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Dear players,
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Thank you for being a part of this!
Dear Players, please find the latest Change log below: Change log - Removal of Mythic DSS - unequipping Items will place now place them in the correct Spot again - Pets which changed during Character transfer were corrected - Defense Wave Statue name can be changed in all Channels - a Confirmation Window when changing your Pet has been added Greetings, Your Metin2-Team
Maintenance done
PostDear Players, the Maintenance is done - the Gates are open again! What has been done? - Passwords should no work correctly (Password from Live Server, if your Account has already been transfered before todays MT, your Password now will be 000000) The Delivery of Items to the Itemshop Storage will be re-done tomorrow. Greetings, Your Metin2-Team
@aasswwqq please select the Server you're playing on. After doing so, please select the Character you want to move to the Beta Server. Greetings, Rocket
Feedback Elementardeffs
Rocket - - Feedback: 18.4
PostGuten Abend, ich komme leider erst jetzt dazu hier auch einmal alles zu lesen. Erst einmal vorweg ein "fettes Danke!" an alle die zu diesem Thema Feedback da lassen. Es wäre mir sehr wichtig, wenn Ihr bei den Ergebnissen Eurer Tests dazu schreiben könntet, unter welchen Bedingungen diese entstanden sind: - wie hoch sind Eure Resistenzwerte gegen das jeweilige Element? - hat das Equipment 2te oder 3te Boni? Abblocken, Magiewiderstand, TP-Absorbieren und wie viel davon? - greift Ihr bei Eurem Selb…
Quote from DaParaRir: “Quote from RabbitRun: “Quote from Anayra: “One more question for you about the gear you used: - Just wind resistance? - Any magic? - Any block? ” ?? That's not one, it's three questions! Ok... sarcasmYes I tested Wind res because that's the only elemental resistance that works there. I am currently testing other defences now on different maps. Magic Resistance was tested (that's the MA you see there) on En-Tai Druid. Druid and Healers are the only mobs there where Magic re…
Pferdeskill NInja
PostHallo, das Problem mit dem Pferde Skill ist bekannt und wurde weitergegeben. Bezüglich der ganzen Itemshop Items haben wir auch Bedenken, klar. Allerdings müssen wir Tests auch mit diesen Items ermöglichen und appellieren da einfach ein wenig an die Vernunft der Spieler zu wissen, wann man auch einmal ohne Push testen sollte. Grüße, Rocket
18.4 Feedback by Didi
Rocket - - Feedback: 18.4
PostGuys. Please be nice to each other. Everybody has a different opinion and everybody has a different playstyle. Just because you can't/don't want to understand the other person, doesn't automatically mean his/her view is "stupid". Starting an argument over something with someone doesn't help you when trying to make a point Your Team Rocket
Quote from RabbitRun: “As long as you don't act like Team Rocket from Pokemon we're fine I guess. ” I will, from now on, just finish my posts with "Your Team Rocket"
Korea sent a fix for the Shops about 20 minutes ago. We will apply it to our Test Servers, check if everything works correctly. Afterwards we will apply it to the Beta Just a little bit more patience please
Beta Test Items
PostDears Players, please check your Item Storage! We delivered a few Items which should make testing easier for you, if you are missing them from the Live Server! Greetings, Your Metin2-Team
Dear Players, we will get a Fix for this issue from Webzen tomorrow (Korean time). Which means you will have to be patient for a little more than 20 hours. We will include this fix within the next MT tomorrow. Afterwards the Shop should work normally We again apologise for the Inconvenience this has caused. Your Metin2-Team
Dear Players, we're aware, that you're not able to buy certain Items from the Shops. We are currently working on solving this Issue. We're also aware that Items like "Protein Snack" and Sashes are missing from the Shop, which keeps you from testing everything properly.+ Please be patient. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. Your Metin2-Team