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  • New armours and weapons

    NekoEmperador - - Archive


    Quote from Rapier: “Oh...I just noticed in the above weapons list the stats for the new daggers. Is it true they have 25 HH bonus? Why is that? I hope it's a mistake as ALL other weapons do have only 20%. Also why the attack speed differs from one weapon to another? 105 weapons all have the attack speed of 15...why the new weapons don't all have 30 for ex.? Why some 25, some 30 ...and there's even one with 26. What's the logic? One good improvement would be for all to have 30. ” The ninjas have …

  • It's funny to see how a veteran of the game complains about a race as weak as the shaman.A warrior being especialist of hand-to-hand combat, he fears the bell? Knowing that the moment the shaman gets within range of a warrior's weapon is dead, 4 hit skills against a 4-bell combo, it's very funny.