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  • Polymorph Marble Damage

    Aworan - - Archive


    Quote from BlueShade: “A tester underlined all of the main issues. I was sure he'd already got rid of everything. ” I'm sorry, but it is only our job to confirm and report stuff, not to fix it. We will have to wait for Webzen to fix it.

  • Quote from gantarianer: “Jain, Buffis in der Form waren sicher nicht gewollt. Das steht außer Frage. Nur kann man schlecht 10 Jahre eine Sache laufen lassen und sie dann plötzlich ändern. Was da passiert hat man mehr als deutlich beim Lykaner gesehen. ” Mit der Argumentation braucht man gar nichts ändern. Abgesehen davon trifft eine solche Änderung alle Spieler gleichermaßen, auch wenn einer seine Buffe vielleicht noch nutzen kann und andere nicht mehr, weil das Level zum Problem wird. Ich sehe …

  • Quote from gantarianer: “Die Änderung, dass Schamamen nur noch in einer Gruppe buffen können, missfällt mir sehr. Das bedeutet Primär, dass ich nun für meinen 55er eine extra Schami erstellen muss. ” Bevor du in der Richtung etwas unternimmst, würde ich mir erstmal anschauen, was die Schamis nach dem Balancing noch an Mehrwert bieten und ob sich eine eigene Buffe für einen Zweitchar überhaupt noch auszahlt. Ich will nicht den Teufel an die Wand malen, insbesondere weil ich diese Änderung halbweg…

  • Das Level pro Stufe ist nicht wirklich ein Geheimnis. Um aber nicht alles vorweg zu nehmen, hier nur eine Entwarnung: es braucht lediglich Lv60 für ein 200er Pendant - das ist also auch Content für neue Spieler.

  • Quote from BlueShade: “By the way, I presume that the actual output of damage was 605*4, since you were in poly-mode. ” Percentual damage is calculated after the value I see and described. And it is actually 605 * 4,1 because of the level 80 bio quest.

  • You are not annoying me, but you should still listen to what I say (because I have more possibilities to check stuff than you have ^^). Whether you annoy other people is nothing I can tell you, though. I had another look - with a ninja this time. My statement is still the same, although I can give you some more insight what actually happens: - Using a polymarble invokes a recalculation of your stats, but this process seems broken as it ignores basically all bio quests, potions, etc. - Enabling D…

  • I'll have another look at it tomorrow maybe, today I'm pretty much done. But I'm still convinced that I already delivered explanations for your described issues. And by the way, I'm not saying there is no issue, I'm just saying there is not 20 different issues but only one or two.

  • Oh yeah, sorry, I was about to answer but have been interrupted. I won't go into much details, but to sum it up, your screenshots show a mix of problems of what I enumerated above. A small info that will explain almost all screenshots is that your base damage is quite low and you only gain additional damage bonus which is added on top at different points in time (or in the calculation). That's why you don't really see much change sometimes or why it behaves weird. But there are also some bugs, t…

  • Here my results of the second test session: Quote from Aworan: “Without actually testing it, I can say with quite a certainty that potions will suffer from the same issue as the bio quest, except if they are used after the poly marble. This definitely needs validation (will do so later this day probably), but it would make sense from a technical standpoint. ” As expected, dews suffer from exactly the same issue as they are using the same bonus system in the background. This will therefore also a…

  • Quote from BlueShade: “As I transformed into a Fanatic Brutal, Atk Damage in UI istantly decreased to 366. I don't why if it's intended this way or not. ” This is not intended at all, from my perspective. It seems you lost the 50 damage from the level 60 bio quest, which is what I already noted in my test above. Quote from BlueShade: “Then, I removed Khan: much to my surprise, damage range did NOT fall to 1349-1367 again, but was higher, around 1517-1535. It's like if, the fact of activating som…

  • Same bug in terms of "no damage bonus" or "cannot hit the enemy while being in poly"? Currently, the monster card system does not grant you a damage bonus for poly, that's intended (doesn't mean I/we like it ). I had no time to check the open points yet, but I'm quite sure I'll get to do it this evening.

  • Quote from Blesenth: “About the marble type the only one i know that it is bugged is the Ogre Warrior, with this, you cannot hit any player or monster and it is useless. This needs to be fixed too. ” This has to do with the mob being bugged, not the poly marble. But as far as I remember, we removed the possibility to drop poly marbles for this mob.

  • Quote from BlueShade: “- are ATKvalue bonuses given by lv.92-94 quests taken into account or not? ” It seems not to be taken into account currently. This has nothing to do with the additional damage coming from the bio quest though, it is a general problem. Quote from BlueShade: “- what about atk values from Blue Dews or other items, such as Tiger Bone Earrings? ” Without actually testing it, I can say with quite a certainty that potions will suffer from the same issue as the bio quest, except i…

  • Don't worry, we are reading everything, but also we do have weekends and other things to do. I gave your explanation a shot and to me, it looks (mostly) fine. The UI definitely has an issue regarding the shown damage values (I can see the "real" values as well, which don't match any of the UIs), but DSS does seem to influence the damage (with one exception, see list of issues below). My test setup: A blank warrior level 120 with one ruby DSS (only 360atk as additional bonus). I took a wild dog p…

  • Healer's ''attack up'' ideas

    Aworan - - Archive


    Quote from BlueShade: “@Aworan: why wouldn't it be good? Please explain your reasons - experience taught us that following too complicated paths won't give any positive outcome, am I wrong? ” Well, we requested an increase in power for the skill quite some times - and I'm talking not only about you guys writing it in the board. The outcome so far was ... zero. And to be very honest with you, I have a feeling that the devs prefer going an extraordinary tough way that is way more complicated than …

  • Healer's ''attack up'' ideas

    Aworan - - Archive


    To extend my suggestion from the beginning, here some more ideas how to redesign the skill, as it just doesn't cut it in its current state and a plain damage buff would be not that good as well: - Give Attack Up a higher bonus, like +250ATK/+150MATK and make it buff the whole group at once (for players in range of sight). But enable this buff only for a small amount of time, like 10-15 seconds, and keep a long cooldown (90s or so, with cooldown speed this means about 45-60s). - Make Attach Up a …

  • Healer's ''attack up'' ideas

    Aworan - - Archive


    Quote from Phobia: “The easiest way - change the bonus attack points to percentage bonus. On Perfect it will be 46% to attack. ” A damage buff of 46% from a skill that can be granted to a whole group of players? This is madness, sorry.

  • Can't Creat character at the game

    Aworan - - Archive


    You can only copy characters from Live-Servers. It is not possible to create new characters on the beta.

  • Bad idea for testing

    Aworan - - Archive


    You don't have to fight random people with all the pushs, you can also go and test PvE or find people you know from your origin server. It is a lot better to test with people from your guild on the Live-Server for example anyway, as you can compare the old to the new.

  • do i need to download another server ?

    Aworan - - Archive


    Yes you have to download it again through the website: