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  • Dragon Shaman is too weak.

    nova1997 - - Archive


    Hi, now after the nerf I started play with my buff saman. It's a lv51 saman with m10 blessing and g2 reflext. I use some starter low budget items: 1k HP Amethyst bracelet +6 1k HP Nimbus boots+5 1.5k HP Pearl necklaces +6 1k HP Lv34 Armour +6 Ebony earring+7 and White Gold earring+7 Lvl41 shield+6 (+8Str, 15%chance to block phys. attacks) +5 lv41 helmet +6 Antique Bell 26 Average Damage with +3stones Stat: full Vit + other to Int (about 90vit and 75int) The point is... My hit is only 250-300. I …

  • Dont ruin lykan

    nova1997 - - Archive


    I tested the lycan skills (before the nerf) and the Str doesen't do anything. Neither the basic attack power (on the character page).

  • An idea for the upcoming updates.

    nova1997 - - Archive


    And.... if: the Aura strengthened by: Str(++), Int(+) the Enchanted Blade strengthened by: Int(++), Str(+) ? Right now the Aura only Str(++), Blade only Int(++), if Aura got Int(+) and Blade got Str(+) than it doesen't weakened, just we can boost with other stat point that skills a little bit. (Maybe the lycan also could got Str or Dex(+) to crimson, not just Int(++)).

  • An idea for the upcoming updates.

    nova1997 - - Archive


    I have lycan, dagger and saman. The dagger ninja is strengthened by Dex and Str. But you are right, the Poison Cloud should Dex(+) Int(+), 'cuz its mage skill. Stealth bonus is only for Ambush, so I don't think its a good idea, to reduce the bonus. The Dagger World Crit record is below than Mental warrior Strike, so... The Poison Cloud is a magic skill, but no one dagger have magical attack power, I think it's enough "nerf" to this skill. What happened with the lycan and the saman in this patch …

  • An idea for the upcoming updates.

    nova1997 - - Archive


    Hi, first of all sorry my bad english I have some idea for the balance. I'm totally agree with the changes so here's some other thought: Mental Warrior, It is Mental, so logically: --> Strong body = This skill should strengthened by: Int (++) Vit (+). --> Spirit Strike = This skill should strengthened by: Str (+) Dex (+) Int (+). --> Bash = This skill should strengthened by: Str(+) Vit (+) Body Warrior: --> Aura = This skill should strengthened by: Str(+) Int(+) --> Sword Spin = This skill shoul…

  • unforgiven: Here is my idea: Close the open beta server, do whatever you (your team/ the GF/ the WebZen, idk...) want, and as The Product Director said in the interview, make the balance... Not first the basics than the other steps... Change the game completely just as you would like to be balanced, than open the beta and lets test the bugs. Because: You are changed the Lycan class core, the base skill what determine the lycan (There is no longer any reason to choose the lycan class). The lycan …

  • I tested the nerfed crimson on the Beta server and its awful. I can't kill the lvl84boss with my lvl76 lycan after nerf. With my lvl76 lycan if I want to destroy the lvl85 metin stone I have to put on the crimson 3 times.... This is ridiculous. You are adjust the crimson to the lvl105+ characters with extreme gear... but test it as a low or mid level character with low budget... if I want to destroy a lvl85 metin stone I need put on my crimson 3times with P crimson with 140int? I worked my lycan…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    nova1997 - - Archive


    I tested the nerfed crimson on the Beta server and its awful. I can't kill the lvl84boss with my lvl76 lycan after nerf. With my lvl76 lycan if I want to destroy the lvl85 metin stone I have to put on the crimson 3 times.... This is ridiculous. In war (Empire war) or just a bigger pvp gathering the crimson just a joke. The 55sec duration (from this we can use only about 45sec) is not enough anywhere. In this status the crimson has been ruined.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    nova1997 - - Archive


    Lycan is not OP. In the maximum lvl and with the best gear the lycan is same, like the other classes. For example there is the pvp video Lycan vs Ninja. Ninja don't have "1k+ attack value crimson soul" but the hit is almost the same, and the PVP is not a One side massacre. I have a lv79 lycan... It's a low budget character... And as I sad with 60 claw def (+0 stuff with 1bonus: 15claw, except the armor, that 1k HP 15claw), with (self made) lycan shield +8, a matt skill and skill def di…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    nova1997 - - Archive


    You are right jeroenado, the lycan is a Berserk class, it has to be the highest damage class, but weak to the damage as the base concept like crimson give big attack value, but it take away defense. Maybe you should let the crimson attack value in that "big" value, but give some negative effect example the lycan earn more damage from other class? You take away but didn't. But if you adjust the crimson to the lowest attack value skill, then what will be this class? From a Wolf-Humanoid berserk to…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    nova1997 - - Archive


    Lycan is not OP. In the maximum lvl and with the best gear the lycan is same, like the other classes. For example there is the pvp video Lycan vs Ninja. Ninja don't have "1k+ attack value crimson soul" but the hit is almost the same, and the PVP is not a One side massacre. I have a lv79 lycan... It's a low budget character... And as I sad with 60 claw def (+0 stuff with 1bonus: 15claw, except the armor, that 1k HP 15claw), with (self made) lycan shield +8, a matt skill and skill def di…

  • Quote from AthozOrion: “Quote from Apollykan: “Where is the OP damage? ” They are full man,u see how much dmg ninja gives? .Lykan win only because the powerfull hits and only pircing hits because of the soul.The damage of the skills should be the same,but hit damage must be weeker,and no pircing change on soul crimson. ” I think the lycan win because of the bleeding, when the ninja put poison to the lycan, the ninja killed it. Of course the piercing hits is a big advantage... and we don't need..…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    nova1997 - - Archive


    Now I checked the crimson in beta server and.... with 140int = 548 attack value, 148 casting speed and I have almost the same damage on lvl85 metin stone, like the live server (864 attack value) But... in the beta server my crimson soul is recharging about 45sec (I think it's okay because the casting speed) but the Duration is not 55 sec for me. I have continue 175sec duration... It's a bug or it's depends on something? Because It's description say duration 55sec. In this status as I now used I …

  • Dont ruin lykan

    nova1997 - - Archive


    The cooldown is the 60sec charging time. The lycan need more skill duration in crimson and in 90int P crimson about 500 attack value.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    nova1997 - - Archive


    Yes, the nerf is too much. If they realy want to nerf the lycan, than 90int and P crimson should be 500 attack. Maybe in lowlevel (about lvl50-) the crimson give us low attack value (like now in 90int, I think 360), and in bigger level (about lvl70+) 500 attack value. And the duration increase up to (about) 2min. The cooldown reduce to 30sec. Remove the penetration, and/or the crit (but I never feel the 20% crit in skill...) and fix the double damage (wolf breath). OR Stay the crimson soul just …

  • Dont ruin lykan

    nova1997 - - Archive


    Or just delet the piercing chance from the crimson and we can keep the damage?

  • Dont ruin lykan

    nova1997 - - Archive


    I don't realy know why should weaken the Lycan. I have a lvl79 lycan, I have 60 claw def, a +8 shield, a matt diamond (skill def) and a matt sapphire. It's 60 claw def + 23 lycan def + 8skill def, and in Hungarian server those lycans who has P skill and no alchemy (or just matt rubin and diamond) there is no one who can hurt me above 3k damage under lvl93. Lvl93 lycan with porky and alchemy hurt me 3.4k damage. So I don't understand, why should ruin the lycan? I just hear the "Lycan is OP" from …

  • Stealth buff

    nova1997 - - Archive


    I think the Spark skill has only the stealth ability after you use, while the dagger ninja has 63% bonus damage in Stealth. That's correct.