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    Salsie - - Feedback: 18.4


    Sorry. This is no feedback for the version 18.4 so closed

  • Quote from prolycan999: “Quote from HaeTae: “Quote from Salsie: “Quote from HaeTae: “hello, I tested the resistances in the magic forest (lvl 95), normally i would destroy an lvl 120 metin without running (about 65 wind) but now, I need to run almost every time when mobs spawn, I m an corporal warrior by the way. In my opinion you should rethink this resistances... ” Hey, did you check this after the last update? When no please try it again and give us an update pls ” hello again ! I tested it a…

  • Why cant i see the new alchemy

    Salsie - - Feedback EN


    Quote from hugoW: “The new alchemy was removed from the beta: Quick first feedback on your feedback ” Exactly, thank you Closed.

  • Pet Switchen

    Salsie - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from KUSHHUNTER420: “Ich finde die genannten Änderungen nicht wirklich schlecht aber mir stellt sich die Frage ob man durch das switchen auch die Größe des Pets oder lediglich Stats und Skills verändert... vielen dank für die Antwort ” Ja die Größe ist davon auch beeinflusst. An die anderen, die hier fleißig diskutieren vielen Dank für euer Feedback

  • Feedback Elementardeffs

    Salsie - - Feedback: 18.4


    Danke fürs Feedback

  • Bug on bónus [Max. HP]

    Salsie - - Bugs


    Hey, thank you for your report. Can you give us please further information: What is the max hp you get with all these items on your warrior? Thank you

  • Hey, the suggestion/idea itself is good in my opinion, but what's about the new player? When you start to player metin2 you want to do the events awell..

  • Password Protection in game.

    Salsie - - General Feedback


    Quote from Vezuvia: “Hi, I just want to say that in application metin2 isn't protection for password. Haven't captcha, two-confirmed method or other. In this case is still so much take-over account from owners to hackers... People lose a lot of items. That's poor and crazy. That's the most important issue should be corrected !!! ” Please focus on feedback for 18.4. When you have a suggestion like this please use your the board of your com and create a thread with this suggestion. Thank you

  • when release 18.4

    Salsie - - Feedback EN


    Quote from KrazeeDuck: “Whenever it's ready. *facepalm* ” Like KrazeeDuck said, version 18.4 will be released and goes live when it is ready. Closed.

  • Elementary Resistances Discussion

    Salsie - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from HaeTae: “hello, I tested the resistances in the magic forest (lvl 95), normally i would destroy an lvl 120 metin without running (about 65 wind) but now, I need to run almost every time when mobs spawn, I m an corporal warrior by the way. In my opinion you should rethink this resistances... ” Hey, did you check this after the last update? When no please try it again and give us an update pls

  • Login Problem & Another Questions

    Salsie - - Feedback EN


    Quote from Berkay Bektas: “Quote from hugoW: “Quote from Salsie: “Quote from Berkay Bektas: “All the users are happy because of new emotion actions. But they can't be chosen and times too short. ” What exactly do you mean with the emotion actions can't be chosen? ” Probably by the random order as they are opened from the bag of emotions, so he can't choose wich 12 emotions are going to be available on the window, i don't like that either, at least a way of deleting by drag out of the window shou…

  • Transfer again my char for update

    Salsie - - Bugs


    Quote from Cedry2k: “Quote from Salsie: “Hey, like I already told you. you cannot transfer your char again, sorry. ” That’s unfair because beta was started few weeks ago. Now another change, annother mission for us. And to see the differences between beta and live server, to give a resonable feedback, we should have same equipment and well that can change in a couple of weeks. And also the mistake with M1 skill personally i’m not playing beta (not even one day) because i accidentally reseed my s…

  • Alchemy

    Salsie - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Bobo: “Alchi weg - Sehr gut. ... ABER auch nicht in den nächsten Updates bringen. Lieber.. ... ein neues system ... neuen alchi stein ... EINGESETZTe alchi steine verbessern sucht euch was aus =) ” Hey, wie bereits in der Ankündigung geschrieben wurde, ist man auf euer Feedback eingegangen und es wurde auch geschrieben, dass man hier noch weiter diskutiert, um eine gute Lösung zu finden. Quote from badidol: “ - Webzen and Gameforge will continue to talk about Mythic Alchemy, future ve…

  • Pet Switchen

    Salsie - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Spartii: “hallu .. habe gestern mal mein pet gedreht .. denke/hoffe das das so nicht gewollt ist, das ich mein NICHT experten razza auf pet stufe 6 (legendär) drehen kann und nach dem ich mein 10% bersi entfernt hatte und neu rein machte wurden es 13% anstatt 10% (pet is lvl 96) .. denke das is bischen OP somit brauch man ja immer nur noch 1 ei fürn experten pet -.- finde das nciht gut .. skills sollten ausenvor bleiben .. das die werte tp deff mp steigen is ja soweit ok aber finde di…

  • Feedback Elementardeffs

    Salsie - - Feedback: 18.4


    Hey, erst einmal vielen Dank für euer Feedback. Habt ihr das nach dem Update am Freitag ausprobiert? Zu dem anderen Kram. Denkt bitte dran, dass jeder seine Meinung hat und jeder einen anderen Anspruch an sein EQ und auch die Zeit/das Geld was er/sie in das Spiel stecken möchte. Unterlasst es also bitte die Leute anzugehen nur weil sie eine andere Meinung haben. Ihr könnt gerne sachlich über das Feedback diskutieren, aber alles andere gehört hier nicht hin.

  • Transfer again my char for update

    Salsie - - Bugs


    Hey, like I already told you. you cannot transfer your char again, sorry.

  • Bug upgrading level on alchemy

    Salsie - - Bugs


    Hey, thank you for the feedback, but to be honest to you this is not a bug. This is more like a feature you want to request. Beans --> you can update. No beans --> no update. I will ask for it. Due to the reason this is not a bug I will close this.

  • can't conect to the beta

    Salsie - - Bugs


    case closed

  • Problem with pet and soluction

    Salsie - - Feedback EN


    Thank you for the feedback. It is already reported like hugoW said

  • Login Problem & Another Questions

    Salsie - - Feedback EN


    Quote from Berkay Bektas: “All the users are happy because of new emotion actions. But they can't be chosen and times too short. ” What exactly do you mean with the emotion actions can't be chosen?