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  • 18.4

    Comkra - - Feedback EN


    No feedback #closed

  • Yut Nori Table (Event NPC)

    Comkra - - Bugs


    Hi, der NPC hat neue Funktionen bekommen, welche ihr mit Halloween erhalten werdet. Da die Lokalisierung auf Beta noch nicht vollständig ist, werdne einige Namen mit "NoName" oder doppelte Button angezeigt. Das ist beim nächsten Update behoben. Gruß Comkra

  • Zodiac Temple - Bugs

    Comkra - - Archive


    Hey, Godspeed is removed and you can check it on beta now. Best, Comkra

  • Zodiac Temple - Bugs

    Comkra - - Archive


    Quote from Boogedman: “heyy @Firelli " Monsters animation is not syncron with their attacks" There is a difference of 2 seconds ” That happens because of the "godspeed". Korea will remove that kind of mechanism.

  • Topic: missing attribute in tooltip We agree that xou should view all attributes and will create a ticket abou that. Topic: Arrow and Quiver That is a special case, becasue you make the damage with the weapon (in this case the bow) and not directly with the arrow/quiver.

  • Zodiac Temple - First problems/bugs

    Comkra - - Archive


    Quote from wjowniczek: “ Comkra, how to get yellow box? I have 2 yellow gaps filled and nothing to do ” To get the boxes you have to colletct all gaps depends on the color. If you filled all yellow gaps you get one yellow box, if you filled all green gaps you get the green box. If you get yellow and green one time you can get the big box.

  • Quote from BlueShade: “Actually no one of my fellow players knew about this on live servers, Yemon. We generally tend to base ourselves on what we read, you know. Thanks everyone, anyway. ____ As for this: Quote from BlueShade: “Oh, I also noticed that quiver/arrows atk-Values are not taken into account at all, neither in the character sheet "basic attack damage" box, nor in the new character tab ” It's intended this way as well? @Comkra ” I don't know what you mean with the attack-value by quiv…

  • Hey BlueShade, thank you for your report! That is intended because with each equiped emerald you get 1% more. best, Comkra

  • Stats mount/horse BUG

    Comkra - - Archive


    Good morning, the system gives the player minimum stat-points depends on the current stat points and the horse level if he mount the horse. best, Comkra

  • Zodiac Temple - Bugs

    Comkra - - Archive


    Quote from Bruce: “ - player die during stage - group members complete the stage - players get teleported to next stage - all dead players get teleported out of the dungeon ” Intended, because you have take care on each of your group before you teleport.

  • hy

    Comkra - - Archive


    more details would be great

  • Zodiac Temple - First problems/bugs

    Comkra - - Archive


    Hey, we need some more information. You said "after transforming" does that mean poly by monster or by polymarble? Also it would be helpfully to know if that happen in every dungeon/floor. Thanks in advance! Comkra

  • Hi TsubasaChan, die Anmeldung sollte wieder funktionieren. Gruß Comkra

  • Zodiac Temple - Bugs

    Comkra - - Archive


    Hey Yemon, I agree it can be disappointing and take some training to deal with that, but it is one of several new mechanics how monsters works.I will request to remove or reduce that kind of mechanic, but I can't promise that we will change it. best, Comkra

  • Zodiac Temple - Bugs

    Comkra - - Archive


    Quote from Yemon: “Quote from Comkra: “1) That is intended and happens because of the "godspeed". 2) That is intended and called "godspeed". Monsters can give you damage before they reach you. ” So you mean "speedhack" right? ;P Then the GameGuard should kick those Monsters from the Server because it is not really fair :c ” lol

  • Zodiac Temple - Bugs

    Comkra - - Archive


    Quote from Yemon: “1. Monsters animation is not syncron with their attacks. 2. You get attacked as soon as you revive. 3. Targeted monsters did not spwan. 4. Pendant - defence bonus. 5. Can't see Boss and some Players after transformation ends ” Hey Yemon, thanks for your great report! 1) That is intended and happens because of the "godspeed". 2) That is intended and called "godspeed". Monsters can give you damage before they reach you. 3) That is a wrong localization. We fix that already inhous…

  • when is the patch comin?

    Comkra - - Archive


    If it's comming you will get a info in your local baord.

  • Zodiac Temple Allgemeines Feedback

    Comkra - - Archive


    Hey Metin2User, Du hast je Ebene unterschiedliche Missionen und Phasen. Das heißt du kanst auch mal peche haben und was schwereres wie den Boss bekommen, aber auch einfaches wie zerstöre die Metin-Steine. Auch ist klar das du den Dungeon nicht bis ganz nach oben schaffen wirst, wenn du im Low-Level bist. Aber das ist okay, da du die gleichen Items bekommst wie Spieler die jede Ebene durchgehen, halt nur weniger Items. Was die Skalierung der Stärke bei den Monstern angeht, da findet bitte selbst …

  • Polymorph Marble Damage

    Comkra - - Archive


    Quote from BlueShade: “I noticed that Aura of the Sword icon disappeared as soon as you transformed. However, I thought that the extra atk damage would still be effective for the whole duration of the skill. ” That is intended and also already on live. I'm pretty sure that the original report also exists on live. We will re-check that and inform Webzen. But it will not fixed in version "17.5". best, Comkra

  • Mein Feedback zur Beta

    Comkra - - Archive


    Hallo guggi, Ich mache aktuell eine klare Trennung zwischen Balancing und Content. Da für Content das Gamedesign zuständig ist. Aber das Feedback von euch wird an den zuständigen Gamedesigner weitergeleitet. Gruß Comkra