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    Neojin - - Archive


    Quote from TianyLu: “Sure there will be a Difference. If he shows you a Weapon without any "Transmutation" and suddenly wears one in Duel which got a "Transmutation", you might be able to spot it if you look closely ” You don`t understand him. You can transmutate a Weapon over a skin. Like you Transmute a Sword Lvl 0 +9 over your rune sword and you transmute a sword Lvl 0+9 over your weapon skin. How to identify the difference? You also can transmute a rune sword+9 over your skin, but nobody wou…


    Neojin - - Archive


    Quote from Yemon: “ = 98% Arrow Resistance + 86% Resist Vs Ninja + 39% Skill Resistance With those defence you won't get hurt any more from an Archer and let me know your results Nearly the same is possible with all other classes, but they will have a little bit different %: 93% Sword/Degger/Claw/... Resistance + 86% Resist Vs Warrior/Ninja/Lyka/Sura/... + 51% Skill Resistance Because of the boots. ” You forgot the energy cristal. If you add a 10% cristal you get 6% Sword/Degger/Claw/Twohand fro…

  • Mal was anderes kein richtiger Bereich

    Neojin - - Archive


    Da das hier sowieso kein richtiger Bereich ist.. Kann mir jemand sagen wieso die Serverwartungen gestern am 15.07.2017 um 15:00 Uhr und heute am 16.07.2017 um 09:00Uhr nicht stattgefunden haben? Gruß Neojin