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  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    angelyna24 - - Archive


    So for buffs we use extra DEX and for skills STR? Woooooow! Who will have all those bonuses on items when there are so much random ones , we need to pay hundreds of dollars on change bonus? I guess for us shamans we have to choose to be buffer or dd. So much for solo play.....

  • Shaman balancing

    angelyna24 - - Archive


    Reflection and Attack Up should be fixed, improved and maybe they should be switch between shamans. Not be so useless like they are now. Reflection is better for healer then dragon and dragon is a support class it should have attack skill.

  • Some last thoughts

    angelyna24 - - Archive


    Quote from LionKing: “The ideea with the buffs other characters if you are not in a party was a great thing .Many people will argue me but to many Kyds level 35+farmers in red forest with they buff come there to kill metins if i was in the place of Webzen i put restriction level on each map after they are 35 level and kill metins 80+ they have nerve to insult you,swear you .Many tricky players who say on Global Chat "Drop thief gloves in red forest only for 20kk PM ME FAST" and they are 35 and y…

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    angelyna24 - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “You cannot really separate completely PvP from PvE. You still have buffs that are really unique and add quite good amount of damage in PvE - not so much in PvP - we are still in talks about this. Skills will help you by not needing to be tanking to cast them (Dragon Roar), etc. @LionKing, read this: 1st PvP Balancing Optimisation ” As long as this game is open pvp there will never be separate. To pvp you need to lvl, make money, get gear and that means you need to pve fir…

  • Quote from Rapier: “Quote from angelyna24: “...This game is about solo not party and most of players play alone... ” No. This is your choice to play solo. Maybe what Webzen wanted with these updates was to increase the role of party play, strategy and so on. There is currently too much individualism in this game and most of the activities here requires group effort and coordination. This is the trend I see in every new implementation...Meley's Lair, the Enchanted Forest and the ways you could lv…

  • Shaman balancing

    angelyna24 - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Priore, Of course that there will be some damage loss but we need to start the whole balancing somewhere and we are trying to reduce the damage. With this update, PvE will become easier for Shamans, a bit harder for other classes because of the reduction of Dragon Aid. PvP will be more tactical and less damage will be dealt overall - less 1 hit kills. Ok, critical might have less power here but it will make it more fun because it will take more time to kill other characte…

  • Agree. Up!

  • I ask myself if a GM ever try to lvl from 1-100 a healer shaman and see how hard it is. This game is about solo not party and most of players play alone. The balance should be make healer better at pve and dragon better at pvp and please for the love of GOD stop making "reflect" and "attack up" skills not so USELESS . Dragon shaman is already a "alt" character in pve, not many ppl play it unless they have someone to play with or pvp but if i played pvp i will sure choose a healer shaman and for …

  • Shaman balancing

    angelyna24 - - Archive


    That is what i said. This game is not about party, this game is 99% solo and there is no need for a shaman to buff just party members. Is just stupid. Is hard enough to carry a shaman with you and waste of money and time so what is the point to keep doing it? They kill shaman both pvp/pve. Better just lower the overall dmg of monsters and bosses, give characters more def and remove shaman buffs for good, because for me 10-15 % dragon strength and blessing is not enough to worth the money and tim…

  • IS 2017 ....

    angelyna24 - - Archive


    I think with this class balance patch is time to make pve servers to. I already have a hard time ppl killing me and now my dragon shaman will get a huge nerf pvp and I have no reason to play anymore. I love shaman dragon and i dont wanna start other character. Make pve servers or just find a way for us to choose if we want to pvp or not. Is been 10 years already and most of my friends leave the game because of that so i suggest when the new patch comes pls find a way to make this game not open p…

  • Shaman balancing

    angelyna24 - - Archive


    This is not a "party" game like PWI or Tera is mostly a solo game and there are 2 kind of shamans: Alts saman to buff main character and solo play shaman who the same as me, have a hard time play pve. Not many pvp ppl play with dragon shaman. Shaman is already hard to play at pve and you take away what good is left from her and you want to make it better for party?? I mean, what party? Better let shaman buffs dont work on other characters anymore, increase her dmg, def, cooldown skills and let h…