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  • Skill Changes

    Sawash - - Archive


    But I mean I would like to see these news to get faster at max lvl. And the fact that I do not have a character with higher lvlu results that I just started playing on our Polish global server and I am getting started without needing to load a large cash register in IS at such a low level. As I remember it was once such a beta that was given a 100+ character and could be tested for example 6 skills and lycan. So why did not they do something like that now?

  • Skill Changes

    Sawash - - Archive


    How do I test class as I do not have 105+ with skills and eq, can you do that how do i test it for everything ??? I just can not find anything out of 35lvl

  • I can not do character.

    Sawash - - Archive


    How much do I have to wait for the character to be assigned and will it be lvl and eq when assigned? Because in this FQ is written like I would take a high percentage of the loan

  • I can not do character.

    Sawash - - Archive


    I log in but I can not do the form and pops up a message, what do I do? Write step by step.


    Sawash - - Archive


    You cannot create the character WTF? WHY?


    Sawash - - Archive


    Why me beta does not work, Poland