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  • Quote from badidol: “I understand you, Rodox. As a Community Manager, however, my power ends with summing up all this feedback and making sure it reaches my Product Manager who then in turn makes his own decisions and with those then goes into discussions with the developers. I don't have the juice to make any of those decisions. I personally would have not gone for any new alchemy, it's certainly not part of any of the reports Community Management made over the years when gathering players' fee…

  • Elementary Resistances Discussion

    Aiolia - - Feedback: 18.4


    hi all.. Let me just explain what s going to happen in the next few weeks. Gf gives 10 new things: 6 of them are very bad for all players, and will bring a lot of € to the company, because it s a completely change in the game( you spend 3 years making alchemy, spending money changing all your itens for wind and fire, and now they will be shit) 2 not to bad options but still the player must invest some €€€ to play and do all that otpions(but GF is looking more for the first 6 options, this 2 is j…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Aiolia - - Archive


    Quote from Apollykan: “Quote from AthozOrion: “Quote from DLK: “Quote from AthozOrion: “LPvP tournament is general test for Lycans. I hope my opinion about nerf is wrong and Lycan will be good char like now. Quote from DLK: “But I still want see answer from Metin2 Team why Crimson's DMG is nerfed. Any arguments can You present? ” Lol,they argue that lot of time.The lykan damage it waz too hight comparative the other caracters,and beside this,he hase much more advantages,than any other caracter h…

  • Mental warrior dex vs vit on skills

    Aiolia - - Archive


    thank you.. for now it was enough what you did about the lycans and shamans dragon, i m really happy for them... they didn t deserve all that.. But i ll remind you again on the next update Força, Alik.

  • Mental warrior dex vs vit on skills

    Aiolia - - Archive


    unfortunately, i didn't have a chance to try that, but you understand my point of view? The only benefit on this kind of character, it s the damage of skill(that this days, with pets, defences, alchemy and all that kind of things that comes out on IS, our advantages on skill, becomes nothing.. that s why we almost don t see warrior mental at high level, on my server if i m not wrong we are only 3.. Let me just wait until it comes out on the official, let s see if there will be a reason for peopl…

  • Mental warrior dex vs vit on skills

    Aiolia - - Archive


    so @unforgiven .. tell me something.. the only benefit of the Strong body is that we can't knockback, and all that defence it doesn't help on nothing for pvm and pvp.. at high level.. At the official, we can die only with hits from the opponent, and i got 40 block, same with pvm, i got 1180 defence, and my sura lvl 90 can push more moobs than my warrior mental of level 116 with the same itens.. i know that weaponry sura it s much better on pvm.. but come on.. the sura got 750 defence vs 1180.. w…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Aiolia - - Archive


    good news.. haha Now you just need to talk about the strong body for mental warrior.. give us something else there please.. Strong body and all that defence doesn t help in nothing.. the only good thing about the sb is that you stand up ... all the time.. should have more advantage.. it s suposed for us to be a tank.. but we can t compare us with the weapon Sura... But anyway good to see that you really pushing for the players side.. sometimes when we talk witj the team, it looks like we are not…

  • level 1 character noname

    Aiolia - - Archive


    yah.. can t test it anymore with my guild. Thank you..

  • Thank you so much unforgiven. Tenha uma boa tarde. Cheers, Alik.

  • yep, i got to that point.. but now? there is anyway to do it again? i can`t copy again the character.. can you help me with that? thank you so much. Cumps, Alik.

  • Hi good day.. i got a problem now.. i don t know if this is the right spot to ask.. if not please move it to the right section. i change on the portuguese server from Hades to Hiperion.. now when i try and log in on the beta server.. it shows a level 1 character with no name.. i would like to know if there is a way to reverse this, and copy again my character that now it`s at Hiperion Server.. once again sorry for my writing.. and sorry if this is not the right place. Cumps, Alik.

  • My General Feedback

    Aiolia - - Archive


    @unforgiven one thing that worries me the most.. is that after 9 years of playing, before our servers was always full on ch1 and ch2.. by this days on Hiperion or Hades, Reds and Yellows are deads... and Blues is on the same way.. our servers are dead.. what s the plan for that? What can WE make to bring back that amount of players? Some say that is ok the way it is because it s better for pvm, but for the most, it s not.. Is there plans to make our server better? And bring back players? Because…

  • My General Feedback

    Aiolia - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Quote from Th3Original: “I will put here what i'd like to see changed in the game: First: Shamans Dragon Force -Remove cooldown from Blessing and Dragon Aid As i said in other topic, we die a lot of times at many boss's and we need give buffs again as fast we can. Dungeons have limit times, we need the old cooldown time. -Dragon Aid need a bit more % of critics (40% is good enought) You need put in mind not all the players have buffer or main Shaman hight level with full …

  • General Feedback from me

    Aiolia - - Archive


    i dodn t complain about pvp.. but on pvp did you check the damage that we can get on hits? Lol

  • General Feedback from me

    Aiolia - - Archive


    that s why they are busy making balance..

  • My General Feedback

    Aiolia - - Archive


    First complete and perfect feedback that i read @unforgiven please read!! You are our voice man.. please

  • General Feedback from me

    Aiolia - - Archive


    i use elmet of 60 +9.. kirin at +7.. i got 10 block in my armour.. and 15 on my shield.. and i m telling you that there is sura weapon with half of my defence pushing much more than me.. if you played 4 years ago.. i m playing for 9 years..

  • General Feedback from me

    Aiolia - - Archive


    very good feedback... Add also de defence of a mental warrior.. we are week on pvm.. and with 1220 defense we can t do pvm.. we die easy on all the places.. we supposed to be tanks.. lol

  • [Feedback] #1

    Aiolia - - Archive


    yap.. 100%.. i feel when i switch on the SB i take more damage.. we supposed to be the ones that can push everything.. but we are not.. lol Same about the cooldown of the shamas.. i was thinking that was suppose we make team work.. i m from server Hades in Pt.. our server is dead.. and we are bringing some old players back.. trying to build back our guild.. we are not tops.. we all from 80 to 105 max.. and we are starting with team work.. and now you guys going to cut our legs.. we got 4 shamans…

  • [Feedback] #1

    Aiolia - - Archive


    i completely agree with you.. Thr strong body, doesn t help on pvm, and it doesn t help on pvp.. The should make the defence work properly.. we can have easily 1100 defence up.. and we can t hold moobs like weapon sura... that got 700 to 800 defence.. something is wrong.. lol