaa. By the way don't you guys plan to make any changes on body warriors and weapon sura? They are pretty much usele…

  • Reverse this "Balance"

    Kouen TR - - Archive


    Piercing Hits are huge problem in my opinion as well. I think they've done it this way for Body Warriors as they were pretty weak in PVP. If they want to buff Body Warriors they should change their Aura of Sword gain from STR. If i'm not mistaken, every 12 STR gives 7-8 AoS which is pretty low when it's compared to what Lycans and Weaponry Suras get from INT. Piercing Hits can remain the way it was and STR gain for AoS can be increased a bit. It also can be made similar to Enchanted Blade, activ…