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  • Bugs that stopping us from tests.

    RabbitRun - - Bugs


    Seriously, 3 days are gone and the bug still isn't fixed. There's no such hard thing as fixing the 0 yang bug. Many players already withdrawed beta because it takes too long

  • Those mobs are not attacking you but yes... bring it open

  • Devil's Catacomb Discussion

    RabbitRun - - Feedback: 18.4


    I like this run but as you said, it is worthless. Dropping multiple chests is a good solution. Content shouldn't be too much as this run is easy to do. The items you mentioned are no part of undead monsters. Level 70 weapons +3 to 6 is something worth I heard the yang drop has changed but I have to test that later on.

  • Guys... The only thing that's changed is Strong against Fire/Wind etcccc the same as talismans. Many of us upgraded talismans. Have you tested the difference between +1 and +2? Exactly, that is nearly nothing. Do you really think +12 (idk about DSS effect) is going to ruin everything? The only thing that ruin alch is making Shards non-tradeable. I highly agreed that this should stay tradeable. It's somewhat the only income/improvement of small countries. Let's await for the fix to buy Alch from …

  • I've made a post earlier (See here) but since that is unorganized I did like to have a thread which is organized, so they can look up closer Post missing items/features below Items: - Shrunken Head - Ores (Copper, Silver, etc) - Blessing Marbles - Sashes to test the new feature - Protein Snack - Wild Boar Seal - Ellie/Manny (seal) - Class Chests Features: - Description of new Pet System items, we don't know what they do right now - Description of System Options

  • Beta Torrent Bug

    RabbitRun - - Bugs


    Quote from Wanheda: “I can not log in I continue to give wrong id or pass, country Italy. ” Add _it after your username, and use normal password

  • Bugs that stopping us from tests.

    RabbitRun - - Bugs


    Quote from YoTeDoPo: “Yes, we need more items on the shops to be able to test: -Pet Book Chest Is added to Event Helper -Item for removing pet abilities Is added to Event Helper -Sashes (10 % sashes) -Costumes (to test elementary resistances) -Hero's Medal or something similar ” I'd like to add: - Emotion Mask Is added to Event Helper - Shrunken Head - Remaining Ores - Blessing Marble - Dragon Bone/Tiger Bone Bracelet - Maybe 1% Sashes to test the new feature? - Maybe Skill books? (add them to S…

  • Removing such resistances is going to anger some people. What about exchange those resistances into dark/ice/earth? So the maximum amount of that is nearly equal to fire/lightning/wind - and then adjust the damage from these mobs. Right now I was holding 57% wind res and mobs still do like 1k, even with Fear on (weaponry sura). Tanking is no problem since I have the HP absorb. But yea, those druides hurt (I will test magic resistance later). Another option above is to adjust mobs to their name. …

  • Store Bug

    RabbitRun - - Bugs


    Note: Only items that cost 0 yang cannot be bought. Easiest solution is making buy-now 1 yang

  • [Feedback]Bug fixing EN

    RabbitRun - - Archive


    Lot's of items from the level chests are still not sellable to NPC. Please fix this.. Reinforce Item (b) gives no message when you add/failed a bonus.

  • Halloween??

    RabbitRun - - Archive


    Make Yut Nori Board stackable. It's a headache to collect them and your inventory is getting full of them >.>

  • Extra Window for Zodiac Temple items

    RabbitRun - - Archive


    I also agree with this. Or make them at least tradeable. I see no reason why not.

  • Some last thoughts

    RabbitRun - - Archive


    Weaponry sura is fine. Stop trashing around

  • Halloween??

    RabbitRun - - Archive


    They should return the oldschool events. Such as dropping Pumpkins from monsters, and chests from metins & bosses. I'm quite sure everyone is convenient about that

  • Increased damage from bosses

    RabbitRun - - Archive


    Because with every update they change something in values/rates without notifying about it Always been like this

  • It's my turn now

    RabbitRun - - Archive


    Hey, When it comes to the team I have a thousand of questions but for now let's focus on the Beta. At the start, we were told WebZen applies character-core changes to let players test it and give feedback. For example, the damage output from pierce hit was changed in the very beginning. They did this to let us test it but there was no sign of need to change it - however the effect was hideous and it was changed again. Now it seemed fine and players were actually quite convenient with it. But the…

  • Mental warriors the weakest?????

  • [Feedback]Bug fixing EN

    RabbitRun - - Archive


    @warrior see: Stats differences to favor Lycan?

  • Remove Magic/Dispell

    RabbitRun - - Archive


    Been asking it for years so maybe I should make a shot. Sura's Dispel skill can be used against monsters, if the effect is successfull the mob will only have the dark cloud. But does the mob somehow get damage loss or anything he get lost? And secondly, as Dispel cannot be used on high level players, this also includes mobs? I know for a fact there used to be a glitch with Dispel that when you use it against bosses and it worked, the boss never did its skill attack. Therefore he never made a hig…

  • Spider pet: is it useful?

    RabbitRun - - Archive


    Yes I've never seen a 3 skilled monkey aswell and I don't believe it is possible. As for spiders the chance is really low I suppose but it is possible. He obtained the spider egg from tombola tho.