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  • Emotion Mask and Boxes

    Olthir - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Darky9: “Quote from Olthir: “right, but you can get the bag from a lot of places and it will not be a cash item. ” yeah, but you still need emotion mask to use them, so what is the point of a free item that you still need to pay to use ” You are right, but we are talking about the new emotions themselves and not talking about the system. This update is supposed to increase the emotions not to change the way how it works. However i'll forward your feedback, let's see. Quote from Luthen…

  • Feedback 18.4

    Olthir - - Feedback EN


    Quote from DontMakeUsAngry: “Game has got a lot of bugs and firstly you should fix them. For now update is unnecessary and this update only makes things harder and players will give up the game( also gameforge lose money sad but true ) ” Tell me: what are the major bugs you are talking about?

  • Emotion Mask and Boxes

    Olthir - - Feedback: 18.4


    Thanks for the feedback! Did you try the new emotions? How are they? What about also adding, maybe in a future, more cross action between players? Currently the new emotions are temporary, right, but you can get the bag from a lot of places and it will not be a cash item. So the emotion bags will be always in the shops on live servers

  • Sash Bonus Transfer

    Olthir - - Bugs


    Ehy @YoTeDoPo: the system works fine but currently the item is not available in the shops. I'll request to add it

  • Set Bonus ?

    Olthir - - Bugs


    Good, problem solved Thread closed!

  • Server Beta

    Olthir - - Bugs


    Good, so topic closed.

  • المتجر

    Olthir - - Bugs


    Ehy! Welcome @amjad can you please write your sentence in English?

  • Pet System - Feedback

    Olthir - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from lmcdoss6: “Quote from Patriickx: “0928_211336.jpg Hello, as I told you now, I bring you the mascot type "prismatisch". It gives me more hp than the "legendary" but still follows 13% of berseker ” dont forget that to see the change in the skill % you have to re-login ” What do you mean? Can you please explain me this point? Maybe we can ask for a better solution, but i need to get it!

  • Alchemy cor draconis

    Olthir - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from SkyRiM: “Quote from Olthir: “Quote from YoTeDoPo: “Quote from Olthir: “Currenty the daily amount of cor draconis is set to 5. ” And do you really think is enough? ” I'm here to say you what is the current game design.I'm not here to decide if the game design need to be changed or not ” Oh so the testers can’t or don’t have any opinions to be shared . Interesting ” Not true. We are players like you, we are teamlers and we can have opinions too. Mine is already given and the testers of …

  • Alchemy cor draconis

    Olthir - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from YoTeDoPo: “Quote from Olthir: “Currenty the daily amount of cor draconis is set to 5. ” And do you really think is enough? ” I'm here to say you what is the current game design. I'm not here to decide if the game design need to be changed or not

  • Pet System - Feedback

    Olthir - - Feedback: 18.4


    I'm here to say to what is indeed and what is not. Thanks for your feedback! I'm not in charge to say, what we should put or not in the game: i'm not a game designer

  • Pet System - Feedback

    Olthir - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from hugoW: “Dont know if its intended or not, but i think it should be the way it is now. You have a aged pet over 700 days... and by some reason you let it die... forgot or something, the time of the pet continues to count even dead, so it reaches 800 days dead, you put it in the new system being dead, it is revived with that age, 800 days, and it gives the correspondent stats. So: If you use any pet with any age, DEAD in the new system, the system will revive it, and stay with the corre…

  • Alchemy cor draconis

    Olthir - - Feedback: 18.4


    Currenty the daily amount of cor draconis is set to 5.

  • Just to be precise: - Cor Draconis are now 5 each day - You can reset the number of skills of a pet: just remove all the skills from it and turn the pet; if you have at least one skill learnt, system will not change them. - Currently we are evaluating the emotions with the emotion mask; be focus on this topic! Thanks for the feedback about elemental resistances

  • Unobtainable Sashes

    Olthir - - General Feedback


    If you find bugs, please report them. @Luthenia we are talking about beta server.

  • Quote from BlueShade: “Here's the bug I'd like you to report to Webzen: even if the "timer" displays a certain floor-number (for instance, 34F) while you are on the 29th floor, you won't gain access to the 34th floor but will eventually land on the 30th floor. ” Is it happening with all the bonuses floors? Can you reproduce it in a video or is it random? Please send me it, if you can, via PM. Quote from BlueShade: “I guess this is another bug: when a player crashes, the leadership is supposed to…

  • We will talk and we will evaluate to active the dungeon.

  • Next name alhimy update not have name

    Olthir - - Bugs


    If you want to see the items with their name, please switch on German. Otherwise they are just without labels.

  • 1) Yes, correct; new class means the set could be done only with all mythics stones. 2) Only for mythics ones. 3) Yes; it's not anymore tradable, sellable via shop and droppable.

  • Other BUgs

    Olthir - - Bugs


    Currently only german has the property sentences. You will see with it, that all labels will be fine.