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  • New Pendants

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Because there will always be overachievers AND it means that maybe in future the upgrade system will change and become easier.

  • New Pendants

    unforgiven - - Archive


    To be honest we are expecting for players to go +5 or +6 maximum.

  • Quote from unforgiven: “Regarding the Talismans, These convert a bit of your damage in a Element. Example: Base Attack Damage: 5000 Attacker Fire Talisman: 5% Defender Fire Resist: 0% Final Damage: 5200 The effectiveness of this conversion is different in PvE and PvP. Also, the calculation that I did is just an example, it is not 100% accurate. smile.png ” The fire resistance doesn't work directly against the skills from Shaman because they are Magic and not Elemental. If the Shaman will have a …

  • Hello @CantBuffU, Can you please do a real PvP match and not just theorycrafting? Thank you!

  • Another BUG

    unforgiven - - Archive


    This is not a bug, this is a translation mistake. Thank you for noticing it. It should only be STR.

  • Resistance versus the 3 resistances can be added to the talisman. Regarding balancing + Zodiac Temple - Balancing already has these things in consideration regarding damage.


    unforgiven - - Archive


    If you want to participate in this forum, you will need to be polite and write in a polite way. I know it can be frustrating when the class you are using has a nerf but that doesn't mean that you need to be impolite.

  • [BUG] Polymorph Marble Damage

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Edited the title to be more comprehensive.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Still no news at the moment.

  • Shaman balancing

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Quote from Apollykan: “ nobody was complaining about the game the way it was, just the bugs that exist ” There were, and are, tons of requests to balance the game. Maybe players expected just a damage increase to everyone and that's it. This is not the case. @TcatalunyaT, I will recheck in the documents about that, maybe I am mixing up with other DoT. Thanks for the video!

  • Shaman balancing

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Quote from Apollykan: “99% of the players dont want this changes. Why do it? They run the game but its our game, we pay and spend good money on this we must what we want, or will be no players left ” This whole skill changes, balancing changes are tied together, they are a package. If you remove point G then point A doesn't work anymore. It is not as simple as switching it off.

  • Shaman balancing

    unforgiven - - Archive


    I will recheck again but while lasting fire is happening, there should be no HP regen - maybe I am mixing it up with other DoT. @helena, improvement in Dragon's Blessing damage reduction, and Dragon Shaman has higher chance of crits inherently. Regarding PvP. I am discussing this with WebZen but let's not forget that Bells would be the best for Dragon Shaman and currently there aren't many around.

  • Zodiac Temple - First problems/bugs

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Regarding the Talismans, These convert a bit of your damage in a Element. Example: Base Attack Damage: 5000 Attacker Fire Talisman: 5% Defender Fire Resist: 0% Final Damage: 5200 The effectiveness of this conversion is different in PvE and PvP. Also, the calculation that I did is just an example, it is not 100% accurate.

  • Shaman balancing

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Like before, Dragon Roar deals two different damage depending on where the target is in the AoE. The central AoE deals 100% while the outer part deals a bit less. Before Dragon Shamans had that with Shooting Dragon (it doesn't happen anymore). Curiosity: Flame Strike from Suras and Arrow Shower from Ninjas also have this trait.

  • Shaman balancing

    unforgiven - - Archive


    The problem here is expectation. Players expect that balancing means that every ones damage will get buffed and that's it. There are trade-offs that need to happen. Let's see what changed: + Shamans overall got more independence for PvE + Skill damage got beefed up + Melee damage got increased and was align to be easier to maximise in comparison with the character itself (STR+INT vs INT+DEX > DEX gives damage reduction!) + Skill like Dragon Roar doesn't need to be cast next to the target + Highe…

  • Bug Shaman buffs

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Yes, the buffs are no longer increased directly by intelligence. It is on purpose.

  • Shaman balancing

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Quote from Rapier: “Considering the low damage increase of a critical strike (hit, skill, you name it..) compared to a "normal" one, these low chances of getting a critical won't matter so much anyways. As I don't have a Shaman anymore to test on Beta, could someone tell something about the OTHER skills? You said about Dragon's Aid. What about Blessing? What's the chance, what's the cooldown and so on? ” Critical hit damage has only been decreased in PvP by between 40~60% (20000 Base Damage was …

  • Shaman balancing

    unforgiven - - Archive


    - Dragon Aid gives 15.5% at Perfect Master - but has higher buff for self-casts. This was the drawback on reducing the cooldown back to what it was. - Buffing people outside of the group is intended. There are restrictions on how many people can be buffed hence those which would be from the Shaman Group have to be the ones getting. - You don't get +3% when buffing yourself, you get more. - Reflect isn't supposed to be cast in group. It was decided by the developer that it should stay as it is @T…

  • Shaman balancing

    unforgiven - - Archive


    @Dragon Shamans: Have you noticed your own buffs now?

  • Can you tell me what were your stats?