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  • Ninja's new stat and skill balancing

    Rovez - - Archive


    Im not even considering trade VIT points for INT!! How many bosses 90+ can kill you with 1 skill if you have about 17k-18k hp? Too many!! I know that the main goal its pvp balancing..but try not to put Archers as a support character on pve! People will only look for us to poison or put fire .. nothing more! No tankers, not good dps (only with marbles but .. with low hp? pff), our remain position in a group is lasting effect support manager

  • Protection of Darkness

    Rovez - - Archive


    Quote from BlueShade: “Just imagine a warrior without Aura of the sword and Berserk - that's basically what a Ninja is, in PvE. ” Correct! Now everyone imagine that the weapon that allow the character to use skills, is unplayable in pve! You have to use another one! (or marbles and no skills at all) So ... no berserk, no aura, skills activated with a dagger... but to level up, you must use a sword!! And .. you must pay 500k a week to allow your skills weapon to give full damage!! Do you imagine …

  • Card System Feedback

    Rovez - - Archive


    This system, the way it is right now, is pretty unplayable. Less that 60 cards, nothing really usefull happens. Watching animations? Really? 60 cards to be able to transform? 120 cards to be able to teleport? The damage is awful (at least for the monsters that i'm already able to transform) and the transformed character is thrown to the ground by the enemies easily. I agree with the suggestions mentioned on this topic. Drop chance of the cards (or introduce them as prizes on events) and the with…